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Posts posted by Knightedskull


    Ah I see what you mean. That does explain the few accidents I had in which I broke some dishes but why they didn't break when I had accidentally clicked the dish onto something else directly.


    Alex, are you hitting the paper with the dish or are you hitting the dish with the paper?

    What fox is saying there is a clear difference between the two and one results in shattering and the other not.



    Trying to do something scripted would be the wrong way to go about it. The best would be to form the story around the footage you are able to attain from the various recordings. Or hack them into mini-episodes.


    Course you could get a gem right from the start or it may take several rounds. Hell, if editing is involved, mix up multiple rounds to make it seem not so ( though that wont work except maybe for filler due to change in staff).


    I got a chuckle at the snake game.

    I love DOS games and roguelikes so I'll have to check out the videos later.



    You created a scenario, but I don't believe the example script given is suited for video format.

    There's no {cut} or {snip} to indicate when there has been edits, no obvious formatting on when a transition takes place, notes for audio cues, etcetera etcetera.

    It doesn't represent the idea you are trying to express.


    Space Station 13 both mains as a visual game as much as it is a text based game. To best represent what you are trying to showcase would be to give us a 5 minute video demo. A written scenario in an in-game format cannot represent a video series production.


    The amount of editing would be rather large, we're talking possibly 1-2 hours for EACH person involved playing and recording for then to be edited.

    There might just be enough you could replace the text element with audio and flash editing ( if using Premier) so this is completely doable.


    You just need to work on the presentation (there isn't even a youtube channel link). I believe that I understand the idea and I really like it but without a proper presentation, I could have it completely wrong, or others. Or others wont get what you are trying to come across.


    There also has to be an understanding that meta-communication wont be involved but I do think that can be showcased through player experience and the video shown.


    I would love to help out as I like the idea behind this ( if this turns out as I imagine it might).



    With there being a total of 5 defribs in medbay, I have not seen a complete lack of them lately. As CMO I always try and keep tabs of where they are.

    But I do agree that generally you shouldn't haul around a defrib 24/7 UNLESS you are active amongst medbay. Unless you are the paramedic/emergency, you should not leave the facility with one.


    As for why that question is often ask, a lot of doctors either do not know or are not aware of the extra medical equipment closets in the surgery rooms also contain a defrib ( and nitrile gloves).



    I may not have a ton of experience in virology, but I'm willing to bet I wouldn't be the first to accidentally shatter a vrio glass by accident. A miss click can happen and if you have not been paying attention (probably watching a video/reading wiki to break monotamy), so can an object in the other hand go unnoticed (no excuse for eating an organ though).


    Also, like wise for both mechanical and RP reasons, you'd be expected and WANT to wear bio suits to keep yourself and other's safe.


  6. As much as it would suck, if the Diona are not on the crew manifest....no one has to IC legally care and release anyway. Would suck for the Diona until they convince someone to give them the antibodies. I'd be against releasing an airborne either way if there does exist someone it would hurt.


    Yeah after trying several times with and without masks, I do not think they actually contribute to leading to infections in open surgery. Though, I do think for IC reasons should wear one, for same reasons in RL. Probably goes the same for the medical masks when used for anesthetics but I don't think they function differently any other internal mask.


    Also maybe have it so anesthetics shouldn't be taken out of the operating room as well.

    Sometimes I see them ditched at Cyropods for some reason and not returned...that and, well, can't think of any good excuses as to why someone would need one outside of the room without malicious/clown intent.


    Regarding Viral Procedures: Some sick patients try and dash out after knowing they have a virus, antag or not for some RP reason. So am thinking 2 should firmly mention that if someone makes a run for it the CMO needs to hit quarantine button on desk or subdue the person with whatever means to stop the person spreading the virus. Or add another lien that containment and isolation is top priority. (either way word it better than me)


    As for DNR's : They should be signed by the person and then verified and stamped by the CMO and all the other doctors notified. It should relate to all doctors and not just the coroner, though they def should keep the bag tagged for such too.


    Maybe thinking Virus crates should only authorized, signed and stamped, from the CMO rather than freely ordered by whoever-convinced-cargo. It requires the right access anyways and outside of virology it can only be used for malcontent.


  8. A thought just occur to me : I can't remember (can't verify with wiki) but I don't think paramedics have Clone access. Can't think WHY they would anyway but I do believe it important for a paramedic to be able to reach the cryo to help keep someone alive long enough for some to come and treat.

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