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Posts posted by Knightedskull


    The issues are generally:


    • Power hunger by either Rd or Geneticist.

    • The CMO not considering genetics worth a damn, leaving genetics unchecked.

    The RD going apeshit for it and abusing his position.

    The RD or Geneticist abusing the powers.

    Geneticist being incompetent.

    Or geneticist straight up ignoring orders.


    The main problem isn't that the genetics has two heads, but because, generally, their bad habits are being fed and recent change of of who holds the leash makes the abuses more likely.


    Out of several RDs the majority I've interacted with one that was level headed and actually got the guy to do his cloning duties before I fired him.

    The others, generally, superfart everywhere, hulk out, or ( in one case) actually try and move genetics lab into the testing chamber.


    Back on track, Genetics can be a vital role in medical. It is not on the same level as a brig doctor as security can be fully functional without one.

    Medical without genetics can be seriously be held back so I do not recommend making it a Karma Job.

    Plus: it's a low-stress job without much responsibility beyond a clean SE and working the cloner.



    Oh my, i do believe we forgot the Psychologist.


    As much as they are able to play a role, I often see enough of them abuse their positions for drugs or worse, on their patient.

    I think some strict guidelines are in order to go along with their ability to deem someone ineligible for their job.



    I forgot to nominate Valthorn for brig doctor and squishika for chemist as the second chemist as well.


    Makgen Rurkuk for MD

    Why just one MD? I vote Eli Randolph for second MD

    Luca for Pilot

    GRANDMA for AI



    Sorry if I keep forgetting names. I'm really bad with them.



    If a patient requests that a lost limb be replaced with an organic, rather than mechanical, substitute, said limb must be harvested from a compatible humanized Test Animal (such as Monkeys for Humans, or Farwas for Tajarans). Exception is made if the patient deliberately requests otherwise

    To Surgery SOP.


    Sorry, Von Bon.

    I see no issues with this.


    All limbs and body parts used in Von Bon's Chop Shop are made from home-grown, free ranch, and organic test animals *

    *When applicable to patients demands and needs.



    Just recently discovered this thread. Really great stuff here and covers from doodles, to full drawings, to sprites, to semi-lewd stuff.

    I don't play Vox but I like the good art. can't wait to see more.



    Dangerously close unbuttoned pants.....what are you doing to me, Dream DX<

    Purple pillows always a plus.


    Seems Jonah has no clue what the hell is going on or what day it is and Zeke is rolling with it by supplying him the booze.



    I said 1-2 hours per PERSON that recorded. With the three proposed that's already roughly 3-6 hours and it goes higher with more people.

    That's just the time for viewing the content, it could take twice as long during the editing process (reviewing, scripting/planning, editing, etcetera).



    Though, for the new ones, don't feel too pressured to try medical.

    Play paramedic or change the title to nurse.

    They should allow you to gain experience in the medical field but without the professional expectations.


    Should we include a small thing in the SoP regarding the nurse title? I really feel like the Nurse title should be those trying to learn the ways of medical and to gain experience without as much pressure (though no excuse for general incompetence).


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