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Posts posted by tastyfish


    If we're also on languages,


    :9 for galactic common

    :4 for clAck (kidan)

    :2 for only 2 people speak this (trader)

    :3 for cat burglars (gutter)

    :0 for h0nk (clown)


    :6 for sixxxxx (xeno hivemind broadcast)

    :y for wrYn (wryn hivemind broadcast)

    :D for drone (drone broadcast, like binary)



    While I appreciate atmos techs trying to do something useful and making the turbine do somethign other than burn off extra plasma.


    Stop asking for diamond tier parts 5 minutes into a round when there are no miners active Four or Five rounds straight I've had atmosia harassing me for parts I simply did not have the resources to gather. If you want shiney Quad lasers, Bluespace bins and quantom capacitors, get mining out on the rock gathering 20 gold, silver, uranium and plasma as well as 5-20 diamonds and some sand and iron ore for glass, metal and plasteel.


    I'm liking the heat exchanger solution more and more for that very reason. You can def get respectable power levels without upgrading the turbine or compressor.


    Also, if you're using a scrubber to remove the CO2, don't forget to set it to extended range, it actually does remove [number of adjacent open turfs] times more moles than in normal range.



    I hope they fix or maybe even already fixed passive vents, they are by far the most useful for dealing with turbine exhaust without venting direct to space. My goal next time is to recycle any of the plasma and oxygen that is unburnt and a cooling and storage system for the CO2.


    Passive vents are indeed fixed.




    This one was after a fairly long mid-round discussion about the legitimacy of validhunting antags. In short, friendly pink wizard IPC appeared, got captured, straight-jacketed, and sent back to CC.


    Hilariously, after this completely unrelated IPC was delivered to CentCom, gibbing didn't end the round because the posibrain was still intact and counted as alive. The admin had to manually delete it in order for the round to end.


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