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Posts posted by tastyfish

  1. Disclaiming that I don't play medical, but does anyone use the beds in the bloodpack room? That could probably be expanded to fill that outer space beneath it and become a medical supply storage room, with the first aid kits, blood packs, and IV's. Maybe an extra box of syringes and pills too.


    The corporate lawset is far, far, worse, since a strict interpretation of that lawset would require preventing medbay from cloning or engineering from replacing equipment. However, in general for the default lawsets, it's my understanding that you should just act sensible and approximate space law/SOP unless there's a situation that is way out there and obviously breaks your laws (security murdering crew or something like that).


    In the releasing prisoner case, if they were placed in the brig, isn't is safe to assume they were in some way harming or endangering the crew? That's what brigging people is for. (Remember that harming doesn't just mean physical damage)



    >Air alarms

    >Cloning pod

    >Arcades (both Battle and Orion)

    >Central atmos computer

    >Smart fridges

    >mass driver

    >Pool controller (lol)

    >Turrets, I think

    >the waste disposals recycler

    >All of the tcomms computers, iirc

    >Teleporter computer

    >Light replacer




    >Secure lockers




    Ehh, let me know if there is a more proper place to post this.

    You think Tastyfish could stick this on his github.io think along with the death and RBI maps? I think that would be a nice location for most map-related informations


    I actually had been sitting on an unfinished wire / disposals map, for a while. I went ahead and got it functional and added this as a semi-transparent layer. I might adjust it to make it more visible later. http://tastyfish.github.io/paradise-wires/


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