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Posts posted by tastyfish

  1. It's because it was incorrectly mapped as being part of a distant maintenance area before, yes. Half the things in the room already called it starboard emergency storage, so I changed the actual area to that since nobody ever responded to what it was supposed to be at the time. It could be changed to a new maintenance area if people overwhelmingly would prefer that.


    I use temporary detainment whenever someone's already being questioned in the processing room (which should really happen in the interrogation, room, but meh.)


    Since rev has been removed it's less likely for there to be multiple people waiting for sentencing. Only once in the last few weeks have I had 3 people in temp detainment at one time. If the security team makes better use of the space they have this redesign should be plenty.


    There are still spontaneous protests about once a month due to comdomry, or just people self-antagging, etc and it would still be nice to have a place to hold at least 10 people or so.


    This holding/processing room can also serve a second function: "nice" cells. Suppose you have a prisoner who is in on some minor crime, and sec is busy with bigger things. Or suppose you have a prisoner who is co-operative and you don't really want to brig them, but you have to. Or, suppose you want something you can offer them (nicer cell) in exchange for a quick confession so you can process them and move on to other sec matters. Give them one of these cells, with an appropriate timer. They're nicer for the prisoner than normal cells because they can get their stuff and leave by themselves at the end of their sentence, and it is easier for them to have visitors (through the windows) than with most cells, since you can see into them from the brig lobby. It also helps sec - now sec can focus on dealing with the big threat rather than having to let out people brigged for petty crimes.


    I'm not sure I understand this since it's objectively smaller and less furnished (steel chair instead of a bed) than a normal brig cell, while having a window to the lobby equivalent to Block A's cell 1 & 2. The AI can let out released prisoners if they're overrun and there isn't a warden. (If there isn't either, the round is probably low population, and then there's rarely more than 1 or 2 active criminals at a time).


    All of the other points for the design seem to be centered around the warden not paying attention or security forgetting to process people, which does unfortunately happen sometimes, so I'm not sure what my opinion on those points are. I do agree that the old design was wasteful space-wise with the useless bathroom and massive north part that didn't have a real (at least, used) purpose, and that it had poor visibility.


    What would people think of a compromise of the two uses of the area, in which you used your proposed revised design, but with the cells being expanded to 3x3 so there's a combined 18 (16, if accounting for lockers) squares of space in the cells, accounting for a small-moderate riot, while still giving two separate holding cells?



    I would very much like it if civil and legal things were kept apart. You're being a dick and goofing off at work? Shouldn't be security's problem - That's a civil matter. Your boss fired you and you're not returning your stuff, or getting your job changed at the HOP? This now moves into theft, and becomes a legal issue.


    I agree, and if the boss isn't doing anything about it, that's partially what the IAA or NT Rep (as appropriate to the situation) is for to nudge proper civil action.



    Battery is probably never going to be added.


    There's been numerous polls, plenty of OOC talk, and the bulk of people agree that it should be in there as we had it before.


    The most we got is a mild change to the assault classification.


    So yeah, we're probably not going to ever get battery.


    We can always dream.



    For a feature that would require updating the sprite a bunch, for a small portion of users of a species that actually has animated hair... That sounds more effort than it's worth


    I'm pretty sure this thread is in direct response to all the other races getting massive recent updates with a million sprite variants.


    Pardon me, but.


    Such as?


    Most of the things I can think of have to do with parity to other existing races.


    Apologies beforehand if this ends up sounding antagonistic. Within the past 2 weeks that I know of, there is at least:



    1. Vox & Vulp updates (these are admitably just fixes/bringing them to parity, but mentioning this because IPC's have a lot of sprite glitches/issues themselves):


    2. Vox item sprites (didn't end up being merged, but I assume it will be revised and opened again, going to note here that IPC's don't have any custom item sprites, despite basically no headwear, save for large helmets, fitting them correctly visually):


    Unathi stuff + new markings slots that could be used for the suggested trim:





    This started as a prank that got out of hand, ended with me being directly "promoted" from Mime -> NT Representative via forged paperwork (bonus: the fake communications officer was Oxy Codin :P). Will not name people involved as to not embarrass them. Almost went really badly when the syndicate started sending reports every 5 seconds that they were sending in traitors and doing high level stuff while I was standing at the HoP desk. Thankfully, I got the ID card update.






    First thing I did was send a fax reporting the HoP for promoting me. Next level prank.



    Collaborators should probably also be determined via a special role in game preferences since they would effectively be an antagonist (albeit a minor one) if we went that way.


    They are already related to your character's nanotrasen relations choice, so if you want to avoid it, put yourself as supportive or loyal.


    Although yes, it should probably make sure they aren't banned from antag roles just to be safe, if we went this route, so that we aren't giving people mini-antag rights when they can't be trusted with full antag rights.


    That works.


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