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Posts posted by tastyfish


    Just generally referring to people as unique snowflakes dates back to at least the 60's, if not earlier, FYI. (Just the oldest citation using it I easily found was 1971, which was mocking the phrase).


    Edit: Its use before becoming more popular again via Fight Club may have been regional, but I also heard it in the mid 90's occasionally to refer to parents acting like their kids deserved special treatment by virtue of being their kids.



    I love these guides for RP roles.


    One mechanical thing I'd like to point out, if people don't know, is that the IAA has full access to the security newscaster, meaning they have access to delist feeds and censor articles. Thus, an IAA journalist basically has immunity to write anything, as long as they're not jailed, and also can shutdown other people's feeds with almost impunity because command generally doesn't generally care if somebody gets delisted as far as I've experienced.


    Also it's important to note that you can only create one feed, and if you get delisted, you've lost your one newsfeed allocation. So, don't post butts in your otherwise serious newspaper. (Also, don't make posting public for your newsfeed, you can't undo that or delete other people's posts, unless your security or an IAA.)


    Edit: The Captain, HoP, blueshield, and NT Rep also get a security newscaster, so the paragraph about censoring access applies to them too.



    Abuse of confiscated equipment - Using anything they confiscate is verbooten, i've seen several times, officers confiscated insualted gloves, and then taking em for them selves.



    This is a 211, with literally that exact name.





    Yeah, the RD (and thus science, by the logic we're using) already has Lamarr. Cargo can order their own pet on a whim, so I've never been too worried about that. Also, it would probably be sucked onto a belt and spaced or something if they had one.



    Other Notes:

    * - H.E.X.A.N.E. doesn't care enough to correct people when they refer to her as "he".


    I only correct people when they call SERAPH male just to be ironic. Like I actually give a shit, there's no real defining feminine characteristics on the sprite. I've never seen a male IPC without being 90% covered to check, but I imagine it's not toooooo different.

    Hell, there's barely any sprite difference between male and female humans, let alone IPCs.


    I imagine the voices vary between IPC's, which is the only place it would come into play, if at all, of course.


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