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Everything posted by Holyass

  1. Why? just why? If you reduce the amount of slots for civilians then you just forcing players to pick a job and thats never good, most of the time they don't do their job and just fuck off and do something less forcing the admins to job ban them or what not, and this can keep going on too one player is just job banned from most or all jobs and yet they cant join due to no slots for civilian, I like to main civilian once in a while and do jobs that you cant pick from the start screen like test subject for the Genetics team to help them find the powers more faster and maybe get a free set of powers for helping them, or be a Courier and move stuff round from one department to another one, and many many many more unlisted jobs.
  2. It's very hard to get hold a ChemMaster 2200 if you don't have access for one in the 1st place
  3. Here a whole list of it don't need a nerf at all. 1. it runs off the metabolism cycle with a 33% to heal. 2. it's only heal for 1 to 2 damage for burn or blunt, and burn may heal for 2 while blunt may heal for 1. 3. you can with ease Out damage it's healing rate by far, even on the run with a terget. 4. even if your on the run being fired on, it will not save you, just 2 shot from most weapon will knock you down mean the attack can catch you can beat the crap out you. 5. you need access to Chemistry or go talk to the players in Chemistry to get your hands on it or have someway to make it in the first place.
  4. I'm saying that they need one but how you rate of new players the % to beat it or even just to live?
  5. Well, I'm thinking for the noob gateway player, right now they don't even have a range weapon too they kill a npc that drop one or request one from the warden... nearly all the time the warden will say no.
  6. Gateway's npcs. Right now they have unlimited ammo to their gun and yet we stuck to having a limited ammo, I know that they fire slowly but if they had a SMG gun then there no way that you can even peak to shot due to the SMG 3 round brust make it into a steam of hail of bullets not allowing you to even try to shot back. I just want to get a Feel on the whole player base if they want to keep it as if or change it.
  7. I wish that some gateways locations have gear scatter that you can pick up cuz, right now you even need to raid/beg the warden for armor and weapon to do some of the locations or you just die due to over power NPC with unlimited ammo for their gun.....
  8. One must be part have loose screws to even think to RP as a cluwne.... It's really best to tie them up and just add C4 to their head and then blowing it up.
  9. Well, I say if it gets a overdose effect added to it then you need to write in more coding for the medibots to stop OD you full of it then and then a lot of players need to learn that they cant use too much of it or they will OD themselfs or other players and so on.... Right now it's basicly 33% of healing one to two points of fire and blunt damage, and some blood, thats about it, you can punch someone to death even if they have Saline in them.... What less is there to say? It's a very slow healing drug, it's not some heal me now patch....
  10. By pumping like lot of it into you. so you will have a healing over time the nearly the wholdshift.
  11. To all, I'm sorry that I vented all my anger at you guys, so I'm asking forgiveness and will be turning a new leaf over. Rest in peace my beloved pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows. Name: Coop Age:23 Gender: Male Race: Diona Blood Type: Ab- General Occupational Role(s): Any Biography: As a young child, Coop grew up within a space station, living in a hip house with a basement. Spending most of the time in his basement, Coop used the television and his gaming consoles as a form of entertainment to pass his time. As time passed, his gaming skills greatly improved, to a point where he could compete in gaming competition, and he was often referred as a 'nerd' for such. Nevertheless, he found himself with lots of different flavors for his characters that made him much more unique than the average nerd, being a huge fan of Rock and Metal themed music, and a guy who can't miss a wrestling show. finding new games to play, watching shows on the television or finding a new useful piece of junk at Goat's junkyard. Upon reaching his adulthood, he began competing at multiple competitions, such as gaming, car shows, and bowling. Qualifications: Hacking Building stuff tearing stuff down. building robots. Employment Records: Building a giant robot. Gamer Security Records: Smashing stuff in his giant robot. Medical Records: Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: Chicks dig giant robots.
  12. I agree with many point that the other guy posted, most of the time when I do play captain and that very rare, I'm just acting like a bridge for Info on the communication channels and while handing mainly administrative role stuff, he no more then a just a figurehead of the station, but I do say that that the communication keys that he haves in his headset is worth alot more then you think. but there are times when he more then figurehead and that when he the only head left standing alive.
  13. and if you really want to be more silly then all the stuff to build a small solar array to change them back up.
  14. Meep just another way for IPC to get power, and making it more easy to get power while in space.
  15. Well, then so far I had to yet to see this to happen at all, and to more clear, over the time that I played on the server I had yet to see anything like this to be happening.
  16. Holyass

    Diona Cosmetics

    Mmm can you make one that more tree bark all over?
  17. +1 I really like the idea. You think you can make an abandoned engine room with stuff to make a slow way of power?
  18. Ok, I'm just going to cut this thread short. There were many threads like this one in fact I even posted in a few of them, but the server base near all of them, do not follow this rule at all. Yes there are some that still do but as a whole most dont, I think it just a way for players to vent their anger out. So can I request for a admin to lock down the thread because we had many threads like this one and they all lead to the same point.
  19. Well, fox I for one thank you for making this thread as it made a lot of feedback and it got us talking, even if we were somewhat off or on, it gave us a spot to talk about it in more detail and to feel where the wind is blowing to say. But really? They can make their unarmed damage higher with just a stone alone o.0
  20. Well if this was a job then I will be glad to do it, cuz I like helping. And that the near all access >:3
  21. I like it but. What happens when there no ssd out there? As you say it near god tide levels. If this was to be added then it needs to be a Karma job only with a big cost.
  22. Well, I was only trying to helpful and shoot out stuff that I think that are helpful....
  23. Ok let clear things up, you know other player that can eat food to regeneration their health, I was thinking of the same lines for IPC but have them eat cable coils and welder fuel, so they can have a passive way to regeneration the damage that they had taken. And if your looking for a reason, just think they just robots won't they have small nano bots to fix stuff up inside of them? :3
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