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Posts posted by Crom


    I wish to clarify some points for you.


    It is stated in the rules. Namely in this case the major offender would be no self antagging. You stating that you are a thief, means that you have self antagged. The actions you chose were antagonistic. You need to figure out where the line is divided on this. Stealing is antagonistic. Destroying the station just to get to a part of the station that you cannot even begin to open up the next series of doors is... ill thought out and antagonistic. Using a welder tank rigged up just to get past two window frames and a grill is... rather extreme. There sounds like there was no plan to extend your life in space, to remove the next levels of glass and grill beyond that. To deal with the obvious response of security and crew that you have now prompted. We would likely antag ban an antagonist with this lack of forethought as well.



    The First Game. Attendee's were DeadDerpy, Mijhead, Joonasm and HairyVoodooShaman. it took 3 weeks to get the game off the ground, but things finally got moving... right when regens couldn't make it. Right before his birthday. The following is a textual recording of the events.


    They climbed the mountain and entered the kingdom, they met a useless queen who lent them her strange butler. The group traveled to the city of Ebon where they met a platoon commander who was acting suspicious and meeting with an undead, despite being a paladin. He told them to check out a library for their needs as he departed with his platoon on a mission. As they traveled to the library they found the undead the paladin spoke too, when the undead tried giving them extremely vital info, DeadDerpy had curbstomped its head in because his clothes looked fairly expensive and he wanted a piece of that phat dough. Inside the undeads robes was a small almost organic looking slab of stone.


    The group then moved on its own merry way to the library. which contained an atlas of the country (for its era) and a magical red book that sent people to a small pocket dimension within the library tower with a massive used magical rune inside. Upon investigating it, the book was animated with life, and bit two members. They tried to walk out with it but the book made the other books come alive and they are currently flying around in the dark recess of the library like a bunch of bats. They then went to town, attempting to find someone that could tame the books defensive magic that kept them from reading it. Instead the book killed a shopkeep.


    Joonasm activated magic device on the organic looking slab of stone that they found in the undeads pockets, which then exploded into spores and infected HairyVoodooShaman, DeadDerpy and the butler with a kind of disease that's turning them into undead.


    HairyVoodooShaman's god contacted him in a vision to detail where he had to go to fix his new affliction. Detailing it as "The Stone Mushrooms Beyond Gods Gloom". He was also informed that an unknown deity was behind the effects of the affliction.



    The funnest rounds i ever had were disaster survival rounds. either by grief or otherwise. just WMD has been set off, everyone is fighting for survival. I would love to see something that is like the idea of metoer, but not.


    like a massive bomb going off in random areas, with only warning long enough to ensure the fast and robust escape. Have that go on for long enough with like mutinies long shuttle timer.



    That is specific and in-depth? Holy shit, here I was beating myself up for making it TOO simple. Argued with myself, "Players dont need some silly shit like the tajarens, delete that shit." and kept telling myself "Make about as interesting as mass effect planet flavor text, interesting but wont impact anything really."


    But thank you FJ for showing me that I can truly make baystation standard bullshit. I really doubted myself. :lol:


  5. As useful as having sign langauge would be as a second language, i would still take it away from the mime. The mime would mistakenly assume that sign language is a part of his job.


    Roleplay of the year: Walks up too something new that shows signs of sentience going "What is Gek?" and making the split decision making only a psychopath would make to murder it where it stands, because hell, even Ian in a fancy corset could be be grounds for it murdering the whole crew if you didn't recognize it first.


    A longterm player would recognize how an NPC acts compared too a player, as they are extremely more simplistic. If it was hostile it would have done so in a heartbeat.


    But that's because I rp, and everything happened in seconds.
    your the only one to decide if it happened in seconds. Upon initial contact you had enough information to make proper decisions. Instead you chose a witty one liner and kill it even as it fled. Which I might add, is not NPC mechanics.


    There was countless hostile randomly generated mobs on the station. This was no different.

    You knew what your threats were. Slimes and Carp. There was no other entities mentioned of a hostile nature. You choose to single it out to kill on your own decisions. You had no reason to murder anything and everything you came across you did not recognize.


    Lets examine something else shall we?

    to-MactoPerFuror: Correction. He was tresspassing and I locked the room down. By him trying to enter a room he was not allowed to enter, he harmed himself.


    and our newest one to the mix-"What is Gek?" "Not crew." *blasts*


    How are these two things, which you got in trouble for, not extreme behavior? All I see is pandering to find loopholes in the rules just to find an excuse to harm or kill players. As an admin, I have to watch out for that kind of mentality. When I was the clown how am I supposed to not assume you just do that to any random civilian? If they ahelped as well I would have jumped all over you.


    This current issue everything about it is just WRONG in context. I see no reason for this then just greif. Murder of something based on loose reasons, that do not even hold up with what I had witnessed in front of me. As i watched you hold a conversation with it. Both waiting for eachothers posts. I will not tolerate it.


    Just because some other admin has not made you answer for your behavior before does not make what you did before validated. I am, as an admin telling you, that your behavior is wrong, and that this is how I am dealing with it. Clearly, this method did not work with you and I should reconsider for such in the future.



    I was not the said creature you killed.


    You say your a longterm player, but your excuse for your behavior is summed up with "I just didn't know if it would kill me." This is clearly pandering for an excuse. It was obvious that it was not a hostile mob, as you even had time to reply to the player. You are well enough aware that NPC's do not wait for you to talk back. Gibbing you was to be a small punishment and for you to reflect on your actions.


    Shocking the doors, admittedly wrong of me to handle my own issues (which I was corrected on), is still very much not a thing a borg is allowed to do to handle a small issue. Your a problem player who's issue is always about gaming that extreme line. You try to win the sympathy of the other admins everytime you get caught.


    I may be abrasive and sound unprofessional due too it, but it is also the same reason why I can see right through this facade of yours.



    REAL Reason for Ban: Due to player complaints and an overview of your general behaviour, it has been decided that this server is not a place for your - frankly creepy and disturbed - behaviour. If you wish to play here in a way this community intends, lodge an appeal. Otherwise, I advise finding a more sexually themed server."


    This was not calling you out to be a liar, the info on your ban when you attempt to login goes there, not part of your appeal. I was only correcting this for anyone else looking at the appeal. It is important information that should not be glanced over.


    Then notice he does a complete u-turn,


    That was where i stated my part of the appeal, recognizing that it is indeed over lewdness.


    For instance, he denied my permanent ban appeal based on a glance at a note.


    I did not go over my investigative phase with you. You are in fact assuming that I did not. I even talked to your bannee from which he agreed that the appeal you made was not acceptable.


    he locks the thread.


    I do not have the power to lock a thread. This was done by another admin. I wished to continue the appeal as I thought it could lead to a further and more positive result. This is not in my power however.



    This admin complaint is a joke. You clearly show us that you in fact trolled a player. You prevented others from doing their job. You failed to understand that what the admin says is essentially what goes.


    The amount of effort to be unreasonable at every chance is amazing. I am considering that you must be a dedicated troll or a truly impressive idiot.



    I have been made aware that I am still playing my IC not unlike a complete asshole. I wish to work towards this as I want others to enjoy their IC with me, and not just the one street highway that it appears to be. I rarely, if ever, work alongside anyone else cooperatively. I would love any suggestions or criticisms towards this goal. Or of any other issues that you may wish to point out.


    I also suspect that whatever I am doing wrong, is also why I am so terrible at recruiting rounds, for example; Revs and Mutiny. I am never able to successfully recruit people. When I do, most of the time it ends up badly for me. I have been trying to fix this on my own with some obvious improvement. (Not being drug out to permabrig by the other heads as captain just because I am such an insufferable asshole, has not happened since.) But it is clear to me that I need some criticism or helpful tips to progress to the next step.


    For reference in case you are not aware of who I play as, I play ChuckleHonk and Swoosh Larkens mostly. For the older players you would have known me as Sil'lok Sekki, Fingers McGee and Leo Swarner.



    Hello, your complaint is leginimate and we hear you. The way you handled these things are perfectly fine. It is a reasonable stance where you are coming from. There are factors in the delay, but overall it has been three months and the excuse is not very strong. Steps will be taken to create a resolution on the matter.


    We apologize in our delay of these things.



    Changelings and Illithids. Changelings tend to have alot of saturday morning cartoon antics. IE. I am the warden, and ohgodohnotherealwardeniscomingthiswayohmygod. So you gotta plan around that, or dispose of the one your gonna pretend to be. Otherwise it will ALWAYS go wrong. Pretending to be 'just some guy' is really dangerous for a changeling, because half the time thats the exact personality type that the main party is, which tends to be the action trigger. (Some guys roll up to your town, shit goes down. Typical D&D trigger).


    And an Illithid is considered evil. If you manage to convince a paladin that your not evil, he will still cut you down for being an abomination and an affront to all things. HERESY and all that good jazz.


    4e Bards are fukkin amazing. Tell your DM to give em more of a chance.



    metafriending is not really a problem in my opinion. I watch players all the time with this, and honestly most of the claims that 'metafriending' is awful appear to be mostly baseless. I see these supposed individuals still interacting with players a fairly usual amount. It can also be determined that it only makes sense. If you truly think that feeling a bond between recurring players (which can be construed you have a light foggy memory of, or more) species watching eachothers backs, and general communication to create bonds is BAD, then play the mime. He is wholly unloved and isolated. unable to even trust a bond with the clown. That's the kind of stuff i think of when i hear complaints of metafriending.


    And yes, you are allowed to say that you know someone from a previous round. With how the station rounds work, it is logical. The game loses charm if you sit there and think your just in an endless timeloop each game of ?what-if's?. Create those bonds! Live a little!



    Wryn brains are linked together by a hive mind allowing information exchange between wryn without a headset. Use this in-game with :y


    Wryn can sense when one of their kind has died.


    We need to put this into our greys


    We could prolly influence our greys to be more behaved roleplay-wise like the little green aliens from buzz lightyear. Hell we all know they need a bit more love.


    "We are oooooone"


    Tell me you dont think thats a good idea.


  15. I have expanded on the clown/mime lore with the detailing expanded from hairyvoodoo's accounts. I was a bit inspired with it.. Ended up explaining the missing clown planet with assassination attempts, auto-genocide via planetary collisions, starship assaults and a convoluted fused planet wackiness where a james bond-esque stand off happens for a finale. I was really tired when i wrote it. But it is too metal to be ashamed of.

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