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Posts posted by Crom


    If your interested in the state of my health, I nearly died last year (twice) to MRSA infecting my lungs. I lost a quarter of my lungs due to it drowning mixed with extremely invasive surgery where they physically scraped the MRSA out of the organs. The efforts in such has made every surgeon and major health physician in oklahoma know my name. They effectively bleached my body to the point I had to relearn how to walk. Ever since the surgery my heart has now started acting unusually. I now have hypertension 2.


    I need to learn how to meditate. This is an incredibly alien concept for me, as my entire life has been about being under extreme stress and always piling more of it on top of me. This may involve a complete lifestyle change in some effort to fix it. If I continue to do poorly it may mean that yes, I may have to give up the adminship for good out of concern for my health.


    I may need to pick up a relaxing hobby. Like.. painting or some silly shit. Its a pity I don't really have the patience for such things.



    This has been a thing for a few weeks now. But I realize I should have made it public information, as the adminhelps and sometimes OOC gets swamped with people talking to me through them, not realizing that I am not actually part of the staff anymore.


    I am in a temporary retirement due to stress. My rl health is quite devastated and I already have a rather poor history of handling stress. I just need some time to relax and just enjoy the game as a game. I treat the adminship extremely seriously and it is a straight up (enjoyable) job too me. Everyone agrees that this is a horrible mentality for the adminship, but sadly its how I appear to take it.


    Effectively this is my vacation. With time I will be back to bustin' heads and breaking the server flooding the station with open clown job slots to where theres at least no less then 5 clowns at any time taking prayers far too seriously jobbanning all of security making fun of you all on reddit spamming music into global sounds. giving sanic laser eye vision ruining your gaming experience.



    Balance should never be a concern for hesitation as balance only comes about with time. Even the goon route of balance has its own path of growth on the subject. The persistent economy I feel is like a thing we could have functioning near immediately. Just some actual consideration needs done before forcing a square into a circle. Gotta trim those fucking edges people.


    About the only truly impossible item I feel is the ships. Any of the other items i feel could be focused on and finished in roundabout 3+ months.


    Sometimes I wonder why you don't snap your fingers and bark that you need some peeps to focus in a specific direction.


  4. The reason for the race restrictions was to influence some sort of simple way of which station a player would prefer. players love the idea of factioning. mixed with this simple change is creating an atmosphere and rivalry that would quickly evolve interestingly between the stations.


    I love the idea of one of them being a commercial station instead! I love that, it is done. We can also make the ERT clone like some sort of mercenary squad. It would be fitting for the more local company.


    To combat lag... How about both stations essentially being dwarfed? This would also solve the earlier good statement about getting just one station to run. Less objects with the halved size would hopefully balance out the lag issues. Would byond handle 2 z levels being actively populated and worked on at the same time? no clue! that would take a bit of test running of the concept.


  6. Why is there 2 intercomms right next too eachother? The airtank is locked between objects. It should be more free. Cosmetically it looks nicer that he has a full desk instead of that split you created. You never explained what the button in the office is for, and if it is for the pod door, it is odd you would place it there.


    A suggestion so extreme it shouldn't go into suggestions. I am fully aware of the issues with such a large pipe dream. However the concept is good enough that merely daydreaming it is fairly 'cool'.


    Second Station. Separate entity from NT. Split the population between them so that players feel like each one has a "just right amount of players" in it. Both stations are contending against eachother but not necessarily enemies. That is not until we add the new gamemodes too it.


    Split off the species and separate them too each one. Human/Taj/Skrell/Machine/Diona/Grey for NT. (sorted by lore) Human/Vulpkanin/Unathi/Slime/Vox/Kidan for NCI. (Sorted by being more outer colony reaching.)


    The escape shuttle would be redesigned to "Escape" to the other, more safe station. The escaping situation becomes more real and the crew will focus more on dealing with actual issues before sending the issues to the next station. On the other station if they also trigger an escape call, it will use the original shuttle call features and send everyone home.


    I made up my own colonial company because.. someone has got too. NCI is short for Nixon Colonial Industries. A grungier duck taped together outskirts company rivaling NT. Their focus is not to please the home systems but rather their outskirt colonies. However NT has an interest and a questionably legal right to deprive resources from the outskirt colony areas. The two companies work together begrudgingly. The research/mining/engineering stations are considered shared neutral property. Syndicate hates both.


    Possibly with further development we can remove the syndicate entirely and give the concept of traitors to each company. Could you imagine one station being infested with xenomorphs wholly and the other station attempting to ward off them spreading too it? Shit could be seriously intense. This could also easily allow for a corporational war allowing both sides fighting over things such as the asteroid.



    Oh god, a rape discussion thread. And already some awful awful regrettable things have been said. Many of these posts are being said without really showing any sense of acknowledging what is actually being said or going on. Even the OP appears to have a very limited idea of what is going on with the Bill Cosby Incident.


    Awfully suspicious how all 20+ of these women didn't go to the police, tell a friend or family member or try in the slightest to get Cosby punished until decades later.. hmm.


    Allow me to work for the next few hours to remove the cancer of this statement by giving you a list of the women by name in the year and order of when they were raped. because if your going to treat a delicate subject such as rape with any respect, it is within the full context. These are not just some faceless woman trying to mooch countless funds off him. They all have a story to tell, hear their story before judging.




    1965 - Kristina Ruehli


    Got invited to a party. Was strangely the only guest. Drugged drink. Woke up in his bed with him attempting to force oral sex. Was one of the Jane does in the big case that was to testify against him with 13 women who never got to speak due to it being settled out of court.


    1967 - Carla Ferrigno AKA That wife of the hulk guy.


    Bill attempted to force himself on her and attempted to make out with her, she had to fight him off. Talked about it to a radio talk show.


    // The year where cosby began making public jokes about spiking women's drinks was in 1969


    1969 - Joan Tarshis


    Recalls one moment reading, her next recollection is him removing her underwear. She claims that he raped her twice. Was a jane doe, but after other women coming out being vocal about it, has changed her mind and is stepping up.


    1969 - Cindra Ladd


    Was under a plutonic relationship with bill, one night he gave her a pill for a headache, the next she woke up naked with him in a robe in his bedroom.


    197? - Katherine McKee


    Went to have dinner with him. Claims that on arrival at his doorway he spun her around, pulled her underwear down, and just started raping her. Still at the doorway.


    1970 - Victoria Valentino


    Was introduced to him after the death of her son. He offered her a pill to "cheer her up". She is kind of an idiot to have accepted a random pill under the pretense of it cheering her up in the first place, celeb or not. Never went to the authorities at the time, because "In those days, it was always the rape victim who wound up being victimized. You didn't want to go to the police. That's the last thing you wanted to do back then."


    arguably it could also be because she was apparantly just kind of winging it on the drug front. obviously.


    1970 - Autumn Burns


    Was a waitress at a casino. At one of his shows he gave her a drink which made her woozy, which he took her to his suite and raped her. She revealed her story over a press conference.


    1971 - Loisa Mortiz


    An actress which claims he forced her to perform oral sex in the dressing room of the tonight show. She claims that cosby threatened her with "You don't want to upset me and the plans for your future, do you?"


    1971 - Donna Motsinger


    Drugged and raped while she was working as a jazz club waitress. (he had a thing for waitresses it seems). Was a jane Doe that was to testify at the civil suit, felt guilty about being a jane and not letting people knowing what had happened, thus revealing herself.


    1973 - Helen Hayes // This is our tenth one so far. Does it not feel like this is already a bit much?


    Claims that at a golf tournament, he was following her and her friends around oddly, not unlike a predator. eventually he appeared up behind her and molested her breast from behind. Announced it during a press conference.


    1974 - Judy Huth


    a 15 year old who met cosby on a film set, was invited to his place. He was aware of their age and served them alcohol. Later took her to a playboy mansion party where he repeatedly told people she was 19. Took her hand and forced a handjob. This case the rapee is very upset and is seeking a wholly separate jury trial for her psychological damage and trauma.


    1975 - Tamara Green


    Was suffering from a flu, cosby gave her some medicine for it and she began to fall into unconsciousness. He had took her to her own place, stripped her and began molesting her. She outright said in her stupor that he would have to kill her, and if he attempted to rape her, it was going to end very badly for him. She woke up with 2 100$ bills next to the dresser. made the following statement: "To go for help and be dismissed because he's very cool and famous and you are not," "It is crushing and you are a victim all over again." She has been very vocal about her incident.


    1975 - Marcella Tate


    Was taken to a playboy mansion party as his guest. After being given a drink she wakes up to find herself naked with him on a bed. Her story was revealed in a press conference.


    1975-ish - Therese Serignese


    19 year old that met him at one of his shows. Pressured into taking quualudes and perform sex acts. (sedative/hypnotic drug). Revealed as one of the Jane Does from the civil suit trial.


    1975-ish - Shawn Brown


    A known former lover of cosby. Claims that he drug and raped her despite her willingness to sleep with him already. Claims to have gotten pregnant from the incident and cosby was paying her off in secret. The child was later arrested and charged with a felony when she allegedly blackmailed cosby for 40mil over the incident. // Which yes, the child blackmailling him was bad. This case is interesting because its a whole seperate media incident which was also created by the foundation of rape.


    1978-ish Joyce Simmons


    Ran a series of comedy clubs which bill attended. She had witnessed seeing a drawer full of drugs of cosby's. Of which contained quaaludes. Later was given a pill for a severe headache by cosby, woke up in bed with one of cosby's friends. // This is a case where he did not rape anyone, but aided someone else in raping. This is of important note because this is in the way of someone claiming that she would testify this, is just wanting money.


    1979 - P.J. Masten


    A playboy bunny that was served alcohol by cosby and then passed out, waking up next to him naked. Claims that she knows several other bunnies who have the same story, but all are afraid to state it.


    1980-ish - Linda Kirkpatrick


    Was invited to see one of his acts in the vegas hilton, however was served a dosed drink and raped. Announced during a press conference.


    1980-ish - Lynn Neal


    Invited to see one of his acts in the vegas hilton. Was drugged and recounts an experience of how out of control she was while drugged and raped. Very scary experience.


    1980-ish - Janice Baker-Kinney


    invited to see one of his acts at a casino. (likely the vegas hilton as was the other reports). was given two pills then woke up the next day next to cosby. Announced her story at a press conference.


    1982 - Janice Dickinson // 20 now! 20!


    Likely the most famous person of those coming out to tell their story. She claims to have gotten right out of rehab when he contacted her for a dinner over a possible job opportunity. Was drugged and raped. Her recollection recalls him over her naked form, with her in alot of pain.


    1982-1986 - Renita Chaney Hill


    Began a relationship with cosby when she was only 15 years old. Claims to have been drugged by him, but unsure of being raped. She was 19 when the relationship ended.


    1984 - Heidi Thomas


    Was taken to his place, to be his mentor. He asked her to do a series of monologs. one of which was acting drunk. Which afterwards he served her some wine. She then passed out. She woke up too being forced oral on him. This one was revealed by an interview on CNN.


    1985-ish Beth Ferrier


    Was given coffee to relax her. she passed out with vague memories of her clothes coming off. Later cosby stated when asked, that they will never speak of it again.


    1985-ish Beverly Johnson


    Was invited to his home, where he served her coffee and acting interested about helping her reach the next level in her acting career. She instantly recognized that she was drugged and began screaming, he became enraged and kicked her out of his house, shoved into a cab.


    1985-ish Sammie Mays


    Met him for an interview, he offered her a drink then she was drugged and then raped. Press conference'd.


    1986 - Barbara Bowmen


    Cosby worked towards gaining her trust and becoming her mentor before drugging and raping her on several incidents during this short period. States "Why did it take you all 30 years to believe my story?"


    1986 - Lisa Jones


    17. aspiring model. Was given invited to audition for a spot on the cosby show, gained trust by acting like a father figure. upon landing her plane in new york for the show, his limo instead sent her to his home. He attempted to sexually assault her by crouching down and forcing her legs open. She fled.


    1986 - Chelen (Last name anon)


    17. Worked at vegas hilton. Drugged and raped. He then gave her 1500$. He invited her to his standup. When she refused to go her workplace fired her. She was one of the jane does (still technically is?) and also was at a press conference.


    1988 - Jena (last name anon) // 30 now. 30 women have come up and claimed that hes a serial rapist.


    As a inspiring model, was sent to cosby. felt that he was unusually close to her in more then just a paternal way. pressured her into an unwanted sexual position. Was paid 700$ when she left afterwards. Says that her ability to trust people is completely crushed now.


    1988 - Lisa (Last name anon)


    aspiring model. drugged, only remembers her back up against his crotch with him stroking her head.


    1989-ish Jewel Allison // Very clear hes moved on to targeting aspiring models now


    Aspiring model. lured her by telling her that he can advance her path. however got drugged by a glass of wine and raped. "There's no such thing as America's Dad… There's just a man named Bill Cosby. He's a very sick sociopath."


    1990-ish Kacey


    An assistant to cosbys personal appearance agent. He invited her over to read a script with her, pressured her into taking a large white pill. Wakes up too being under his robe. Quit her job to avoid him.


    1992 - Angela Leslie


    aspiring actress. he pressured her to touch his genitals. refused to accept a drink from him, he kicked her out of the hotel they were at.


    1992 - Lili Bernard


    mentored by cosby and raped in the studio. went to the police of jersey, however they have no statue of limitation for rape.


    1995 - Michelle Hurd


    in a facebook post (copypasta) "It started innocently, lunch in his dressing room, daily, then onto weird acting exercises were he would move his hands up and down my body, (can’t believe I fell for that). I was instructed to NEVER tell anyone what we did together, (he said other actors would become jealous) and then fortunately, I dodged the ultimate bullet with him when he asked me to come to his house, take a shower so we could blow dry my hair and see what it looked like straightened.


    At that point my own red flags went off and I told him, "No, I’ll just come to work tomorrow with my hair straightened".


    2000 - Lachelle Covington


    one of the actresses for the show cosby filed a police report for unwanted sexual advances toward her


    2004 - Andrea Constand


    Cosby claimed to take her for mentorship, giving her pills to calm her anxiety. Thus drugging and raping her. This is the very important case where she brought him to court, with 13 jane does in tow. However it was settled out of court for an unspecified amount and the jane does never got too make their claims known.


    2008 - Chloe Goins


    18, claims she was drugged and raped at the playboy mansion. This is the one where the world finally gave up on old cosby and accepted that a man can only have so many rape accusations before we can just shrug it off because "lawl funny and famous".


    Thats 39 rape accusations. nearly 40 with countless untold more people. He preyed on the playboy mansion, on a sickening amount of models and actresses who needed help, on a large number at a hotel where if you speak out, the hotel itself punishes you. By the progression and claims, I would say that it is safe to say that he has raped no less then 5 women a year. every year. that is at the most minimal conclusion.


    TLDR: Bill Cosby is banned from paradise.



    The new chemical names are a joke. Literally.


    As much as i respect the new chem system, the naming system needs an improvement. You can keep jokes and little side giggles here and there, especially for the more obscurely used chems. However right now when discussing chemicals seriously it makes you feel like 5 year old's playing pretend when you actually read what your saying. I want to feel like a 30 year old man playing pretend! For the sake of whatever immersion we have left, please consider a rework for the names.



    To uphold the ancient tradition of a clown decorating the paradise intro screen, I present to you a 30 minute splash of a clown on a stereotypical shakedown of the station and what he presumes is a class act. (Something feels off about the LENGTH of it, so I may do a touchup later extending it.)


    And yes, as a retired admin I think I qualify as a non-judge and therefore am allowed to fill this thread with my awful art.


    I also want to thank everyone for setting up a retirement fund for me, as I walk away with this prize.


  11. I would rather remove it. Even if it is now making it clear that it is masochistic, the player will always choose it every time. It does not address the grief we have to deal with wholly, nor does it prevent these pathetically short lived rounds. The only thing that brings confidence in the idea to me is the reassurance that the players enjoy it. Which I might lean too it if that is indeed the case. Because that is technically the higher priority I assume.


    to qoute myself from ... wow. exactly one year ago, in the admin forums.


    Wizards & Guns


    Postby Crom » Wed May 07, 2014 7:07 pm

    The mass gun/magic spells i want to argue are not compatible for the server, and should be removed.


    I suspect that they were designed in mind of a more chaotic result, where crew would be busy zapping eachother while the wizard comes amidst of it all to complete his objective through the distraction. On our server it typically plays out where security freaks out, upgrades their hostility, everyone turns in/hides their summoned items, where anyone using them typically ends up on the admin chopping block. This does not benefit the wizard in any way practically, especially at its cost. Does not benefit the crew, except IN DEFENSE OF THE WIZARD. It aids security as it lets them know that there's a wizard up to no good at that exact time. All this spell is good for, is giving the admins more work, and for wizards who are masochistic.





    I am declaring that these spells do nothing but harm the game. Every wizard wants to use the spells everytime, but the spells do JACK to aid them. It only harms them. Wizards typically die as soon as they teleport to the station half the time. Lets make a better wizard gametype. Remove these spells for the good of the station.



    You beat the person into crit. they bled to death from the severity of their injuries very shortly after. Your VV revealed a VERY long and violent list of actions. There were several reports of your behavior.


    At this same time I was handling a very dire situation with a multikeyer and several ahelps flying by. You stepped up too the plate with a nasty attitude for your response and I did not need to provide you with proof. I am the one who requires the proof. The only thing you had was to defend yourself and your position. I had too much piling up to deal with your sudden unreasonableness and attitude. If you just complied, accepted that you should rethink your approach, I would have given you a small detective jobban. Maybe just a warning if you came off towards me far more positively.



    He got nearly all the info he wanted from the stone, I was just wanting to add emphasis too its significance. Might have needed to tone it down a bit though.


    The very next game was significantly shorter. The group encountered a massive swarm of books attacking the city once night fell. The group valiantly leaped into action as peasants were being taken off their feet. By going to the bar and passing out from alcohol poisoning.


    A priest was in the bar at the time who removed their curse for the fee of doing labor for him. Where they must now travel to Hope, where a ruined tower resides.


    Upon embarking on their adventure they discovered most of the population of Ebon was now missing. Concerned for them the team gathered their valuables in cherishable memory of the fallen. Mijhead also enraged a wizard who casted an unknown spell at him.



    This is a common idea we like to throw at crowds at around 30-ish pop. Been a while since we acted out one however.


    I also wish to point out that the changelings would be far more aware of eachothers existence and would quickly figure out that everyone is an antag. Thus preparing for it. But yeah I'll look into bringing another round of chaos for yah.


    May the robust survive.


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