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Posts posted by Crom






    You spot a representation of a red planet in the left monitor, the right monitor shows what appears to be a clown in a grassy plain. While leaning in to examine closer, you accidently bump the keyboard, and you hear a loud *SHLUNK* behind you. You are fairly sure that a door just opened up past the viewable frame.





    HereticChurch - Search for traps.

    FAQ #4 and in violation of #5

    Mastergamer1 >search for hat

    FAQ #4


    FAQ #4

    Spacemanspark >Blow up science.

    FAQ #4


    He cannot search for himself, you have to search, open lockers, flip tables, check under corpses. Don't give the wheel to him, he is a useless asshole, I mean geeze, what protaganist isn't?


    For further clarification on #4, you are the player. Playing him. What text game have you played where the chara just did his own stuff? Well, I mean, I could play the game myself if you really wanted. But that would be boring since I know all the answers, the cheat codes and the ending!


    So listen to FAQ Cop and READ THE FAQ, SCUMBAG!







    James? No last name? Only someone with a really high BADASS stat can have no last name. As much of an ego i might have, I know I am a limp wristed pansy.






    Oh. Sure. Lets just be juvenile now. Why don't we just run around with a name like Mike Ocksmall or Hugh Jass. Even better, Willie Stroker. No. I refuse for this to be my name. I had a loving mother and father!


    My name is




    Yes. This one. This is my name and that will be that.




    Well, fuck me.


    So what do we do now that I have a name?




    Welcome one and all to Project 3 of MactoPerFuror's exercise in MSPA related funtimes! Now, for those who are new to this system of gaming, this is a mock text game adventure. With pictures! The rules are simple, you type a command and wait, then you get a response by the chara.



    >Punch the Clown in his fat face.

    I will then create the next image representing what would happen with the input that you gave him. like an overlord, you have control over this poor beings life. Showing you your awful decision making skills and inability to own empathy to the poor beings you will meet in this story.


    Remember, use > for commands.


    Got that?

    Good. Lets roll.




    You are this guy. You are in a room with a clunky computer console that appears to be repurposed for space transportation, a window showing a glimpse at space and a retro 80's unit in the background trying hard to act as a background prop server, but it is doing poorly in this regard. Mayhaps it was drawn too crudely to fit its purpose.


    You are a chubby overweight nerd who thinks he is just ROCKING this ponytail. Please name this fine example of human existence.




    This is a general FAQ area. I will add to this as we come across situations or questions.


    1. When there are multiple inputs I will do one of 2 things. the first being a roll of the dice to see who gets the winning command. Sometimes I will use one command 'roll of the dice' but make what others have said come to fruition anyways. Just wont state it.


    2. You do have stats. How you interact with things will affect Stats and how I will be addressing certain interactions.


    3. Basic commands like 'examine' 'look' 'stats' 'check inventory' ect ect. will all be applicable commands.


    4. The Chara is you, he needs to be guided. Generally telling him to do something large and vague wont cut it. IE ">SEARCH EVERYWHERE FOR X" These inputs will not be added to a roll.


    For further clarification on #4, you are the player. Playing him. What text game have you played where the chara just did his own stuff? Well, I mean, I could play the game myself if you really wanted. But that would be boring since I know all the answers, the cheat codes and the ending!


    5. Only commands with '>' attached will be responded too. A post without '>' is like an OOC post and will be responded too OOCly. If this becomes very active, I may change the rule to only '>' posts and make a new topic for OOC noise.


    6. Spoiler tags are used to hold conversation logs. When the Chara interacts with someone else, I will place it into that area. Please do open these.


    7. Only one line of '>' will be accepted in any single post, unless special instruction states otherwise. If you posted more then one, I will simply choose a single one that you posted.


    8. Continued shitposting after several FAQ Cop warnings will have it so that you are added to the Foe list. Which might even be the first time the feature on this forum has ever been used, as far as I am aware. If you are not interested in contributing properly to the game, then I do not really need to see you contributing too it. Get your shit figured out because dealing with it tends to cause an early death of my interest in this.



    With a vote, all the players would be well aware of griff or not. Because this system would only work post a round or two of continued griff to make enough people all go, yeah, lets vote this thing in.


    Your not going to have enough assholes who will activate this on a whim. And obviously not all WMD's. Obviusly the only thing really to touch would be the tank transfer devices. Traitor items would obviously be excluded.



    So you might be sitting there asking yourself, man what with all this ruckus, what could i do to protect myself better from griff?




    Well I am glad you asked! As you can see, there is an unusual amount of wacky antics coming from all angles, specifically explosive misbehavior! All this can be solved by adding a function that by a single press of a button, remove all WMD's from a station and provide a alert to said station allowing them to know that they were remotely disabled.


    That's not all folks! The plan is beyond some mere adminnery being present for your assured safety. As we bring back the vote function capability to activate this modification of safety and security to your fellow spessmans.


    When you find yourself without admins and every round is being ruined by this mysterious masked stranger who keeps pretending to be from other sources. You feel helpless and as though it is just ruining your experience in this wonderful space wonderland! All you have to do is type in vote and your griffer can only do his filthy art by way of trying to outrobust your local security. Or atmos tech. Both of which are significantly dangerous people.


    This is not cowing down to terrorists, it is about disarming an individual and then laughing at his future attempts in OOC.


    Please note that it is not possible to diffuse all types of explosives this way, (The new chemistry is crazy enough without the tank transfer valves. Nor would we really want to baby-proof the server.) however the level of griff is dramatically reduced by complicating the needs of the individual. Rarely is a bomb a useful tool for the station, as this will not harm anyone's gameplay.


    Alternatively, though with great debate, this option could provide the kill air command. This would make several strange issues in the air, not wholly hindering gameplay, but several will notice its effects. This would be intended to remove plasma griff. I do not feel this particular option is wholly needed and would only serve for loud bitching over the device then serve the station.



    1. http://corgiorgy.com/


    2. People who get a slap on the wrist or a warning who then blow up over getting in trouble at all, which ultimately forces me to hand out a perma.


    3. "LOL, THAT GUY I _____ WAS YOU, WASNT IT?" Especially when it is blindingly obvious it could not have been an admin in the situation. Do you really need to devalue the admin in your defense? Fukkin' assholes man. Even if the admin was your victim, how the fuck does that mean anything to you?


    4. People who demand that Party B gets banned too, or punished in some way, or wants to know if I am even talking to them. No, I am not going to let you know what I am doing with the other parties. Your pretty good at being selfish, so figure out how to care about yourself when it involves adminnery.


    5. Casual Suicide. Cannot tell you how many people I see running around doing incredibly inane stupid shit until they get bored and then suicide. Especially when it somehow becomes a clique. I cannot do much when you break a window just to suicide with glass alongside your two buddies anymore, but I will start to hate you. Alot.


    6. NT Reps and Blueshields asking for all access or making their buddy/metabuddy their trainee/assistant/intern with the same access as them. NT Reps and Blues have the amount of access needed to perform their job.



    Doing any of those things with a welder bomb as security will get you talked too by the admins monkey.


    Even on a server with no rules, people are too fucking stupid to make good use of it. That one guy who can do something good with it will be useless because all the welders would have been used idiotically by then.



    I really hope the test goes well, as your code for it is so enjoyable. The worst things I can see happening is that players will finally wise up and scrutinize new arrivals and beat in their heads preemptively, as a few of our obvious trolls will use this time to legally be douches. Which will end horribly for them.


    Oh, and our more high-rp'ish roleplayers may discover that they may be too unrobust for this shit. Which if you are one and are offended reading this, I am sorry man, but we all know that good rp trades off reflex.


    Oh, and our player bias will be at its most awful likely, as a few people will realize they can murder "in game famous" charas that they hate. Meaning bulma and co. will find themselves holding up in their offices a bit more as the civilians are a touch more hostile then the usual.



    I mean this design would have the two stations interacting. This is not some place to recreate the berlin wall of gaming. The unfair advantage would be that one station is completely filled with the robust or knoledgable. They would outdo any situation from the interaction.


    Also our second station was removed due to a jerkass finding a way to abuse our karma system with it, from my understanding.



    Dear community, please stop using this word.




    This word gives me cancer every single time I look at it. All you have done is taken the outdated term of Mary Sue and replaced it with a word that.. from my understanding is supposed to represent a specific coding style. Mary Sue is a term that is functionally useless in ss13.


    Mary Sue/Snowflake is vague. People use it to describe nearly about anything. It is commonly associated with the tajarans, however working on this server I honestly cannot say I understand why they get most of the flak as I see more humans in the described behavior then most.


    As a furry, it feels like the community is just willing to focus all their negativity on the taj because it is an easy punching bag towards furries. There is barely, if hardly any furries in this community. I would know! The few here and there I know of, in no way represent even the vague concepts of snowflake.


    I understand the community needs something to express the obvious limitations of what is expectable in your crewman. But Snowflake/Mary Sue is not it. It has been derailed completely and is only just being used to express awful bias and toxic mentalities. If we stop using this word, I feel some attitudes would be adjusted towards a more logical approach then the use of 'Fox News' worthy buzzwords.


    Do the right thing, stop using such a flawed word that is only being used to cater hate. Spaceman has enough bullshit and heavy concepts floating around then to tack this one on. There is no NoX Server anymore, so we would appreciate it if you did not drag its mentality back to Paradise.


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