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Posts posted by Crom


    If this is about the communism thread, you should know by now that Regens works the saltmines.


    Also that thread was not really worthy of existing. It could have been redone with a real point.


    If you are pointing out some other topic on the forum, the necro was likely pushed from anywhere viewable by any normal human means and thus, the information might as well have needed to redone. Who is saying what also adds to a conversation, increasing relevance. Even if it is a repeat of information.



    Innocent until proven guilty.


    I refuse to allow the social media kangaroo court to deride actual honest-to-god justice.


    There should be no repercussions against a person until they are proven guilty in a court of law.


    The legal system does have flaws, but that's no reason to circumvent it entirely.


    And no, you can't quotemine or strawman that statement. You know what I'm talking about.





    Karma accessed new ghost mode!


    When you choose to ghost, you can choose to go into poltergeist instead.


    Poltergeist cannot see observer style ghosts or revenants.


    Poltergeist must possess an item for his abilities to activate. He can only control the item in a limited fashion. The longer he is in said item, his power grows. If he leaves said object his collected power pool is expended. With power pool he can whisper, change the tempature of his immediate area, and activate a slighter faster 'Boo!' spell. With a maximum power pool, he can use it all to curse a target nearby the object, which allows him to transfer himself into the person. For maximum haunt. Can also whisper to sleeping or unconcious people. Maximum power pool expendage also for making the target fall unconcious, so that he can speak to them in their sleep.


    Keep in mind, maximum power pool collection should take like, 5+ minutes.


    Chaplain will have to make people drink holy water, or his various other tools to damage the poltergeist. Anyone could remove the poltergeist, if they have the tools. A dead poltergeist is into a ghost observer status, with no way to return to poltergeist.


    EDIT1 - polt should have a cap of about 4 active at any time.


    \\\ I try so hard to think up ways to make the chaplain more useful. Cause nobody wants greytide alternative chaplain. Now hes like pest control!



    If this ever got implimented, I would say to allow for the muting of admins, because if we have something too important to say, we shouldnt have to say it in OOC or assume everyone saw it in OOC.


    And not everyone likes every admin. Nor should they.


  5. These changes sound amazingly progressive. I especially like the new reagent blob strikes. Only thing im unwary of is the shield blob nerf, but I am sure there is a solid reason to that. Especially considering the quality of the other changes.


    The answer is simple! The everyday everygoer is becoming more used to the net. Reacting to us strange folk, nerds, damaged and moronic just like they do in everyday situations. Soon enough the internet will have areas deemed not unlike parks with their public nature and you can could get fined for saying unappealing things.


    There might be those who fight for the internets profound ability to keep it anon and to keep the place as it is, but the truth is this was always coming, it is impossible to prevent and one day the realm of the net will be held to the same standards expected of you when you step out in a public place like a mall.


    One day there will be an internet cop hounding you, with full authority to deal with anything unpleasant you have to share with society.



    2. Maintain a friendly and welcoming environment:


    Hate speech, bigoted language, discrimination or harassment will not be tolerated at all and may at admins discretion be considered grounds for immediate banning.

    OOC Profanity should be kept to a minimum and must be stopped if directed to do so by a member of staff, or if it appears that it is upsetting other players.

    Some people are going to be new to the game. If you teach them and make them feel welcome, then you’ll still have other people to game with down the line.

    Terms like faggot, nigger, and the variations on them, are neither acceptable IC or OOC.

    This does not apply to discrimination against non-existent species. Discrimination against non-existent species (or humans as a whole) is an IC matter.


    By using the term 'faggot' you elected yourself for an immediate permaban. This is a strictly enforced rule.



    Today it is shown that cosby admitted that he was giving drugs to women. Court documents from the '05 trial became unsealed and it is shown that he had given an account admitting to his acts to some degree.


    Cosby admitted in the deposition to getting seven prescriptions for Quaaludes in the 1970s. He also admitted to meeting one unidentified woman after a performance in Las Vegas and offering her the drug. “I give her Quaaludes. We then have sex,” he said.


    Cosby was asked by Dolores M. Troiani, Constand’s attorney, “When you got the Quaaludes, was it in your mind that you were going to use these Quaaludes for young women that you wanted to have sex with?”


    “Yes,” Cosby replied.


    The reason it was unsealed was because in 2004 he was an idiot and announced that he was a moral crusader in a speech cutely termed "The Pound Cake Speech". The judge cited the speech as a valid reason to unseal the documents.







    I crack open the Map Sys- OH DEAR SPACE JESUS, TAKE ME NOW!


    I change my mind quite quickly and begin smashing the map system violently against the floor.






    Inside we find a.. Is that a car? Are we not in space? It is in the title, I am certain of it.







    You rush at the gentleman and diplomatically handle your dispute with the man. It goes fairly swell and invitingly. He asked how well you are, you caved in his face with your meaty fists. He screams and this irritates you further, ripping both of his claws off his prone screaming form, ending the lively conversation with a wild thrashing of your fists against the subject in front of you that is quickly becoming redefined as a wet crunchy blob of carapace and meat.


    You satisfy your jealous urges and attach his superior claws to your hand, however, you could not figure out how to handle your newfound manipulators to put on the other claw. As it appears to be clumsy and difficult to wield. You place your other claw in your HAMMERSPACE.



    Episode 5 - Mother of Claws!


    Lil delayed on this one due to gettin meh admin status back and shiz. However! I am sure you are here just to understand that joke. Because you dont get metroid bullshit. Well, in the 2d universe of metroid, space pirates have fucking claws, but they still have this weirdly awesome ability at tech. this shit was kinda better written away once it went 3d. But despite this they still use the same ideas for the continuing 2d games. So giant claws are just fucking awesome i guess.







    You walk trough the door and find it has an interesting ability to transition. On the other side of your transition lies a hallway with a door and this freaky looking guy. Just looking at this guy you get the sense that those claws appear to be really great at making really advanced tech. You swell in jealousy just looking at those implements of such fine manipulation, looking at your mere thumbs sorrowfully.



    Congratulations on creating a new FAQ Rule.


    8. Continued shitposting after several FAQ Cop warnings will have it so that you are added to the Foe list. Which might even be the first time the feature on this forum has ever been used, as far as I am aware. If you are not interested in contributing properly to the game, then I do not really need to see you contributing too it. Get your shit figured out because dealing with it tends to cause an early death of my interest in this.





    Sometimes the dice rolls just hate all of us. Especially me. Sometimes you really want one of the reasonable ones so super bad. But as stated before, I AM A MAN OF INTEGRITY.


    With this update I realized that I wanted to draw a hand. Then I recalled that I forgot that hands are REALLY FUCKING HARD TO DRAW. After several awful failures or attempts i felt were far too simplified I attempted to cop out with making a robot hand, then I realized that's fucking stupid because past images had human hands.




    I decided that Doctor Google had the answers I needed. Doctor Google instead tried to show off images of mauled murdered people for my benefit instead of hands. Doctor Google is a fucking dick.







    I looked at the clown and was filled with a hatred not known since before Clown Mime Wars. I mercilessly brought upon the monitor a full onslaught of brutal blows, however upon doing this two things had been brought before me.


    The first, I do not appear to have a proper POWER LVL in order to smash that scumbags face in. Secondly, I suspect my hand might need medical attention.





    Doing this for my own future reference and for those who just wanna be the cool kids in the know. You know who you are. I sure don't know, but I am sure you know very well. Fuckin' hipster.


    EPISODE 1 OF SPACE ADVENTURE! - Names For The Name God!


    Naming is a fairly specific thing that needs done, lets the players connect with smartass a bit more. I was wanting to allow the players to choose his job and looks, but with the new way I am assembling the sprites, just talking of it sounded just a bit too ambitious. While drunk. Yes, i was under the influence when deciding to do this game at all whatsoever. BUT I AM A MAN OF INTEGRITY, AND WE SHALL MARCH FORWARD.


    Seriously, if I was sober, I would have rather thrown this back at the MSPA forums and just linked everyone to that shit. Their tools for it are just SO MUCH BETTER. not to harp at regens, but this forum aint designed fo' dis shit at all. I want to do specific fonts and all other kinds of forum magic. But what we have is a spare set of tools that do allow for functionality however and we can work around flair. I get too focused on flair anyhow.


    I do intend to give the players a chance to actually customize their PC in the future with this, but I have to be reasonable and grow my library of sprite parts before we get to that point. I sure as hell ain't willing to sit there and slowly export the entire fucking git.


    The FAQ is critical to exist as far as I can see. Especially when doing this outside of MSPA Forums. I have to evolve the shit out of it though, gotta sing just the right words to make people understand what needs done with the first read. Its quite hard to do I suspect. This version of the FAQ is actually a 2.0 of my first attempt at the guideline, everything after #4 is new material. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO SUGGEST BETTER PHRASING OF THE FAQ.


    EPISODE 2 OF SPACE ADVENTURE! - Hugh Jass Has Terrible Parents


    I had used spritework of my second project already within episode 2, when i figured I would never need a reason too. This is because project 2 is "8 BIT THEATER: THE GAME" which is a massive homage to final fantasy, with a fuckload of work and effort using all sorts of retro NES sprites.


    by 'fuckload of work and effort' I mean, bashing sprites together and creating too much effort for such a simple concept then there really ever needed to be.


    The name jokes by the by, I am awful at. I cant think up this shit on my own and if you said one to me, it would fly right by my head. I am such an awful literalist like that. I instead stole these from the simpsons. Except for Hugh Jass. Who was a player on our server but I think our new rules force him to give up his name. But i figured he would appreciate the shout-out. Fucked if i recall who played him.


    EPISODE 3 OF SPACE ADVENTURE! - Why Is It So Red If Its Grassy?


    My laziest work yet! This one is a direct rip from Project 1! Eat my lackadaisical dust, nerds!


    Project 3, which is the one you are enjoying now, is actually a retake on Project 1. But with a new PC! And slightly more skill and experience. This is likely to not go anywhere in the same direction as 1 however, as the original was following a plot from a series none of you would even know. or understand. Especially since it was a parody of this supposed hipster source. So it was decided to cull that entirely from the story, the plot and the environment entirely. There is plenty of gaps in the entire thing now that I just plan to wing on whatever first notion I get!




    Feel free to ask me any questions regarding this down here. v

    More updates to release per episode. Every episode will be attempted to be made DAILY.


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