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Everything posted by Edd

  1. I was on that round as a Security Officer. We had eight officers escorting a single lawbreaker from the AI MiniSat, who had been caught by a drunk Security Pod Pilot. Glorious.
  2. Not to forget Krokodil.
  3. How about a pneumatic cannon with a grenade loaded in to it?
  4. Boredom - featuring Hayahatatichayakataya
  5. That sounds like a thought. I like the sound of it.
  6. Jonah probably has a lifetime subscription to WetSkrell.nt
  7. The clown's shoes should be made immune to banana peel slipping. It would work as a nice gimmick and in fact enhance the performance of a Clown Traitor if they are to use the banana grenade. Banana Grenade, well, explodes in to a lot of banana peels. Easily filling hallways. The problem with this is that the sheer explosion radius, is in most situations enough to screw you over as a clown and get slipped on your own creation. Here is an example: I was a clown traitor, evading a security officer after me. I pulled the pin on the Banana Grenade in maintenance, tossed it down and... Dozen bananas flew upwards towards me and caused me to be slipped behind the Brig's flaps. Clown Traitors get arrested a lot. Like, a lot (just like regular clowns). Banana Grenades tend to HONK both you and security, it is not very advantageous to get slipped over by your own banana peels and then get range tasered by security as the slowly pick up the banana peels between you and them. And an additional reasoning: I just think it'd be funny.
  8. Meet The Skreekology Team Frank The Zombie Scientist "Frrreee deentaaal...?" Brobernaut (His real name is Blobert, but, is like a super personal thing, bruh) "Bruh." The Depressed Blob Zombie (referred to as Lil' Bruh by Blobernaut) "My life is nothing but pain."
  9. Some of the new legitimately competent Heads of Security. Seen a Captain get sentenced for brig time for hitting a bucklecuffed traitor with a Harm Baton. Why? For the glory of Spess Law of course!
  10. Always keep your "Disarm" intent on and practice caution (or acts of necessary violence; punch it in the face once) when you are near a clown. Speaking of clowns, I was about to write a suggestion to make the clown's shoes non-slip when waltzing over bananas. This would only make the shoes non-slip against bananas. These yellow things:
  11. I wanna see Adr's reaction to seeing an artistic illustration of himself wearing a mankini.
  12. Not as bad as when I made Polly the HoP and I became the assisting HoP. To crew members coming to the desk: Skree, skree! Urine sample, papers please! Skree! And in to the Sec Frequency: Nukies on-board, nukies on-board! Skree!
  13. It would be nice if it the beret would not look like a colored turd on my character's head. +1 for new beret sprites
  14. How often do players actually play as IAA and perform their appropriate duties? I mostly see IAA either SSD in their office, drinking at the bar or threatening security. I'm surprised more don't than what amount I believe do, as it is extremely satisfying to deliver a long report to CentComm or a Head of Department and have it being acted upon.
  15. What round did this take place on? Sounded like a lot of fun for Skrekcurity.
  16. Roleplay is where it's at in the improvised Nations. Due to that, people have a lot more power in their hands when it comes to involvement in the round. Never played the old Nations with the CTF mechanics myself, but sounds a lot like massive murderboning is inevitable if you have an objective of taking something heavily protected. Nations rounds have been superb with this improvised, more roleplay oriented version of it. Things you must try if you're chosen as a civilian are starting your own store, becoming a sneaky pickpocket hiding in bushes, starting your own smaller nation, a traveling merchant... The list goes on! This improvised Nations promotes such roleplay-esque actions unlike its precedessor.
  17. Yeah, never. *Cough* IAA got BSA'd after sending pictures of butts to CC *Cough* Edit: Oh, well, I should've read the last sentence of the guide.
  18. Adr, Adr! It is already as bad as it gets, since everyone with cat ears knows how to restock!
  19. It would be pretty useful if AutoRobe and ClothesMat were to start off with more than one of each item available at the beginning of a round, so you do not have to rush over and fight for your favourite piece of clothing. Sure you can restock the vending machines, but ain't nobody got time for that (and at worst Skrekcurity arrests you for "vandalism"). As a bonus, security has less assaults and thefts to deal with!
  20. That is a very good question... Suggestion time!
  21. Edd


    FoS, what's your Vox's name on the server?
  22. My character Roscoe McCloud has not found it very appealing that Slade hogs the cyborg visor.
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