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Posts posted by ZomgPonies


    *yawn* It's ridiculously easy to get karma if you put even a modicum of effort into not being an asshole ICly. The system works. I know because I have a pretty decent idea of who the really good and interesting RPers are and lo and behold, they top the karma charts. We might add more rewards to the system, but it's core functionality will not be changed. If you have an overblown opinion of the quality of your own RP, that's on you. Your other option is to contribute in some other way to the community, either by updating the wiki or participating in sprite contests.





    The nocloning + waterblood gives them unique mechanics and make them a prestige species. Removing that just in order to make them clonable and more similar to all the other races seems sort of lame to me. Races should have unique mechanics, they were never meant to be just a sprite change.


    If you want the absolute ability to be cloned, there are many other species with that option. Nobody is forcing anyone to play slimepeople.



    On the flipside, any one of these people could have spilled a glass of water on the floor and gotten the same result during the firefight.


    Also, removing slime blood being water would be a HUGE pain in the ass, it's a lot of snowflake code.


  4. Or you know, we're not a kindergarten. Stop means stop. It's on him for not getting the message. We've wasted an inordinate amount of time dealing with complaints about him in-game, our patience is at an end. Maybe he'll make a new forum account in 6 months and beg for forgiveness at that point (he wouldn't be the first), but at this time, none of us want to hear that username anymore. Time to move on.


    ... Removing the extra drone sprites made sense because the sprites were problematic from a gameplay perspective, due to the fact that their size made them hard to ignore.


    Swishing Taj tails annoy me more than the comic sans, but once again it's a small, aesthetic thing that some poeple like, so I see no reason to open up a thread to get them reverted.


    I thought this new community involvement system would be used to get feedback for the really big issues, balance, gamemodes, order in which we solve bugs, things like that. Not an excuse to try to get every minor aesthetic change you don't like reverted. Guess I was hoping for too much.


  6. How can you confirm that when you don't know what LINDA is? Until we've actually tried to port it, I'm putting a moratorium on features that affect atmos. Your code is not lost, once we're done porting we can revisit the issue and decide it it'll be a good fit at that time.


    Still waiting to catch Zuhayr to ask him about the sprites. I don't really care about the drone sprites one way or the other, I just thought people would enjoy a little variety. I am MUCH more concerned about adding in a minimum age requirement to spawn as drone in order to curb drone griff.


    As for the clown language, do you mean the actual language (Clownish) or do you mean the fact that he speaks in Comic Sans. Either way I love both, I'd be very sad to see them go.


    A compromise might be to make the comic sans a part of the clownish language rather than a mutation that the clown uses everytime he speaks common?


    As for playing with numbers, it's pretty much 15 to 11 that they DONT want to see the clown stuff reverted.



    Also, if the issue is "Atmos techs don't have enough to do" a MUCH simpler and more maintainable solution, and also one that would give a broader variety of atmos techs something to do rather than a couple of special snowflakes willing to learn a whole new scripting language would be to add the bursting pipes feature from vg, or give disposals the change to break down, things like that.


    NTSL is already barely used except for a few special snowflakes and is notoriously finicky and breaks down easily, I see absolutely no advantage with complicating the codebase with another similar feature with little in return.



    tl;dr, we went from a system where a single person decided what was getting coded and what was getting merged to a system where 3 people get to decide, any of which can put a hold on a PR until potential issues are resolved.


    The atmos PR got refused for multiple reasons: It was overly complex and hard to maintain while we're trying to update our atmos code, it was potentially overly powerful, and chances were it would be rarely if ever used. This was discussed and decided upon by ALL 3 maintainers who gave their thumb down.


    As for people complaining about bugs, if you haven't noticed how quickly we've been responding and closing reported issues on github as compared to the speed at which we'd fix bugs reported through the old forum system, well then I don't know what to tell you. You must be blind.


    Moving this thread to the Code Discussion forum because that's where it should've been created in the first place.



    So, I'm working on the wish granter to change anyone who finds it into a superhero. I would like different superheros to have different sets of powers and costumes. So what I need are costume sprites for superheros, in a generic sense:


    Owlman (we already have that, and will add in tg's updated sprites) https://github.com/tgstation/-tg-station/pull/7855





    Any other ideas? Post them here!


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