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Posts posted by NTSAM



    These things.


    They could probably be like a makeshift not-so-telescopic baton (ie can knock down for a very short period just so you can make a mad dash if someone's trying to hassle you) or a speshul snowflek stunbaton shoved away in security.



    Oh boy where to begin?


    Well, I am actually quite damn disappointed how paradise turned out. I came here because I wanted Medium RP, FUN rounds and great admins.


    And we had that for quite a bit. But not anymore.


    Our RP quality has plummeted in the matter of a few months. Honestly I was just fine with our level in June 2015, but in like 2 or 3 months after that we became Low RP trashbin. Every other player has a "Play2win" mentality and will often go out of their way to make the round less fun for everyone by not doing any interaction at all with anyone and going on a powergaming spree every shift. Cliques run amok and refuse to interact with anyone outside their group. Worst part is that the admins barely ever do anything about these people. Which brings me to another aspect in which para has failed in.


    The admin team is often quite unresponsive when actual shit happens. They always worry about people who trigger them and say shit they don't like but actually never pay any attention to the more major shit like validhunting and mass murder or otherwise dangerous things happen. You can get greytided and its unlikely they'll get any punishment until they kill an admin's snowflake or best buddy. And even then they'll ignore all the victims. The only major thing they pay attention to is bombings and that's just because you'd have to be a blind idiot to not see that.


    And finally, the fun factor of current-state para has to be the area its most lacking in. If a traitor kills anyone their method of murder gets nerfed again. (And don't get me wrong, I believe nerfing is ok if done reasonably like it was done for the pre-nerf Chainsaw.) If anything can kill a clumsy guy it gets babyproofed. A good example of <--- this is the tesla, which has like 0 downsides and is retardproofed so much its barely ever round ending. Not to mention its practically forced on every engineering team so its not like they have to jump through hoops. The singulo, a round ending doom hole was replaced with this oversized engineering hugbox. Back on topic, players barely try letting antags make the round more fun and will often bash their head in with an extinguisher. Validhunting groups exist and are sometimes to be highly expected. Back in an older round there was a person who announced over the radio that they were making a "vampire hunting group" and it was a legit thing, and they hunted vampires down just because they were valid. Which brings me to vampires, who are so nerfed and weak they're barely acceptable. Vox Raiders are almost always the same shitty traders as usual and never bother to do a fun actual raid and I half don't blame them with the massive assholish validhunting crew and the fact that vox raiders are so shit they don't get any substantial weapons and have this retarded "kill no one under any circumstance lol" law. Every round is the same shit where all the antags get killed or detained due to overnerf-induced frailty and the transfer shuttle arrives after 2 hours and nothing wrong happens ever except in nukies who I'm surprised hasn't been nerfed in the ground after they killed every station-renown snowflake metabuddy multiple times over and over. We might as well just remove all gamemodes and make rules enforcing everyone to sit in the bar and circlejerk and remove all forms of harming and rebrand ourself as Second Life in Space because that's what some people are trying to make us. Hell, as it stands right now, I'd rather stand in the middle of a Second Life yiff orgy for 2 hours than spend a shift on Para now.





    Abductor led security on a chase through primary hallway gunning at them as it ran. In the resulting shootout the thing was downed and this continued for like at least 30 seconds until the CMO started screaming that the damn thing was dead and there were cultists in medbay that needed dealing with.



    Good ol' STREET JUSTICE.



    https://github.com/Glloyd/Pre-Open-SS13 ... and-Source I advise you download the source to this and screw with local. This is SS13 before the code got released, the version I assume you mean by "Mspaintish".


    IIRC, there was only like one or two servers and they were run by Exadv1 who enforced a very strict RP where even telling others how to do stuff in OOC would get you banned but I may just be reading the wrong shit. So basically it was really *ehh*


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