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Everything posted by CrAzYPiLoT

  1. If it really /has/ to be in the wiki, put it into its own category.
  2. Oh God, what the fuck, kill that rat, it's suffering
  3. Not really sure that he was referring to that. I know about the button, I used to run a private server, but it doesn't seem he was referring to it. If it is a joke, I'm truly sorry.
  4. I agree, first week every third month is good.
  5. Welcome to the machine. Be careful not to get ground up in your first week or so
  6. I agree with Doukan on this one. It should be listed for a few days at a time, to attract new players. But, now, after all this grief, greytide and internal pain, I think that if it stays listed a bit longer, many of the regulars will be tempted to leave, at least for a while. Many people just cannot stand the level of grief the new players bring to the server, also, if they really want to stay at our server, when it goes unlisted, they will go through the little effort needed to google 'Paradise SS13' and find our forums, learn a bit more about the game, and get accepted as a member of the community. If they don't want to do that, they probably play only for the grief, and they're not worth listing for. That's my 2 cents, judge it as you see fit.
  7. That's not really a good way to talk to other people on the forums. It can get you in a lot of trouble, especially if you do it over constructive criticism. If it is already in, it can always be edited, moved or deleted in an extreme case. Also, I agree with Flattest, this should be a forum thing, not a wiki one.
  8. CrAzYPiLoT


    Whoopsie, forgot that part. I'll make a PR.
  9. CrAzYPiLoT


    Alright, the PR has been merged, we just wait for patch now. The board is buildable, but it has not been mapped in at roundstart, as there are multiple locations it can go in. This thread can be closed now. Actually, let's review the locations here. Possible locations include: Permabrig Just right of Bar doors Library Maybe a defunct one in the old bar? (Prolly would be too many of them on roundstart in this case) Suggest any other locations, and I'll check back in some time to see where it can be mapped in.
  10. I actually can't believe the reasoning you're using, Regen. Glass shards CAN and will kill you if you handle them wrong, both IRL and in the game. The lightbulb has literally zero ways of killing you, unless you smash it and use the resulting shards. These are two completely different things.
  11. CrAzYPiLoT


    I do have something in the making, just a few more bugs to squish, and I'll put up a PR. EDIT: Rejoice! https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/4220
  12. I don't know. I didn't come prepared to argue pros and cons of it. GelatinousGlob pretty much explained my point, and if they actually COULD get access to the equipment room it would be great.
  13. CrAzYPiLoT


    Ah, yes. I'll try to figure something out. My first kinda-big project.
  14. Still, would be easier if they could get at least one pair. I don't see any danger in that.
  15. This is just a minor suggestion, as the thread name implies. I am suggesting that at least one pair of insulated gloves is added into atmosia. I play as atmos often, and almost every round, I have to remove the door in the isolated section of it for imporvements, even if only for aesthetics. Not really a big deal, but it would make my and a few more lives easier.
  16. CrAzYPiLoT


    BestRP and Unbound actually had holographic tables in the bar and library, which connected to some chess site, which in turn allowed you to play chess. Unbound's Git repo is still up, and looking at it, they also had sudoku, flappy bird, mahjong and solitaire implemented besides chess. If I find time, I may port the tables.
  17. -1 I don't see why you'd want to use this in a RP game. If you want to use this, go to CoD or something. It makes me sad to see that something that used to be laughing matter a year ago is now turning into something that people want to implement.
  19. Serbia, the land of rakija and sarma. And remove kebab (Not meant to insult muslims, no banhammur pls)
  20. Huh. Anyway, during the virology redesign, we have lost the filing cabinet again.
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