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Everything posted by CrAzYPiLoT

  1. Hm, I think this deserves an OWNED tag beneath it.
  2. Totally agree with 420 blaze it up there.
  3. Post your findings about the game -owners only- I'm kidding, but if you own it, mark it in your post. OWNED A bit like that, yeah
  4. Also, you do have the engicart.
  5. Chem dispenser is just an early sketch, but I really don't know how to draw it any better that this one with improvements. I am also aware that the fungus is shitty. If you could give me an example of what it is supposed to look like?
  6. Welcome to the machine. Do not leak heresy like Jane Doe up here.
  7. I agree that the janitor needs to clean and not replace lights. We could still keep his lights replacer.
  8. The box thing would be nice if ONLY the chef could send them. Edit: Maybe cargo too?
  9. Nevermind than, let's change the topic. What about the arcade thing?
  10. So, I would like to apply for the wiki badge too. I'll just leave this here: http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php?tit ... Crazypilot *whistles*
  11. Yeah, but it functions in the same way as other lights. If you put a light source in front of it it would still be omnidirectional, which would make it the same as the normal light on the buggy. It is simply not possible.
  12. Optimized and added pictures to the Guide to Hydroponics
  13. Fixed all images and added glass table on basic construction
  14. I don't really know. But about the drone thing, they are already safe from drifting away in space.
  15. We introduce vending tokens. There are two token machines on the station. One in arrivals and one in the bar. You swipe your ID card through the machine, choose how many and what value tokens you want and they pop out. Then you take those tokens to a vending machine. No more paying with ID card(except for laptop, ridiculous amounts of tokens for one laptop), and it is bugged anyway. You just click pay and it doesn't take any funds from your account, but pops out the product. Maybe we could even give everyone a starting amount of tokens varying on the importance of their job and the amount of funds on their accounts (civvies 10, captain 35?). Emagging the token machines would give the ability to take larger amounts of tokens and larger value tokens (e.g 100 or 200). One token would be worth 2 credits. Thoughts?
  16. I apply to edit it. You are awesome. Free on Sunday night?
  17. For Starters: updated http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Starter_Guide
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