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Posts posted by LightFire53

  1. Oh damn, didn't realise this was a thing.

    If you still have roles, I'll audition for roboticist.


    If you need it sans fluff items:

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    If you take it with fluff items: 

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  2. I mean, I personally enjoy the Brig Phys role, but I'm pretty sure I'm one of the few who play it as intended instead of using it to make a fully functional medbay to be a Security Medical Doctor. I'm also pretty sure that it would be easier to adjust rather than change the "culture/meta" that BP has become.

    I would still like to see them have the basic medical supplies, like each flavour of FA kit, though.

  3. Admin's version of events: This incident was kicked off by an adminhelp from a player who said that they were cuffed, ignored, and had their headset removed from a security officer. Looking into the situation, it seemed to be a case of information the officer had vs. what had actually occurred. As a result, I talked only about the removal of the headset, and that should be avoided, which ended the conversation with you.

    From there, I had then talked with the player previously mentioned about what happened, and explaining why such actions may have taken place. During this, I assume you had your altercation with the other officer. Since there was no ahelp about it, I plead innocence to not being omniscient. As a result, I had no information or any awareness of what was occurring since I can only be at one place at a time, and it wasn't with you. 

    When I had just finished talking with the player and started to walk away (for the first time of many, many times) to grab food, I received another PM from them, saying that you were once again performing a random search, in addition to lying as a mindshielded personnel. It looked like, from my perspective that you had shadowed them, and were making use of the code red to perform another search. Considering what had transpired earlier between you and them, and that you were unhappy about it, I had fears it was a grudge. As a result, I watched what was happening. From my perspective, you had cuffed them outside the magistrate's office, dragged them to the detective's office to grab a scanner report, and then marched them into security for the exact same charges that you had done before. As a result, when you dragged them further into the evidence storage, I sent the LOOC message to cease.

    From there, a misunderstanding took place, and you informed me (in a semi-agressive tone that you later admitted to, including here) that you were pressing the same charges due to the actions of the pod pilot letting them go, which again had still not been reported as of the time. I explained that you can't press charges for the same crime that was already sentenced, where you said the pod pilot let them go. I asked if the magistrate was involved in it, and you said that they dismissed it. When further prompted into what happened, you had explained that the player was not being overly cooperative by using the body bag as a locker/way to stop the search, to which I said it was fair game to then put them in cuffs for it.

    At this point, you had also sent the message, while in the armoury.

    4 hours ago, Isit said:

    Adminhelp to-LightFire53: But I just do not understand at this point, why when I am the one being detained, security officer testimony is enough, even if it is blue. When on code red, a guy steals a shield from a fallen officer, I have to "prove" something.

    Should have killed them instead.

    The only possible reason that I could see you being in the armoury, clearly in a pissed off state, was to grab a gun and take matters into your own hands. That is where I stated I was starting to be unimpressed with your performance, because as stated in our server rules (albeit in the advanced rules): Command and Security both have the ability to affect other players rounds highly, either through SoP or Space Law. Good knowledge and respect of the RP environment is required to not ruin the game for others.

    From there, we began to chase each other around in circular arguments again and again, even going back to the previous incident involving the headset. I mentioned at one point any other admin would have applied a job ban at this point against any other player, as you were really, really wearing down my nerves over arguing about a silly incident involving a headset, and what had initially looked like grudging. I even broke down into 3 easy points what OOC actions were looked into: 

    1. The headset, which was addressed
    2. A case of meta/grudge, which was not the case
    3. A case of charging for the same crimes, which was again not the case.

    We even went back to talking about how SSD is apparently an OOC only thing, and that your character wouldn't know what to do about it. This is a Medium Roleplay server, with in game messages that tell you if a player is SSD. It's to be expected that, more or less, everyone would know about the dangers, consequences, and how to act in case of the Sudden Sleep Disorder.

    To cap things off, since I made my points and you kept prompting, I stopped providing a response, because at that point I had been trying for about an hour to go and actually grab the food I had been really, really needing. You finalized with PMs saying how i was the one holding a grudge, and how you wanted to talk it over on the forums, to which I shall always invite.

    Admin's reasoning for actions: I'm not omniscient, nor do I have a desire to be. Having you tell me to log dive in the middle of a currently active round while maintaining communications with you was not something I was interested in doing, since every other admin interaction I have with someone does not require me to go delving into the depths of the back end to get clear answers.

    Acknowledgement of wrongdoing or disputing of: I regret that once again, I'm not omniscient, and as a result wasn't there for your previous incident, and as a result from talking with the other player (and not watching what was happening behind a full screen window), I missed that the pod pilot more or less relieved them of charges; I had assumed that had come from someone who had the authority to do so.

    To cap off on your closing notes: "I, however, also do not want to stand that kind of a tone and prejudice, and certainly not that much of involvement."
    You are a player who was objectively in the wrong before, only has a total of 27 hours of play, 3 of those in security. From previous actions you had taken, I had not had high hopes from giving such an aggressive standpoint.

    4 hours ago, Isit said:

    I do not ask for any "punishments" (However I doubt you will even consider it, but most likely punish me instead for God knows what).

    It is unfortunate, as well as unprecedented, that you think that we would dish punishment after you make a complaint.

  4. Considering the player's use of ban evasion, and the lack of an actual complaint, I'm marking this is as a non-complaint and resolved. A head can override if they so determine.

    • honk 1
  5. 5 hours ago, necaladun said:

    This probably should have been ahelped tbh, as this is the part it seems to be going over the line, which doesn't seem part of what Lightfire referred to when talking to the player and Mitchs. Creating a ruckus and using the PDA/IDs of security and a voice changer to get into the brig is one thing, but this is the point at which it was going into 'murder all of sec' territory, and the plan had been abandoned with the goal of just eliminating sec. It doesn't seem @LightFire53was aware of this, so in future I highly recommend ahelping these kind of things. One sec taken out as part of a plan is one thing, but if we get multiple sec being killed (Especially in medbay like that) then it points to a pattern.

    As this is where things deviate from what I was told was their goal, and they started to go loud/against what I was told, this would have warranted a more in depth discussion about staying on target with goal and objectives, however since I lack omniscience, I did not know of these events. It's one thing to take down someone with the idea to use their stuff, it's another to take them down quite publically in medbay and not take any of the tools I was told they were using.

  6. Admin's version of events: Upon messaging the player taking hostile actions against security, I was informed by them that they were removing security officers slowly. They had the objective to steal the Head of Security's energy gun, and that they were making use of things such as PDAs, Security ID's, and a voice changer to further their actions. I found this acceptable reasoning, and relayed that there was a plan in play.

    Admin's reasoning for actions: As I treat PM's with confidentiality, I was not open to providing all the details to another player. Mitchs had pressed further, but came across in PM's as someone who was unhappy with my response, which is not an uncommon response to when I don't share all the details of actions I take. While I did not officially close the conversation with them, I had felt my last statements were sufficient.

    It should also be noted that if there was further wrongdoing by the player (such as actions taken against Jacob Pearls, since I am unsure if they were a security officer of that round), it hadn't been reported.

    They had also not permanently removed Mitchs from the round. They had beheaded and tossed the head to space, which had promptly hit an asteroid and bounced right back into the station. The head wasn't melted, or tossed in lava, or cremated. It was left lying in the airlock, to the best of my knowledge.

    Acknowledgement of wrongdoing or disputing of: I disagree with the statement that my judgement call was wrong, nor with the statement that they were "murderboning" security. It's not like they were going loud and causing a ruckus non-hijack, they were stealthily removing security from play to further an objective held by the head of security. I would also disagree a single statement of accomplishment would be bragging. This entire situation would be different if they had no security related objectives.

  7. This is a list of map related fixes/adjustments needed for the MetaStation, as reported on Github. I have organized this thread by department to bring some sort of method to the madness.

    Security/Internal Affairs:

    • Prisoner Processing needs remapping.
    • All security camera consoles don't work
    • Coffee vending machine in permanent detention requires money, which prisoners lack.
    • White ship docks in permanent detention when you use the top "North of Cerberon" option
    • Internal Affairs office is ill-equipped to support 2 Internal Affairs Agents.


    • NanoTrasen Representative starts with Central Command stamp, not NanoTrasen Representative stamp
    • AI Upload starts with turrets off. (This one also says unbolted, but I'm pretty sure that's also the case with Cyberiad)
    • Intercomms intended to be set to AI's private channel (such one in the AI core) is set to radio frequency 144.7, not the actual AI private frequency of 134.3
    • Teleporter has weird wiring 
      • https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25063394/89102154-4de18280-d3fe-11ea-901d-96726da48400.png



    • Clown airlock and mime airlock have incorrect access requirements.
    • Arcade doesn't have a tech vendor.


    • CMO office starts with inaccessible buttons on full-tile windows.
    • Paramedic fore airlock and port airlock have no assigned access requirements.
    • Morgue airlock facing the main hallway has no assigned access requirements.
    • Medbay treatment rooms have inconsistent shuttering (port room has an additional shutter at a different orientation than the rest).
    • Maintenance door into the psychiatrist's office has standard medical doctor access.

    Feature requests for medbay treatment rooms from a github user:

    • No defibrillator mounts at present, may desire at least one
    • Personal lockers could be removed
    • Potentially remapping medical treatment rooms to be a single room/area
    • Potentially remove shutters 
    • Replace Emergency NanoVends with a NanoMed Plus


    • Mining shuttle opens up shutters in the maintenance tunnel above 
      • AffectedArc07 has suggested maybe removing it, however I was told it was a feature in the past.
      • https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25063394/88809858-7f630f80-d1ac-11ea-8046-9ee9890463a8.png
      • Note: Testing on a local server did not yield the shutters opening upon shuttle departure or arrival
    • All miners spawn on the same floor tile.
    • Airlock leading to the mining shuttle starts bolted.
    • Airlock leading to the mining shuttle doesn't bolt and unbolt with shuttle departure and arrival.
    • Mining shuttle starts off station.
    • Cargo bay lacks shuttle times that indicate when the shuttle should be arriving.
    • The buttons leading to the cargo shuttle malfunction
      • The top button doesn't work
      • The bottom button operates both sets of airlocks.
    • Rapid crate senders cannot select a telepad to connect with.
    • Sending wrapped parcels to engineering causes it to be stuck in the disposal system, never reaching it's destination.


    • As I have no atmospherics experience, I leave this for you to decipher as you will
      • https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/issues/13950#issuecomment-880600462
    • External Airlocks port of medical in maintenance lack access requirements, as well as cycling systems.
    • Departures airlocks are unbolted.
    • A disposal pipe in engineering routes trash from security towards the supermatter.
      • https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/71735193/125701347-0bf90728-75e2-412d-96cd-9e2e6ca07a2b.png
    • Engineering Foyer lacks access requirements.
      • https://i.imgur.com/fNE4uWp.png
    • The turbine room has been labelled as "Incinerator."
    • Pipes in the turbine room don't connect.
    • Pump in the turbine room is off.
    • Some vents are set to siphon upon round start
      • Unfortunately, a list of locations is unknown
      • The only reported one is Internal Affairs Office, however this did not replicate during later testing
      • Ones I did see were Toxins Lab Vent Pump #3 and Research Division Server Room Vent Pump #2
    • Atmospheric equipment/lockers needs cleaning up in placement
    • Atmospherics requires another hardsuit


    Other things I see when I load up MetaStation locally:


    • There are two full tiles of reinforced glass with bushes in the Recovery Ward that look sloppy at the moment.
      • Similar in Departures.
    • Arrivals pod bay has a water tank oddly placed near the center.
    • The "Storage Rooms" found just south-east of arrivals in maintenance have light fixtures with no lights.
    • The Vacant Office has light fixtures with no lights.
    • The garden has tinted windows
      • This prevents you from seeing in. Why does the garden have these?
    • Air alarms in the generic cabins in the dormitories are labeled as Dormitories Air Alarm
      • Should be specified to reduce potential confusion later on down the line
    • Areas that should have disaster counters don't.
      • Including, but not limited to the engine and the science test lab


    • Heads of staff don't have a fancy paper bin in their respective offices.
    • The captain now has two rubber stamps on their desk.
    • There is no Magistrate's Office.
    • A crate in the gateway atrium starts opened.
    • A crate in the teleporter starts opened.
    • The Head of Personnel Office doesn't have the ticket ticker.


    • Internal Affairs paper bin is not a fancy paper bin (doesn't ask for a letter head when you remove a piece of paper)
    • Internal Affairs does not have a security records console
    • Labour camp security airlocks don't unbolt upon labour camp shuttle arrival.
    • Labour camp shuttle starts offstation.
    • A crate in the "Prisoner Education Centre" starts opened.
    • There is no security camera in the "Prisoner Education Centre"
      • If the greytide virus/prison escape event runs, there are doors that can't be fixed by the AI.
    • What appears to be execution is labelled "Prisoner Education Centre"
      • There is no electric chair in the "Prisoner Education Centre," but an electropack, a bed, a muzzle, a blindfold, and a straight jacket.
        • Space Law requires there be an execution chamber with an electric chair.
    • The brig has a total of 3 cells.
    • Air alarm in the security pod bay is hidden behind a full tile window
    • There is no air alarm in the gear room in security
    • There is no APC in the gear room in security
      • Due to the nature of the room and it's intended use, it may be beneficial to separate it from generic brig stuff.
    • The warden's office doesn't have an air alarm
    • The arrival's security checkpoint is labeled as Customs.
    • Barrier grenades in the armoury are currently just laying on the floor, beside an empty rack.
    • There is no box of donuts in the security office.


    • A crate in the cargo bay starts opened.
    • The cargo bay has various equipment strewn across it.
    • The Supply Bay Space Bridge has maintenance hatches, where every other station maintenance door is the standard airlock (barring AI sat maintenance, which has historically had hatches on Cyberiad)


    • The chapel's mass driver has a GPS in it.
    • The chaplain's wardrobe (locker) in the Relic Closet is on a table.
    • The room with the crematorium (one instance of chapel's office) has two air alarms within 2 tiles of each other.
    • The chapel doesn't have everlasting candles, only the standard set of red.
      • This includes the ones outside of the boxes


    • Lots of power wires are bright yellow, others are red.
      • Not sure if this is an intentional change, as it appears the solar arrays have red wirings until their SMES, while the rest of the station is yellow
    • In the Central Atmospherics Computer, two air alarms are labelled "all-access air alarm"
      • One is the Turbine/Incinerator
      • The other is the Prisoner Education Centre
    • There appears to be a vent and a scrubber in maintenance by Aft Starboard solars, but they aren't connected to an air alarm
      • Similar in maintenance port of security
      • There are no listed air alarms for Aft Starboard Maintenance or Port Maintenance
    • Air alarm in the access to the Supermatter Engine lacks proper capitalization
      • engine air alarm
    • Toxins Launch Room air alarm is called Toxins Lab Air Alarm
      • Should be specified to prevent confusion late on down the line


    • Genetics monkey pen doesn't have a vent or scrubber
      • Funnily enough, I discovered this when I had a bunch of dead monkey logs suddenly show up while I was roaming locally.
    • eyes 1
  8. Hello there,

    You could start by saying it's akin to netspeak when you ignore proper capitalization (as well as punctuation, not that you were doing that). For instance,


    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

    loses out on it's significance to start just by removing capitalization


    it was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

    but now it loses all of it's glory and glamour when you remove capitalization and punctuation.


    it was the best of times it was the worst of times it was the age of wisdom it was the age of foolishness it was the epoch of belief it was the epoch of incredulity it was the season of light it was the season of darkness it was the spring of hope it was the winter of despair we had everything before us we had nothing before us we were all going direct to heaven we were all going direct the other way – in short the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received for good or for evil in the superlative degree of comparison only

    This type of, for lack of a better term, laziness is only something that has really gained in commonality with the rise of the Internet era, and sloppier short form messaging.


    We could also talk about how abusing one game mechanic to get around another is wrong (as we do have auto capitalization on our server for the first word of sentence, using ! to bypass it is kind of suspicious).


    Could also mention that it just looks incredibly less immersive in the game, as we expect the basics of the written English language to be followed.


    Lastly, it comes across as just less serious in general, and as a command role, you need to have a modicum of authority for the position. Typing in lowercase only does not convey that authority.


    Tagging in @Blessedif they desire to add additional clarification.

  9. 20 minutes ago, SteelSlayer said:

    The obvious solution is to hire more maintainers to spread out the work load

    Only problem with this solution is that maintainers are relatively high up in the staff structuring, it's not as simple as pulling a PR Reviewer/Code Junkie or two aside and promoting them, as maintainers end up with admin access. In short, it's a coder with admin powers and there is a reason we have applications for admins to begin with. That said, I'm not fully privy to what the maintainer qualifications are, so I can't say that it's impossible to hire new ones, it's just more than you think.

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