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Posts posted by LightFire53

  1. Unfortunately, if we were to ban every person for anything that could possibly be a disagreeable action, we would lack a player base. As a staff in general, we tend to be very forgiving. We have some hope that everyone can eventually have fun together. Banning people and slamming the door is the exact opposite of what we are trying to achieve. If a player has a significant history, and has had multiple chances to change and fails to, we do just say "No."

    Balance PR's can be a tricky thing. Sometimes it's too much, sometimes it's not enough. There is nothing preventing someone from opening a PR and "buffing" the conversion staff.

    See Paragraph 1 about KEVIN.

    On the topic of Low Level Shittery found throughout security, command, and antagonists... Those three groups of people/characters get nailed to the cross for pretty much anything. Be too strict/good, get a lynch mob calling for your head. Be too loose/clumsy, and you get lynched. Not to mention that these are thankless positions, since as pointed out earlier, the greytide is more dangerous than the antagonists half the shift, everyone hates on sec, and Command is just a stressful place.

    I'm going to bring up a point that has been mentioned many times, and yet continues to be ignored: Change starts with the playerbase. If no one makes the effort to Roleplay/act accordingly, it's not going to happen. You can't fix mentality by adding a bit more code here and there.

  2. Are you an avid Destiny 2 player? Or mediocre? Or any type of Destiny 2 player? Then the following message is for you.

    I am wondering if there would be enough interest to start a Paradise clan for Destiny 2. As a more lone wolf player myself, I wouldn't mind having people to do some end game activities such as the nightfall or raid with me. We would be looking at all platforms, not just exclusive to X or Y. So, if you would be interested in joining a Paradise clan, just vote on the poll or reply, it doesn't too much matter either way. If we get enough interest, I'll drop a link to a clan for people to join.

    Happy shooting, Guardians.

    Edit: It's here. It's #happening. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2608961

  3. Hello there,

    Discussing this with other administrators, the conclusion is that while this would make somewhat sense as a nickname, it doesn't work as a "proper" name. We push for a forename and a surname (first and last) on most species, if you are looking for some sort of idea. That said, should you still wish to incorporate it into your name still, you can do it in the form of a nickname, that being Forename "Blackdog" Surname. However, a side effect of this is most people will just go with the forename.

    Feel free to keep the amnesia backstory, but you may want to progress it a little further to explain the addition of a name.

    Should you have any questions or concerns, please reply. I will keep this open an additional three days until I mark it as resolved.

  4. Alright, here's the deal.

    Post what you would want to have as a super power, whatever you desire. The condition: the person who comments next gives the condition when you can use this power.



    I have the power to become invisible!


    Condition: only when you are embarrassed.

    Got it? Coolio.

    I have the power to breathe underwater.

  5. Do you guys have any gimmicks you do as an AI or a Cyborg? Are you one of the AI that people collectively groan when they see you? How do you make yourself special?

    I have Head of Command for my AI, and I really don't have any special, though I make sarcastic remarks and point out failures to the crew over the AI announcements.

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