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Everything posted by pazneria12

  1. Id rather they just got the ability to look like any of the other races, just dionafied
  2. The problem with that is that anyone who wants to expiriment with things will have to wait an ungodly amount of time in some cases, and some RD's seem like they dont want to watch what everyone else is doing.
  3. Ipc's arent made of a tough metal, do you know what would happen to a tank in the marina trench? because basically that with ipc's.
  4. For Robotosist, First of all I agree with the person above who said let them start with a bucket, for gods sake yes, secondly, I think that Robotosists should be able to build a sort of remote controlled robot/vehicle that can do simple tasks to keep the robotosist busy, like fetching the robototist something from tool storage so that people stop breaking in whenever the robotisist steps out for five seconds, I dont have that fleshed out, I just think something along those lines would be neat to keep the robotosist occupied, and the people wanting your toolbelt happy-ish.
  5. I dont see reducing civ slots as a solution here, and people dont respawn as drones usually because the station doesnt get blown up very often these days, which makes it less fun to be one. I agree more borgs should be able to arrive, but I doubt that 1/10 people will decide, you know what? I think id rather be a servant to these guys rather then be one of the masters!
  6. The "cant remove tank " thing seems kinda counterproductive because it basically removes the threat of having to wear internals at all times
  7. People already have an attack first ask questions later policy, this would kind of enforce that, because if you go down, you go down HARD if this is added.
  8. I was talking on discord, and what if we added somethign like the Voodoo doll's ability to see through someones eyes? like if you are holding something someone else held, you could see through their eyes, and talk with them using telepathy aswell
  9. pazneria12


    I was thinking it could be a botany module, when emagged it has the ability to eat organic matter it usually cant, like Humans, and then turn them into biomass or something.
  10. If I remember correctly, the reason we could rid of grey cross station communication, was because it made it near impossible to kill them without being ratted out. Therefor I propose we have a device greys start with in their spare ear that works as a booster, making any grey in the game able to speak with any other grey, however if this is removed the grey can only use the shortwave 15 tile hive mind. Just a thought I had.
  11. I believe Security and Civilians are related to one another, so that you cant have an extreme amount of either. EDIT: Also, what would stop you from just buying all of the chameleon set you want?
  12. It doesnt matter what age you are in, a punch is a punch.
  13. then wouldnt the traitors who sit in the front of the ship win by default? people do that anyway, and they are pretty much untouchable. I mean the window in the front, its really easy to slip aboard there with access to the shuttle
  14. I think this would restrict antag freedom a bit to much tbh.
  15. This would be more for benefit of the sword itself, not the chaplain, because at the moment being the sword is kinda boring. EDIT: Even with this power there are more powerful swords and items out there for the chaplain to choose, so giving the sword a slightly better chance, and having a ghost actually hit YES would be worth a buff I believe, if its that bad, you could nerf the damage in return for the super natural power.
  16. true, but the posessed sword would have an influence over its wielder, be it benign or malevolant. Id think that could be quite the downside, and could be a fun RP thing.
  17. but if you compare it to something like the god hand or the Chainsaw hand, because I mean, chainsaw hand, the posessed sword doesnt really stand much of a chance. I actually didnt know it had armor piercing, and as is, theres nothing the companion can really do, which makes it kinda dull, meaning that you dont usually end up with said compaion unless someone is bored enough to actually use it, and if you try to summon a ghost into it to often then the ghosts can get extra salty.
  18. Im just spitballing here, I havent thought on how this would fit into the balance of the game, but I was thinking, since no chaplain seems to pick the posessed sword as it is pretty useless, and the posessed sword itself can only talk, I believe a buff is in order. I believe the posessed sword should have SOME kind of supernatural influence on the wielder, be it a security officer or the chaplain himself, (maybe making the chaplain either immune or the only one able to be effected?) The reason behind this is that most of the sword you can choose can block and parry and such while also stabbing. The only thing the posessed sword can do is be snarky to the chaplain, which I believe would make ghosts choose to play as the blade instead of just saying no and waiting for an antag to show up they can play as. Again I havent thought this through at all so please tell me how this would make the chaplain extremelly overpowered, and I will get back to you in a way to perhaps balance it. For code I believe you could canabalize the borer code in some way, maybe changing the time it takes to take over, adding a cooldown, adding a timer, etc.
  19. true, but shouldnt a jack of all trades be able to stabalize a patient, and do VERY slow healing?
  20. Limited to Saline-glucose and I agree. That's a slow, regenerating chem to heal Brute and Burn at a slow-ish pace. The two most common forms of damage. It wouldn't be able to do much with Suffocation or Toxins, but it's a Standard borg, that isn't its job. It's just a nice little boon. Can we agree on Hypo with Saline-Glucose and Epinefrine?
  21. I was thinking the cyborg hypospray that the medical module gets.
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