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Everything posted by davidchan

  1. I thought we had Dave detoothed after that monkey incident?
  2. This will be in there, along these lines: Murder victims are to be cloned ASAP, investigation/autopsy on the dead body afterwards. Prisoners get treatment if it is required to save their life ASAP. Non-Critical treatment is basically at the warden's discretion - you don't get to demand a trip to medbay for burning your hand on the lightbulb in the cell. The timer remains running while you're being treated. Attempting escape while being treated means your timer is reset when you're returned to your cell. (With additional time if you attacked medbay staff etc). If you're going to be executed, then medical care is unnecessary but may be done for humane reasons at the HoS/Captains discretion. Permabrigged people get life-saving medical care ASAP, and get non-critical healing at a priority beneath the rest of the crew. Well, that clears that up, thank you. I do have a minor nitpick about Weapons and codes, largely because of the discussion we had in Deadchat a week ago. Can you define holstered, as I have a point of contention that wearing a weapon on your exosuit slot or belt slot (not IN the belt, but wearing it instead of a belt) should most certainly NOT count as holstered as you can clearly see the weapon and remove it, last week in the discussion you said that wearing a Stun Baton or Taser on the Exosuit slot was NOT an SoP Violation in Code Green. Stowing it in bags, or better yet giving All Security Officers (And Warden and Head of Security) Holsters like the Detective that can hold Tasers, Stun Batons, Pepper Spray or possibly (but realistically not likely) Energy Guns and Laser Guns, should be the only acceptable options. OOC reasons for this is because of how damn easy it for someone like the Clown or any Civilian who can get some water or a banana to trip and strip these dangerous items. IC my reason is this; Code Green is Standard or 'All-Clear' for the Station, everyone is co-workers and a 'typical' shift Security mostly keeps them self busy by patrolling the halls, enforcing no littering policies and having to deal with the occasional break in or personal theft and the not-so-rare bar brawl as people get drunk towards the end of their shifts. They don't openly show weapons because the crew is here to do jobs and doesn't need to be threatened, even passively, to keep order. Security walking around with Tasers or Stun Batons, or just their Armored vests, would be unusual and cause concern and worry among the crew, and a distracted crew lowers productivity. Code Blue is suspected threat. SOMETHING is happening that shouldn't be, a crew member was found dead with clear signs of foul play, break ins or even thefts in high security areas have been detected, Syndicate activity has been noticed, unusual activity in the tunnels or a Cult or Revolution is brewing and Command is finding evidence of it's activity. The Crew is probably getting worried now, they aren't as safe on this station as they were promised, so Security is making a show of force. They don the armor, they have the weapons out but they aren't aiming them at the crew. They are showing they aren't defenseless and are capable of protecting the crew. Patrols become more frequent, and Security is looking tirelessly for the source of the threat to remove it. Security shouldn't be threatening the crew or tearing apart work places without some evidence or reasonable suspicion that they are in someway related to the threat.
  3. This just makes me miss clown cars. Abduct the entirity of security and listen to them whine for 20 minutes before crashing and having a dozen people itching to kick you ass after everyone is force ejected.
  4. Sooner would be better than latter, though I advise caution in the name of balance. The recyler uprgrade is effectively an infinite money machine turning small items like screwdrivers or micro maniplators into sheets of metal, plateel,glass, r glass, gold, silver and bananium. As much fun as covering the station in sqeaky bananium flooring that honls when you touch it is, it also makes science not require mining for anything but diamonds, plasma and uranium. Toning it down some would be for the best, buildable sheet stackers would also be nice.
  5. Bluespace Rapid Part Exchange Device: Requirements Materials 5 Engineering 3 Bluespace 3 Data Theory 3. Cost to produce 15000 Metal, 5000 Glass, 2500 Plasma. And upgraded version of the Rapid Part Exchange Device, using Bluespace dimensional folding technology to not only make the device smaller and more compact, but also able to remotely scan devices for components and replace them instantly without even being in the same room or using tools to disassemble the device. Bluespace RPEDs have a near infinite capacity to hold components, can fit inside of a backpack, clicking on any machine within line of sight will cause a large fat blue laser, which is completely harmless, to jump out to the machine to scan it and replace components if superior versions are detected inside the Bluespace RPED. Not recommended to use in conjunction with Teleporters or placing inside other Bluespace Objects, but no accidents or incidents have been reported as of current date.
  6. Can we get something added to SoP about Medical Attention and priority? I've had far too many Detectives, Officers and even the occasional Head of Security preventing me or other doctors/Paramedics from doing their job in cases of a crime scene. They refuse to allow suspected criminals to be given medical treatment, murder victims bodies are held for 30+ minutes some times as part of an investigation, and on several times I've had to hear over the radio how the paramedic was arrested for trying to grab a body because the detective wasn't done with it yet, myself having been arrested as well several times for grabbing crew members who were in critical condition and trying to take them to medical for treament only to get stunned and cuffed without a word from security. Maybe I'm reading space law wrong here, but from my understanding Medical Requirements of the Crew is always supposed to trump Security Investigations and matters, especially in the case of life saving or life restoring procedures such as surgery and cloning, made all the more ridiculous in Security holding onto dead bodies like the cloner will destroy evidence, when the body can easily be taken to the morgue for an autopsy not but 5 seconds after cloning has begun to get a more detailed report on their wounds and cause of death, rather than a shaky report on who all touched the body since the round start.
  7. Is there anyway to make a mining drone follow you? The little guys are cute but that wander is annoying. I don't really know how much they can hold either, since I typically do an orebox it gets frustrating when I try to bring a drone and it wanders off. Also, are Plasma Cutters and Sonic Jackhammers moved to Weapons tab in the protolathe? I was trying to print one out for a miner after I maxed 'legal research' but I couldn't find it.
  8. To preface, I am by no means a coder or spriter, I'm just brainstorming, if anyone can take these ideas, balance them and make them reality, have at it. What about net/bola guns? A slow(er than a taser or dart) that will trip and leg bind the person it hits, much like a bear trap. Takes 15-30 seconds to self-unbind and 5 seconds for someone else to do it, would give Vox a bit of an edge on their capture targets or the rambo valid hunter that charges them. A delayed taser/shocker could be cool too. No idea how you would code it, but a gun/device that fires out (manually loaded) shockers that will taze/zap 5-10 seconds after impact, using an empty hand resist will allow a person to remove the shocker before it zaps them. Being shocked by these would be a double length stun. Security/Military Vox getting smoke grenades would go a long way since they spawn with Thermo-monocoles, could even be a tear gas or ether smoke that stuns, blinds or otherwise hampers anyone who goes through the smoke without a gasmask and/or internals. Scout drone would be nice. Maybe link it to a terminal, like security cameras, a vox can launch the drone and scout the ship, use it to vent crawl and hide, give it a small spite so it would be hard to notice yet still pretty obvious that it's not NT made. Stun mines. Could be planted under a floor tile (crowbar up tile, deploy mine, cover with tile) and left as a trap, using a remote signaler could be used to enable/disable the mines. T-ray would uncover the mine, as could mesons or thermal vision maybe? Mine blows the tile up wards, dealing minor brute and a moderate stun that disorients anyone ontop of the tile and people in close proximity being effected as though a flashbang went off?
  9. Yes and please. Linda is too damn slow as it is, the fact that you can watch what is supposed to be a unstable and volatile gas creep out of a vent or canister a snail's pace that even a one legged diona could outrun... yeah.
  10. IPCs go to medical bay, quite often, out of habit because Medical bay will always have at least 1 staff member in it. It's fairly rare for even low pop rounds to at least not have a Doctor + CMO/Chemist/Virologist. Robotics is really a throw of the dice IF they are even staffing the place, and even more if the Robocisist isn't SSD out of boredom cause they can't build their murder mechs because miners haven't been spoon feeding them metals. Not only that, a lot of Roboticists clamp down the shutters, leave Mechbay Closed and ignore any and all radio chatter asking for limbs/repairs or just robot requests such as medibots or cleanerbots. You ask most regular Robotics players, and they tell you its not their job to maintain IPCs, they focus exlusively on Mechs and Borgs, quite often they'll never even repair borgs because they are 'unsalvageable' which is a pretty blatant lie. Once upon a time Robotics relied on Medical for debraining, but now they have a surgical center with everything they need for debraining and fixing brain damage (sans a bone setter and bone glue for some odd reason, yet they have fix-o-veins), so why the hell not give Medical a means to produce Prosthetics if Robotics is all SSD or not doing their jobs? Giving Medical even the most basic ability to repair and restore IPCs to functioning status would go a long way. It's far to damn easy for IPCs to get nearly fatally wounded and lots of players won't even bother helping them, assuming all players laying on the ground are dead or SSD. Laying infront of the Robotics window hoping that 1 of 3 possible people who might be working in there will notice you isn't a very comforting thought, but sitting in the medical lobby will eventually get you looked at and someone trying to help you. Diona Gestalts. Don't care about toxins, oxygen or really even brute damage so long as they have flash lights, can EVA without a suit and live basically forever, infact the best way to heal a Gestalt is to just chuck them out onto solars and wait for starlight to bring them back to full. I'm not even certain Gestalts can break limbs, I've been playing this game for nearly 2 years now and have yet to do a bone surgery on a Gestalt, the only surgery I recall doing was removing the nymph from a gestalt on the orders of a Captain a long time ago for a reasons I don't even remember. And to top it all off, Gestalts don't get paincrit or collapse from damage until they are basically already in crit. About the only 3 downsides a gestalt has are 1) They lose health in dark places, which is easily countered by carrying flashlights in your pockets/exosuit slot. 2) They move at a snails pace, which can be annoying but hardly ever stops them from getting about. And 3) They are exceptionally vulnerable to weed killer, of which only Botany starts with, Chemistry and Science Chem can produce some but it's such a weak poison people rarely go for it. Gestalts are a free race, IPCs are 15 Karma. If you want to talk about unstoppable power gaming races, look at Gestalts, their speed debuff is the only reason you don't see more people using them since it's too easy to run away from them. That is all.
  11. I would just adore a mini-fabricator that RnD could make that would be able to print out Robotic Limbs (and only limbs), could be upgraded for those special schematics like the limbs you can spawn with at round start. Just my 2 cents.
  12. Xenos is better as a Random event, or add other antags into the mix with objectives to complete. Would be very interesting to see how Security might react when someone saves their bacon with obvious Syndi gear. And a MALF AIs actions partially hidden as it's going crazy to contain the Xeno threat while eradicating crew not-so-randomly. Hard as hell to code in random antags alongside Xenos, yeah I know, but would be fun. I played there a bunch, the Xenos they have are broken, glitched and general inferior. Specific things to port (such as evolutions) wouldn't be bad. Last I checked, they had buggy old teleport vent crawling and a lot of other stupid things, like Ravagers.
  13. Ghetto Surgery is still fucked by the way, screwdriver attacks 100% of the time instead of acting as bone gel.
  14. I don't think many buddy cop movies have the buddy forced into a washing machine.
  15. 102 - minor assault. Assault and Battery are two different things. I.E. Someone treating to attack you, brandishing a weapon while confronting you, or trying to force you into a confrontation despite your efforts to avoid it would be assault. This also includes failed attempts to attack you, such as missed swings or throwing objects at you but not making physical contact. On the other hand, someone who walked up to you and tripped, flashed, pepper sprayed or attacked you for no apparent reason and without warning would simply be battery, not assault. Someone who approached you, pulled out a knife or weapon and made threats towards you, then acted upon those threats and stabbed or attacked you would be assault and battery.
  16. Can somebody in the now update the botany/hydroponics pages? It still lists baychem, and I could have sworn we moved to goonchem back in January or December. Also a guide to mutagen and suggested strategies for getting beneficial plants as well as what jobs may require which plants would go a long way.
  17. Please please please tell me that neglect of duty is going to be more indepth for 'not doing your job'. If I get arrested a doctor for refusing to treat an uncooperative or otherwise impossible to deal with patient... ugh, well worse things are probably going to happen.
  18. Singuloth Smoothie - "Just one drink and you'll be craving more. **WARNING DRINK IN MODERATION** Malpractice Malt - "For when your pretty sure medical insurance won't cover this" Sparking Baton - "There is no such thing as excessive flavor or force." CryoTea - "A nice chilled tea for when you feel like being held in stasis" Brief Booster - "Single shot of energy, for when you really need to go" *110% GUARANTEE NOT TO CONTAIN CRYSTAL METH Ambrosia of Olympus - "The more you drink, the more you swear the colors on the can are moving" Plasma Punch - "Nerd Fuel with explosive results" *WARNING. DO NOT HEAT AND EXPOSE TO OXYGEN Nitros Voxka - An energy drink mixed with vodka. "NITROS INFUSED FOR MAXIMUM FUN"
  19. ... and be atmos backup, and produce biomedicines, and recycle waste, and research... it's a space station, not Ol' MacDonald's Wait, how is Botany atmos backup? Misleading at best. Once upon a time botany plants would purge co2 from the air, so you wouldn't suffocate if you had to weld all the vents in your area. In some codebases they could pull plasma and n2o out as well, but I don't thinl paradise ever had this anyways. It was also very slow, even minor plasma leaks would take over an hour to fix. Actual atmos functionality, like stabalizing pressure of filling a room after its been syphoned is way beyond what botany can do.
  20. Kinda a bad example, since you shouldn't be breaking into medical to steal supplies, especially if doctors are around to stop you. If 25 minutes will ruin your round, how is the player who might actually die of severe wounds going to feel when medical doesn't have supplies to treat him? I admit that some of these times are excessive, though most of security doesn't care and will brig anyone they can. Old spess law is over a year out of date but we had an hos trying to enforce abuse of comms. Space law and recommended brig times aren't the problem here, we just need more admins to watch security players and jobban anyone who abuses the role and goes shitsec. As for no executions of confirmed lings, shadows/thralls and vampires, I have to agree that if you recognize one of these antags, their obvious threat to crew and nearly impossible to contain in perma should warrent more extreme measures. That, and we need a fucking way to deconvet thralls.
  21. Unless there has been a recent update, this is not true. I've tested it personally with a gps and space pod, going back and forth over the border of two zones, while 90% of the time I ended up in z-level 3,4 or 7, I did occasionally end up back on z-level 1 where I could get back to the station. I think it's a slightly wieghted RNG that determines where you go from z-level to z-level, that or it's on some kind of timer, I've had near infinite loops as a stranded borg floating past telecoms for 20+ minutes, but flying under your own power you can eventually force the RNG to send you somewhere new by repeatedly turning around and going back the way you came.
  22. Can we get some clarification on full stripping and when it's okay to remove certain items? Lots of officers seem to think it's okay or even standard procedure to take away PDAs and headsets for even the most minor crimes (such as vandalism), when you confront them about this they say it's not full stripping because they left your shoes and jumpsuit on.
  23. Eh... I used to play on CM, before they wen to their new surface map. Xenos were fun, but horribly broken. Warriors (CM Hunters) could literally pounce through glass or solid objects, spit would randomly bug out and kill marines, and they had made a lot of stupid changes that don't support the lore (Like fucking using EU Ravagers, even though server rules state Xenos can't kill without permission) I prefer /tg/ aliens, immensly so. Porting specific features would be nice, but porting what is effecitvely just a heavily modified baycode, and ancient one at that, is going to cause a lot of problems.
  24. IIRC crawl speed was very slow so abusing it seems odd, I know on Unbound crawling only let you move, otherwise you were completely prone (couldn't hold items, couldn't grab people or things, couldn't attack) so really it was only useful to crawl away from what ever took your legs, also gave IPCs a chance to get repaired since most people saw legless IPCs and ran the otherway. I wouldn't mind this being added back, as long as being cuffed, grabbed or dragged prevents you from moving. Damn right the clown is going to sit there and watch as I ghetto surgery his damn horn and legs into his chest cavity for spreading spacelube all over my lab.
  25. ... and be atmos backup, and produce biomedicines, and recycle waste, and research... it's a space station, not Ol' MacDonald's Botany has lots of things they can do, many of them multipurpose. What we usually get stuck with is some idiot making as much ambrosia as he can, or some chucklefuck playing with the mutagen till he gets knock-off kudzu in mushroom form or the like.
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