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Posts posted by MarvinMartian34


    Syndi clowns could even get special ones filled with gases that release on popping, similiar to Joker's little scheme in the 1989 Batman. Though, I seem to recall that gas just being knockout gas.

    Maybe perhaps syndi clowns can look like an enemy mob, like a xeno or megacarp, or maybe even nuke op, that most would shoot on sight? Idk regardless I like this idea.

    However, doesn't seem like an event as more of just a suggestion. Perhaps this isn't the correct forum.



    While I like the idea of having to consume something on a gasmask, part of me thinks that within the next 500 years they'll invent something better than charcoal to filter toxins. Just my two pence.

    I'm sure they would, but I don't think it should be something that lasts forever. Maybe the filter could last forever, but it's battery powered or something, so you have to recharge the power cell sometimes. I'm not sure just brainstorming things right now.


  3. I was doing some chemistry the other day, and noticed charcoal. That got me thinking, and I remembered that most gasmasks use charcoal filters. So I thought it would be neat to be allowed to put charcoal pills inside of gas masks, and that would protect you from inhaling toxins and viruses, while not having to carry around an O2 tank. Of course, it wouldn't protect you from a lack of oxygen, but would just filter out the toxins and allow the toxins in. And it would still allow for internals to be hooked up, but if you put a filter on it, after say 5 or 10 minutes of being in a toxic area, it would give you a warning like "You start to breathe heavier" or something, so you know to try to get more pills/filters. Also if your filter were to run out when you aren't in a toxic area, instead of suffocating you like internals, it just would stop filtering and give you a heads up. Sorry if this is too hard or just doesn't seem worth it/ appealing, just tell me your honest thoughts on it please.

  4. I like this idea, but also the redownloading sources would be a pain like everyone said. I think it should be kept pretty general and have like music for space, maint, and the asteroid be the same, one for the bar unless someone plays the jukebox, then the jukebox would override the ambience (although that's a disadvantage for people like me who can't download the software for the jukebox to work), and maybe some for the departments. Certain places already have this I know because I like just sitting in the AI upload sometimes listening to it's specific ambience when I'm bored, but still would be cool to see in more places. I guess I could wait, but many other players wouldn't want to and instead would just go play on other, lesser servers such as [spoiler2]Name Redacted[/spoiler2]


    Page in question (optional): Guide to Toxins

    Role(s) involved (optional: Scientist (working in the toxins lab)

    Brief description of unclear/missing info: Just generally confusing information and doesn't tell you how to do very crucial things. Like how to make a burn mix, and to not open up the canisters after you wrenched them on, etc. You'll just need to check it out. http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Guide_to_Toxins



    Facehugger problem


    The way I think it could be balanced is player controlled face huggers move VERY slow if they are, I don't know, 15 spaces away from a queen or (not sure how you would designate this) a nest. That way they have an advantage if you try to get into the nest and destroy it, but they wouldn't wander far from the nest (like in the movie).



    Basically killing any of the starting pets is vandalism. You can't really make it more broad than the starting pets, otherwise genetics and virology would be constantly being arrested for hurting their monkeys.


    edit: maybe including cargo ordered animals wearing a collar? If it has one it's probably owned by someone, right?

    The way I think it should work is if it has a name it should be punishable. Monkeys, slimes, farwas, mice, etc. would be ok. Beating Ian with a harmbaton to death is not.



    I think if a player were to select blindness or deafness as a round-start disability, they shouldn't get some sort of handicapped equivalent for glasses or headsets.

    Honestly I think there should be both. Like we do with prosthetic limbs, how you have an option of just having a stump, or getting a robotic limb.



    Aren't you afraid of meta in case one person is an antag?

    Well...there was this one time where my IC gf told me she was a cultist, but that was only because the server crashed and she thought it was round over. But she's been antag plenty of times while I was playing (one time even had to assassinate me), and she never tells me.


  10. Well, I have an IC girlfriend sortof, but she doesn't really get on much anymore, so yeah, that's an issue. Not that I really care cause I have a real life girlfriend too, but I talk to the IC one on skype alot and we're about as good friends as internet friends could be.


    Wasn't me for two reasons 1) I'm not nearly popular enough for this, and B) I have only been promoted to a head job once, and that was RD, cause the real RD wasn't there yet. A few times I joke about begging for captain, but never expect it in the slightest.

    But yeah, I see how this could be a problem, and we should find a way to fix it.


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