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Posts posted by MarvinMartian34

  1. The only time you really need a t-ray scanner is if you are an engineer, and engineers have the duffle bags, which have two(?) extra slots for whatever fits, so you can store it in there at the expense of walking a bit slower.

  2. I honestly disagree with this. I think it would be easier to just be able to reuse one can of breathing anesthetics for multiple people that I can just slap on and they shut up, instead of having to go to the chemist after every surgery to get more local anesthetic, and then you accidentally inject in their right arm instead of their left arm, so you have to go back for more. And with local anesthetics, you would have to wait for it to take effect, and then wait for it to wear off, and if you take too long in the surgery and it wears off...well, you get the idea.

  3. I really like this idea. It seems a lot more interesting than being an alien larva and hitting a random place on the menu and hope it isn't the other vent in the room. Now you can actually plan out where you want to go, rather than just teleporting instantly over station. I think that if you walk over something in the vents with a t-ray scanner, it should show the creature inside the pipes too.

  4. Just thought of something. Maybe add e-cigs to the game? Ones that can turn on and off, and can be refilled with water? It could have no side effects, and maybe, just maybe, we could have a nicotine addiction, and e-cigs help get off it. (Forgive me if I'm stupid and we can be addicted to nicotine, I don't smoke much IC.) I think it would be good RP for those people who just HAVE to smoke in the game, but are minors.

  5. I like this idea a lot. One time I played and like 50% of the station was antag, and it was one of the most fun rounds I have ever played (Despite getting killed twice as a vamp by my co-worker who was also a vamp.)

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