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Posts posted by MarvinMartian34

  1. One last thing. I'll still be able to access the forums from my phones, so I may lurk here every once in a while. Also, I think I still have like a week before I turn my computer in, so maybe I can get a few more rounds in before final exams. ALSO, Thx neca. You were always cool.


    Hello all,

    You may know me as Graham Morgan, or not know me at all, 'cause I never do much that important. Anyway, for those of you that do know me, I am saying goodbye for now. The reason is I use a school computer to play SS13, but over the summer we have to give it back to the school for safe keeping. And the only computer I (currently) have at home is a sad, sad excuse of a Mac. But there is good news (or bad news if you hate me which I'm sure about half of those who know me do), I will be getting a job and buying a new, better pc this summer, just don't know when that will be. So anyway, I love you all, you are all great people, and I will miss all of you until I get back.

    See ya,

    Graham Morgan


    You can reach me on skype at graham.nunnelee if you really want to talk while I'm gone.



    Alice Pierson II is still a bitch (but Arthur is cool)




    Please no captain's assistant.

    It's been demonstrated that it's a bad thing in game when the captain does hire one.

    I've done it a couple times. It always works great for me. Just have to pick a good person. And if it were karma, that would tell you that they have some experience at lease.



    [spoiler2]Not sure if this was already suggested, but an official Captain's assistant would be helpful. Get them to send faxes, grab food, represent you at parties, ect.[/spoiler2]

    Well, nevermind, looks like it has been suggested. Whoops.



    im a slow typer and thinker and this showed up, i like that idea but i still would like the street-grade stuff to be rarely found by crew...its like excavating for artifacts but on the station and the ''artifacts'' are always somewhere under the floors.

    Well, considering how hard it is to get just a useless artifact on the asteroid, these station "artifacts" better be EXTREMELY difficult to find. Like you have to beat the syndicate outpost that's filled with machine guns first to get a hint, and that shows you a hint on the derelict, and then go there to find the last hint, and then have to find the station again, and then the gun is hidden in a floor safe, protected by a turret with lethals or something, and then crack the safe. AND THEN you have to deal with shitcurity taking it for contraband and just taking your new toys.



    what about giving the people on the ''cent. com. status summary'' a clue in their notes that hints at ONE of the stashes, and they can hunt the floortiles that hides the stashes themselves or just give the info to the bartender or some civie.


    it would make reliable sources TM be reliable for something and give security something to aim at incase its a extended round or they have nothing to do.

    Well, how about they get a hint to go to the outpost, and then the outpost gives a hint to the derelict, which hints to the station, which is protected by a turret?



    im a slow typer and thinker and this showed up, i like that idea but i still would like the street-grade stuff to be rarely found by crew...its like excavating for artifacts but on the station and the ''artifacts'' are always somewhere under the floors.

    Well, considering how hard it is to get just a useless artifact on the asteroid, these station "artifacts" better be EXTREMELY difficult to find. Like you have to beat the syndicate outpost that's filled with machine guns first to get a hint, and that shows you a hint on the derelict, and then go there to find the last hint, and then have to find the station again, and then the gun is hidden in a floor safe, protected by a turret with lethals or something, and then crack the safe. AND THEN you have to deal with shitcurity taking it for contraband and just taking your new toys.



    Still, any other annoying/infuriating characters you guys want for pAI? I kinda feel that just this is a bit too small for a pull request on git...

    Idk, Jar Jar Binks is a bit too big for a pAI, but that's all I can think of really.


  8. Well then. Goodbye Arthur. We'll miss you. I was always joking when I said I hated you. You were always a really cool player. Even if Alice was a total asshole.


    Name: William Morgan

    Age: 27

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Blood Type: O-

    General Occupational Role(s):



    Cargo Tech


    Biography: ROUGH DRAFT: Born on Mars, got taken by space pirates, became space pirate. Will do literally anything for money. Never to be trusted. Will lie about anything and everything until he knows he's been caught and there's no way out. Steals things constantly.



    Understands telescience mathematics very well.

    Strong enough to work in mining, but doesn't always bring many ores back, but instead bags of coins.


    Employment Records: Unknown for the most part, joined the NanoTrasen Corp. in May of 2559


    Security Records: [spoiler2]Known for working whoever pays more. So keep his paycheck high and he'll stay with NT. Is known to steal anything not welded to the ground. Keep a close eye on him.[/spoiler2]


    Medical Records: Kleptomaniac. Extreme kleptomaniac.


    Personnel Photo (Appearance text): A very buff, intimidating person, with brown hair and sky green eyes. Tussled hair, and a gruff beard, with a scar running down his left cheek.


    Commendations [only to be added by admin]:



    Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:


    Other Notes: MAJOR WIP



    First off, Alice isn't dead. I don't know why everyone thought that when I said "Hey guys it's Alice's last shift before to I stop playing her." Second, Alice still has one more shift to go before I actually get rid of her. Lastly, it's supposed to be a happy ending for -her- and one for everyone else because she's gone.

    Ok I'll change it. Did she quit? What happened to her exactly? I NEED SOMETHING.


    You'll fine out soon enough.

    *twiddle thumbs patiently

    I may or may not be able to be on today. We'll wait and see.


  11. Welcome! Enjoy your stay aboard the NSS Cyberiad! Don't murderbone. Don't use racism from IRL (IC racism is ok I think though like hating catbeasts). Keep the station intact for everyone to use. That's about it to not get banned.

  12. Am I crazy, or didn't we just change it like a month ago from where secondary languages included the racial languages? I honestly am against secondary race languages, because, from a realistic and "muh immershuns" standpoint, it doesn't make a lot of sense that a human can not only perfectly immitate a cat to other humans, but that also the cat people understand exactly what they are saying.

  13. I think we should instead modify beepsky to where he can follow the HoS or warden around at a command from someones PDA, and he attacks whoever the HoS/warden clicks on with harm intent.

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