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Everything posted by SigholtStarsong

  1. Unless you're a borg who has to attempt to take down Command and they just flash, swipe and crowbar you, taking you offline before BEATING YOU TO DEATH.
  2. I just want to play one like, all the time. I'm fine with removing flap-pass and such. Maybe make them heal more quickly, utilize protein more efficiently than humans utilize nutriment.
  3. I was browsing the Bay wiki and came across something that I think fits the actual tone for Nanotrasen, rather than employing kleptomaniac midget dinosaurs. http://wiki.baystation12.net/Resomi Thoughts?
  4. I really like this idea. Paintballs could be interesting too, perhaps as an alternative to laser tag. I've noticed recently as NT Rep that when I get a new fax, it automatically pings you via the Headset.
  5. I was going to suggest either that their star was in the Goldilocks Zone of a red supergiant that was mere days away from going nova, or a Solar Superstorm like the Carrington Event.
  6. Personally, as a player with a number of Vulp characters, this whole rewrite is just a big ol' bundle of nope. The only parts I really like are the forest planet part - That makes sense. But long fur in a warm clime is a quick way to hyperthermia.
  7. The lord high warlock of paperwork returns
  8. I suggest we have octopus men so we can all pretend to be octodad and blurb all over the station. Perhaps, as with plasmamen, they must wear a suit with a water tank. Kind of a terrible, awful short suggestion, but I just wanted to put this up before I forget. I suggest the name "Hapalochs", which is a shortened form of the latin named for the Blue Ringed Octopus.
  9. Perhaps Shaft Miners should get a one shot emergency teleporter that takes them directly to medbay, since no one really seems to know how to work Telesci properly. This would cut down on the shenanigans where you get murdered by four basilisks during a laggy situation, and gives you a chance to get back into the round. Thoughts?
  10. I'm actually recording new AI vox after work today. I've got a lost of over 900< words that I'm recording.
  11. Also known as: No drones ever choose to spawn on the station proper.
  12. If it makes you feel better, I rather liked her.
  13. Alright, everyone! I'm looking for a female who wants to be the voice of the AI. Must be willing to sit around and record a redonkulous amount of words. Please post in here if you're interested.
  14. Yes. So much yes. All of the yes. So much yes, in fact, I'm can see Lord Yesloloth forming in the distance.
  15. Believe me, I know this well. I had one character I usually played as HoS and I just... stopped. It got really bad. I play HoS pretty frequently... It's like being an admin with no real power and everyone wants to actually kill you half the time.
  16. Yes. Please, for the love of all that is Nar'Sie, BRING IT BACK! I feel like every time I play HoS I have to actually fire half my department anymore.
  17. Given what I just saw in OOC about three seconds ago, I don't think glue would be a very good idea. To quote, Seems a little too grief-inducing for me.
  18. It was actually surprisingly difficult to find the right models for this, considering the HoS and the Mateba are the only two models for SS13 that appear in Garrys Mod. If anyone could make more, I could do more impressive stuff. Took probably around an hour or two, because those xenomorph models have a ridiculous quantity of bones.
  19. I got incredibly, incredibly bored and decided to start doing some Garrys mod poses of various situations that have happened to me as Head of Security. Like I said. Halfassed.
  20. Massive support for 2, 4, and 5. I can't tell you how many times I want to make a larger text announcement or send out a distress call to CentComm because of a Rev Round or other antag has incapped the bridge.
  21. I can support the hell out of this.
  22. Hello everyone! I thought I'd make a nice little "How d'ya do" thread here. I've been playing for a while but just got on the forums. I look forward to interacting with / borging / murdering you all!
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