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Posts posted by scrubmcnoob


    Jump starting the wiki team again.

    Integrated the new google forum system.

    Will be messaging various members on the list for activity check, will purge off old ones.

    After a solid base is established, will start ensuring that requests are being processed and marked off.

    Anyone wishing to join, look at the OP.



    Lore work!

    That's right, we are actually placing our hands into it!


    Before you somersault over your desk, this page is going be a collection of all the lore articles on the wiki. Meaning, you should be able to read this page and if you follow all the links, know much more about our universe. (Once it is done that is.)


    It's wonderful that we have all these people clacking away writing their lore but its just all mashed up once put into the disorganized wiki, so this page is going fix that. As of right now we aren't changing any lore, merely collecting it and organizing it. We will start making basic lore changes and updates to fix any paradoxes/the numerous amounts of missing info about our lore once we finish collecting it all.


    tl;dr lore is getting organized and then fixed/added in to fill in the holes.



    It seems like a good idea but don't know how practical it be. To be honest, most people know what the verbs do and they are self explanatory; not to mention something you won't forget.

    I will also talk with more people tomorrow about assigning more roles.



    A good read.

    Only suggestion I have is add in the meanings for abbreviations like OOC and IC. I know you linked the rules but that links to the wiki page of rules which does not have the abbreviations for OOC and IC unlike rules on the forums.



    To be honest tape rolls should have infinite uses( I would say limit it, but that be annoying for coding and its just mouth gagging which can be removed instantly if you are not tied). Have you seen a brand new roll of duct tape? They literally could tape a hundred mouths shut.


    And again, only saying for tape to gag people because only a few things can properly do that. Not saying it should be used for tying people up seeing we got cable cuffs for that and various other restraints.


    Edit: And the application time of tape should be the same as taking a radio headset off.



    Pretty sure if you wrapped duct tape 10 times(Which is hardly part of the roll) around your head to cover your mouth, and your hands are tied, I don't think that is coming off easy.


    So a duct tape gag that can be applied after five seconds with a tape roll but instantly removed with free hands should be a thing. Any other thoughts?


  7. To be honest, learning one mode real well rather than using a combo of both is probably better. Non-hot key mode is essentially hot key mode except all yours keys are in a compact area and you can type while spamming a toolbox on someone. So really, we all know, it's totally objectively better than hot key mode. Also everyone needs a silver tongue to bullshit why their screwdriver is in the man's skull. #Non-HotkeyElitism

  8. Alright that is fine, as time goes on, we will start having more and more global times for wiki meetings where we can get the most members at one time. I will also talk with a Discord power holder to make us a text and voip channel.


    I use Non-Hotkey mode which has hotkeys ironically enough.

    The numpad arrows of 2,4,6, and 8 move you as well as the arrow keys.

    Numpad 1 is to throw.

    Numpad 3 activates

    Numpad 7 drops.

    Numpad 9 switches hands.

    Numpad 0 cycles your intent.

    Ctrl+Click drags some one.

    Shift+Click examines.

    Alt+Click brings up the helpful tab of all items on that square.


    All these keys are conveniently located in one area of your keyboard, and as far as I know, this is just as good as hotkey mode considering you got all those keys.


    Edit: Here is the mega list.

    Hotkey-Mode: (hotkey-mode must be on)

    TAB = Toggle Hotkey Mode

    a = Move Left

    s = Move Down

    d = Move Right

    w = Move Up

    q = Drop Item

    e = Equip Item

    r = Throw Item

    m = Me

    t = Say

    o = OOC

    b = Resist

    x = Swap Hands

    z = Activate Held Object (or y)

    f = Cycle Intents Left

    g = Cycle Intents Right

    1 = Help Intent

    2 = Disarm Intent

    3 = Grab Intent

    4 = Harm Intent



    Any-Mode: (hotkey doesn't need to be on)

    Ctrl+a = Move Left

    Ctrl+s = Move Down

    Ctrl+d = Move Right

    Ctrl+w = Move Up

    Ctrl+q = Drop Item

    Ctrl+e = Equip Item

    Ctrl+r = Throw Item

    Ctrl+b = Resist

    Ctrl+o = OOC

    Ctrl+x = Swap Hands

    Ctrl+z = Activate Held Object (or Ctrl+y)

    Ctrl+f = Cycle Intents Left

    Ctrl+g = Cycle Intents Right

    Ctrl+1 = Help Intent

    Ctrl+2 = Disarm Intent

    Ctrl+3 = Grab Intent

    Ctrl+4 = Harm Intent

    DEL = Pull

    INS = Cycle Intents Right

    HOME = Drop Item

    PGUP = Swap Hands

    PGDN = Activate Held Object

    END = Throw Item

    F2 = OOC

    F3 = Say

    F4 = Me



    If this is added in, the tape should last indefinitely until it is manually removed.


    Stunprod+Zipties+tape=fun time ;)


    But really, it is annoying that a person can scream like a banshee when your abducting them and you can't even shove your sweaty sock into their mouth to shut them up. You need to either get a muzzle, very few in the game, wait for a chemical to knock them out/mute them, start choking the guy out, or beat his face in; but the last two may conflict with your actual goal with what you intend to do with him and or you can't do it on the run.



    The only problem of that is the thread can get out dated with what really needs fixing. If we start using the Wiki tags, such as outdated, then we can just look at a large page to see the stuff needing changes. And when the page is updated, the tag is removed. This will just avoid the whole need of constantly updating a separate thread.


    And the plan is to host meetings with Wiki members and give them a page assignment there, as well do general fixing all together, answering questions, etc.



    About: The sparse info you need to know!

    The wiki team is a group of people who regularly check the google report form to complete wiki requests and occasionally collaborate together to generally improve areas of the wiki. Members are granted the power to edit the response form to update it and receive the Wiki Contributor tag when commitment is shown and retain them with activity.


    How to join: Anyone with basic English can do it!

    Contact scrubmcnoob, using the Paradise Discord stating your wishes of joining the team; staying on the discord is mandatory to be on the team(Mics are not required).


    The Team: Tick marks are people who passed recent activity checks.








    All names in this roster should match discord name for easy tagging.


    Important Links: All important links to wiki Categories.


    http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Cat ... te_Content

    http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Cat ... or_removal

    http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Cat ... n_Progress


    Next Meeting: Hosted on the Paradise discord. Anyone may join on the conversation. All times are based off GMT 0. Only hosted when really needed.

    Coming Soon™


    Google Report Form Responses: A list of all reports that need to be dealt with and completed.

    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... 1690713171


    General Help: For those who can't be bothered to join but wish to help when they can.

    Quite simple really, use the following form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdpUBzKljpM4PXAi5-IIaWHVJdDLsvMsdv95pAhHrWYM2M-FA/viewform and submit a report.


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