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Posts posted by scrubmcnoob


    Okay, I understand you very clear in that statement. Of course blanket statements are bad because they create to much of a grey zone.

    But the point I am trying to make is that the man that Spartan was dragging to the brig was constantly resisting, not a simple click. And that much display of defiance to a security officer should surely be counted as resisting arrest because they are constantly trying to get out.


    Now, we need a solution to this grey zone policy. The most direct and easy one, in my opinion, would be adding a simple statement to the Space Law wiki in regards to the resist button and its correlation to the "Resisting Arrest" sentence.


    "Clicking the resist button once does not warrant the five minute extension to their brig time, Resisting Arrest sentence, but constantly clicking it will result in the extension of time. This is especially true if the Officer tells the resistor to stop immediately."


    I hope this covers the grey zone and makes security's job on the station a bit more enjoyable.



    Well, to that, I present an hypothetical situation:


    Officer A goes up to Person B and tases them. Officer A then cuffs Person B and brings them to the Brig. Person B makes no moves to escape, nor says anything.


    However, when buckled into the Processing Room, Person B tries to unbuckle and remove their cuffs. Would this count as Resisting Arrest?

    Well that is dependent of how long Person B is left inside the processing room.

    If Person B tries to break out within the first thirty seconds of being alone, then yes because he is not sitting inside his cell. He can easily call over the radio, because its against SOP to remove the headset unless they do something to warrant its removal, for an officer to come and place him in his cell so he can wait out his sentence.


    If person B tries to break out of his cuffs after ten minutes have gone by and constant pleas over the radio for an officer to deal with him, at that point its not resisting arrest because by statement of Legal SOP

    "1. No prisoner is to be held for longer than ten (10) minutes in Processing if no evidence against them is readily available. Should the ten (10) minutes expire without any evidence of any crimes coming to light, the prisoner is to be released. Otherwise, proceed with the following guidelines:"

    he is to be freed.


    If Sec still arrests him, they are just shitcurity. Sitting in processing for more than ten minutes without any interaction in itself is ridiculous and shows that the security are being bad that round.


    This scenario is more linked with the fact that some rounds we have few good security players and mostly shitcurity. Saying the "Resist" button while cuffed is not resisting is not helping attract more good security players. Just my two cents, I really don't think we should be condoning behavior of spam clicking resist. If people want to be annoying to security, then fine, but they will have to deal with a slightly longer sentence. Sec already have enough of a hard job, they don't follow game mechanics but rather human interaction.



    Well, you know, you can stop resists easily just by moving the person.

    The button itself is called "RESIST", I think it should be pretty clear at that point.

    Security already have enough of a hard time, they should not have to deal with moving some one constantly because they keep spamming the chat with giant red text as they spam click the RESIST key.


    literally everyone got slammed with an extra 5 minutes because they happened to click a button..

    I don't think spam clicking the resist button is an accidental click of the button.


    you can't really resist an arrest if you're already arrested.

    Spartan stated that he was bringing the cuffed person to the brig, the person is in custody, yes, but you can still easily resist during this phase. Your arrest of a man is not fully completed until they are sitting in the brig and watching their timer count down.


    If I was to attempt to wriggle out of my cuffs after being pulled over on the high way for drunk driving, there would be repercussions for sure.


    If they're already arrested, then attempting to escape would most likely fall under one of those categories in that green table whose name I don't remember.


    You are referring to "Escape from Brig" which modifier states "Reset Timer"

    This is very contradictory considering if you are dragging some one through the hallway, where is there brig timer to reset? There is none because the arrest is not over and they are not sitting in a brig cell; they are still in transit to such an area.


    It also states for when they are trying to flee confinement, being dragged in a hallway means you are not yet confined. The officer could be easily attacked and you could simply make a run for it.



    Yeah, that's my biggest rage-inducer, scrub. I'm in the middle of R&D and someone just walks in and starts fucking with the console. I try my damnedest to pay attention to the chat window even with 90% of it covered with the console window, just ask me if you can use it first and I'll probably say yes.

    Indeed, especially when they are on harm intent and just start pushing you away from the console only to go back a few tiles to use it.




    A simple sprite for lubed tiles would definitely balance it out and allow people to avoid such tiles if they are cautious and take the time to look out for it. There is no way to look out for something that is completely invisible.




    The puke bandito strikes again!

    In essence, fellow janitor and I were cleaning the station. People started to disrespect us, so we showed them how important we were and started smearing puke everywhere.


    In the end, we did a comedic gag of one guy cleaning in front only to have another smear puke everywhere. Also lead to the medical staff breaking ours hands but that is the life of a puke bandito ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



    If I would to look at this current trend as a top executive at NT, I rather have tool hoarders then a lack of tools on a Space Station where engineering errors can result in the death of many; more importantly the lost of profits.


    So if it is another fail safe from complete station destruction, best to keep the trend of tool junkies going.



    Infections can kill you, and if you leave it untreated for too long, don't be surprised if medbay doesn't have enough spacealine to fix it (related:buff spacealine pls)

    I completely agree on the buff, I hate using an entire barrel of spacealine to just cure one person.

    And in regards to limb disabilities, there should be an option to have your limbs disabled/broken upon working. Hence the need for a wheelchair or cane without actually missing your limbs.



    To get this thread back on track, Space Lube does seem a bit overpowered for what it is.

    It seems to be an over glorified lubricant used only for gracious S-Slipping.

    And yes, it is completely invisible. There is literally zero ways of detecting it besides seeing some one squirt it down or some one slipping on it.


    And even if you know it is in there, what can you do?

    You need to wait an awfully long time for it to finally disperse and by then, anyone who had slipped to the other side would be long dead if it was a security situation; assuming its a maintenance tunnel and its only one block thick.

    There should be a counter chemical to absorb the stuff up, like wood dust or jiffy dry powder.


    Rather than nerfing the hell out of Space lube itself, why not make a direct counter to it so people have a choice of coming prepared if there is a lube monster on the loose.


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