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Posts posted by DeletedUser


    I know I shouldnt post here, but since nobody else replied and I can provide the clarification you ask for (or part of it), I will just try to explain it briefly. Zog ye Regins.


    EDIT: Earth posted just as i was typing this dagnabbit, oh well whatevs.


    Definition of "hijack"


    "To seize control of (a vehicle such as an airplane or bus) by use of force, especially as a way of reaching an alternate destination or as an act of terrorism."


    "To take control of (something) without permission or authorization and use it for one's own purposes"


    The idea behind the hijack objective is to take over the shuttle and fly it to the syndicate base (this last thing doesnt happen because of limitations of the source code), because the syndicate wants it for whatever dark and evil reason. It's not hard to guess how destroying the shuttle conflicts with the objective of capturing it.


    However, the wording of the objective and the code itself only cares about nobody else but the traitor escaping alive on the shuttle, so destroying it and escaping on a pod, or even not escaping at all, is a valid tactic according to the mechanics of the game, as long as nobody makes it to the shuttle alive.


    With this in mind, some people only care about the actual mechanics of the game, while others care more about the spirit of the game (which can also be interpreted differently depending of the person), hence why some people would praise such tactic as you described, while others would despise it.

    Personally I wouldnt destroy the shuttle to complete a hijack objective, though I've chosen to disable all my antagonist candidancies so my preferences aren't very revelant.


    Of course, if anything I say conflicts with what the current admins say, their version is correct and mine is to be considered null.



    Also a small hint, asking how can you become an admin makes you less likely to be considered for adminship. I know its counter-intuitive, but that's how it works. :^)


    SPECIALLY if your most only active forum is the unban appeals section. I mean, come on, really?





    *throws something heavy, like a bulldozer, at garoon as promised*




    That's it, now there is no excuse to not burn this thread into the ground. Erfy I need my buttons back. I approve of the drawing of me strangling the daemon, though, that can stay if you add proper armor.


    Also that drawing had not enough pauldrons and not enough vein-popping to be set as avatar. If I knew how to change my avatar, my account doesn't have that option. When I registered I already had the avatar I have now, I didn't put it there.



    I'm keeping track of everyone viewing and posting on here to gather them all up to start an army, it'll be great, I haven't figured out who we're going to be attacking yet but I'm open for suggestions.



    Oh oh I can help with that, point me the enemy and I will design a strategy.




    [snip vox xeno propaganda]


    [snip turian xeno propaganda]



    Target acquired, no weapons are visible, this should be easy, but approach with caution.


    Deploy in squads of 9, each led by one sergeant, using the


    maneuver, try to land on top of the enemy. Then deploy and charge the enemy before he has time to react.


    If that doesn't work, initiate orbital strike.



    Make sure to draw the cat ears on her, and her shredded cat tail stuck in the bloody chainsaw's chain. And the guy, seeing as she effectively managed to make the chainsaw useless, would punch her face, squashing it in, kindof like this.






    Then send it to Regens.





    This drawing looks better, now just replace the human girl with an alien or a mutant (read: catgirl) and draw the chainsaw stuck in her spine with Ash struggling to yank it out. Too explicit? I agree, Dumbdumn don't look.


    Also I like her jumpsuit. Purple is nice. Bloodstained purple looks cool too. Just one question:





    I'm going to kidnap your and lock you in Xenobiology with me one day and force you to help me feed monkeys to the slimes. You're going to be best friends :3


    Can I feed you to the space abominations instead? you resemble a monkey close enough to me. I'm sure you will love the slime hugs.



    If you don't sample your own work, then how do you know you aren't serving poisoned drinks to your customers, eh? eh? Exactly.


    Also I think if you drink around two full glasses of liquor fast enough, thats enough to make you pass out, but not to vomit. Useful, eh?


    Unless they changed it again of course. With all the updates, I wouldn't be surprised if drinking alchohol made you vomit rainbow fire. Damn coders keep a changelog you bunch of grots.



    This suggestion.... it almost feels like y o u d o n 't t r u s t t h e a d m i n s . . .


    afterall we'd all understand why nobody'd want to reveal the sekrit admin ERP chat :P

    also thanks for reminding me that i need to spam-shitpost dorfs and steampunk there.


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