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Posts posted by EmilitiaEnnehrt

  1. The Dog Wrestler Waltz

    Original: Exurb1a

    Arrangement:  Emilitia Ennehrt

    Here's how it sounds in space (bluespace lag as usual)

    How it's supposed to sound

    Wanna play it on ss13 instrument?

    The Dog Wrestler's Waltz.txt

    240 BPM is awesome also


    This would not be possible without @BlackDog's help, thanks a lot, more is coming since I'm enjoying doing these.

    • Like 2
    • fastparrot 2
  2. You mfs talk flaming shit within my baton range

    actually has lore below, not just meme



    She likes to keep her PDA strapped to her right upper arm and wear a black security coat instead of the jacket. Also the radios are clipped to the back of her ear, not too tight though.

    Her rank is Cpl (Corporal) and wears three ribbons on her coat: Cyberiad Magnificent Medical Medal (ICly cannon, thanks Sophie/Edroy), Dagon special operations service ribbon (one of the 4 expedition operative to make a landfall onto a rogue planet), Nanotrasen Service Medal (every single nukies round I immediately join sec force and help command out, I assume she'd get an award for at least getting captain out of a sieged bridge at least twice).

    Realistically she has NSS Cyberiad and NDV Dagon (NDV because NTSS is the retired version of Dagon) service ribbon or whatever every crew/sec has when you serve on them, but she probably snatched one from NRS Orion too since Dagon practically orbits around the communication array.)

    Helka and Velklana version will come with some lore.

    • Like 3
  3. The idea started when we were doing a Jackbox Party game with 5 people and we started posting ss13 references in it. Then everyone pretty much agreed telepathically to post Toob in bracketeering which was awesome. Toob was not included in the said session.



  4. We are posting Grey to honor our bald waterphobic community, various memes of Greys, screencaps of Grey, and other Greyposting are very much accepted. Get your best screencap of the adulthood heroes that are them generic alien from the 70s and share it with the world.

  5. Hello!

    I'm Emilitia Ennehrt, my friends simply call me "Emi"

    As of recent, you might have seen one of my two characters on board the NSS Cyberiad: Helka Ellenn and Scarlet Einholve.

    It's been more than a month now since I started playing this little space game, specifically on this server that my friend, @Calvary15, has invited me into, since then I've been making friends and having fun inside of it and made dumb mistakes which I am genuinely sorry for.

    In game I play as these super focused, job-lose-phobia vulps who are trying to be as chill as possible within their characters to others with high appreciation to a large number of people and friends. Helka is a formal, (usually) sweet engine technician/quartermaster and Scarlet is a slightly arrogant but chill security officer/surgeon + xenobiologist.

    In real life I'm a genderfluid Thai student majoring English and Literature, and planning to persue Philosophy and/or Psychology too. I don't have a lot to say about myself in general but you're always welcome to sit down and talk with me and we'll learn more about each other. Apart from being extremely focused on my research papers and some books, I do enjoy many hobbies such as writing, drawing, drumming, and barely being able to play the guitar.

    Thank you for reading my introduction, hope to see you in the server, and feel free to hit me up on discord or whatever. 



    Byondkey: EmilitiaEnnehrt

    Discord: Emilitia Ennehrt#3586


    I'm a little emo towards close friends too, but it's more about them songs doe u_u

    • Like 2
  6. Mountains - Message to Bears (simple melody, put it on loop) (Working on a full one)

    BPM: 171






    WIP : Caspian - Sad Heart of Mine (actually pretty uplifting)



    BPM: 200

    F3,C4,F4,G4, ,F4,F3,C4,F4,G4, ,F4

    F3,C4,F4,G4, ,F4,F3,C4,F4,G4, ,A5

    F3,C4,F4,G4, ,F4,F3,C4,F4,G4, ,F4

    F3,C4,F4,G4, ,F4,F3,C4,F4,G4, ,A5

    F3,C4,F4,G4, ,F4,F3,C4,F4,G4, ,F4

    F3,C4,F4,G4, ,F4,F3,C4,F4,G4, ,A5

    C5, ,F5,C6, ,A5,C5, ,F5,C6, ,F5

    C5, ,F5,C6, ,A5,C5, ,F5,G5, ,A5

    C5, ,F5,C6, ,A5,C5, ,F5,C6, ,F5

    C5, ,F5,C6, ,A5,C5, ,F5,G5, ,A5

    C5, ,F5,C6, ,A5,C5, ,F5,C6, ,F5

    C5, ,F5,C6, ,A5,C5, ,F5,G5, ,A5

    C5, ,F5,C6, ,A5,C5, ,F5,C6, ,F5

    C5, ,F5,C6, ,A5,C5, ,F5,G5, ,A5

    C4,E4,F4,G4, ,F4,C4,E4,F4,G4, ,F4

    C4,E4,F4,G4, ,F4,C4,E4,F4,G4, ,A4

    C4,E4,F4,G4, ,F4,C4,E4,F4,G4, ,F4

    C4,E4,F4,G4, ,F4,C4,E4,F4,G4, ,A4

    C4,F4,F4,G4, ,F4,C4,F4,F4,G4, ,F4

    C4,F4,F4,G4, ,F4,C4,F4,F4,G4, ,A4

    C4,F4,F4,G4, ,F4,C4,F4,F4,G4, ,F4

    C4,F4,F4,G4, ,F4,C4,F4,F4,G4, ,A4

    C3,F4,F4,G4, ,F4,C4,F4,F4,G4, ,F4

    A#3,F4,F4,G4, ,F4,D3,F4,F4,G4, ,A4

    C3,F4,F4,G4, ,F4,C4,F4,F4,G4, ,F4

    A#3,F4,F4,G4, ,F4,D3,F4,F4,G4, ,A4

    C3,F4,F4,G4, ,F4,C4,F4,F4,G4, ,F4

    A#3,F4,F4,G4, ,F4,D3,F4,F4,G4, ,A4

    C4,E4,F4,G4, ,F4,C4,E4,F4,G4, ,F4

    C4,E4,F4,G4, ,F4,C4,E4,F4,G4, ,A4

    C4,E4,F4,G4, ,F4,C4,E4,F4,G4, ,F4

    C4,E4,F4,G4, ,F4,C4,E4,F4,G4, ,A4

    C4,E4,F4,G4, ,F4,C4,E4,F4,G4, ,A4

    C4,E4,F4,G4, ,F4,C4,E4,F4,G4, ,A4

    C4,E4,F4,G4, ,F4,C4,E4,F4,G4, ,F4

    C4,E4,F4,G4, ,F4,C4,E4,F4,G4, ,A4

    [C5,F5,C6,C5, ,A5,C5,F5,C6,C5, ,F5

    A#4,F5,G5,A#4, ,F5,A4,F5,G5,A4, ,A5

    C5,F5,C6,C5, ,A5,C5,F5,C6,C5, ,F5

    A#4,F5,G5,A#4, ,F5,A4,F5,G5,A4, ,A5] - Blegh, awful, too bad



    I have no idea how to really make them sound good or make their rhythm sync up as close as the real music, trying to work with only ears and original songs.



    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. "Es gibt kein Hoffnung für die Art, aber dich? Hmms... Vielleicht kann ich dich verschonen..."

    There is no hope for the kind, but you? Hmm... Maybe I can spare you. 


    Master Admiral Scarlet Blade (Neo-Brandenn version of Skarlette Bladeir), Commander of the 4th Master fleet (Albion Red Angel), Sertian Imperial Navy


    Name similarity to my in game character? Well I name my in game characters partially after my lore characters-

    • Like 6
  8. To Fall The Banners

    Sertian Super Event: The Brandenn Revolution


    The Brandenn Revolution where the divided classes rose up and unified under one name; Sertiankind.

    When the light of the North Sun no longer give warmth to the people, but instead burn them with malicious avenging light.

    Generations of warborn children no longer wishes to fight, but they'll give it all for the promise of one last civil war between brothers and sisters. 

     To fall the banners is to fall the radical ideology of all nations.

    For a united world where the only banners that fly represent the Sertiankind.






    • Like 3
  9. More Scarlet in my other artstyle! 


    Scarlet Einholve background "double black" & no blackground "double black" 


    And the unedited sketch 


    For double black version, I simply duplicate the sketch layer and put them on top of each other... 

    On the side wrote "The days of my girlhood I scarcely have spent..." (reference to a song called Bright Sunny South) 

    Will make content for Helka soon, she's a lot less robust in term of personality and backstory. 

    • Like 7
  10. So I've recently acquired Canilunzt syllable list from @Darkmight9 (thank you!) which composes of "growls, barks, yaps," and Germanic sounding words like 'zwichs, schz, azunein, etc.'  and I'm planning to write a Canilunzt song after the melody of the Irish folksong called "Come Out ye Black and Tans".

    The Lore

    "Traditionally, Vulpkanin names typically follow the conventions of their spoken language. They tend to sound harsh and guttural, and many a scholar has compared them to the names found in ancient Germanic and Semitic languages." - wikipage on Vulpkanin

    "The guttural language spoken and utilized by the inhabitants of Vazzend system, composed of growls, barks, yaps, and heavy utilization of ears and tail movements.Vulpkanin speak this language with ease." - wikipage on Language

    And what I got from the code;image.png.a64707052e52677634d10b32076005cb.png

    This gives me a conclusion that Canilunzt is a language based around canid growls, Germanic, and Semitics, so I might be using some other seemingly appropriate words in the song based on the conclusion too.


    Actually, yeah, a few.

    As an English Major who is heavily into art and literature, I cannot help but try to be extremely on point and precise with lore and whatnot.

    (and complicate often-looked-over non-important things like this). 

    While writing the songs by combining the given syllables and some likely-to-be-a-Canilunzt-word (like ghurth, an alternative to ghzth) and utilizing German grammar (since I am learning German), I discovered good sounding words like "Schzfaronn" etc, but the thing is, I also made a translation version of the song, and that gave me a little spook for possibly defining Canilunzt word, because Schzfaronn in this case happen to translate to Spacestation, but I have no intention to change, define, or add things to the language and the lore surrounding it.

    The other problem is that I have a little of idea about the "vibe" of the language, some people said it's mostly composed of rawr and growls, while I might be taking different approach and made it sound too German.


    Oh and also, another unique trait of the language is that it uses "heavy utilization of ears and tail movements." which might make the language seems weird to be added to a song or be spoke/played on.. radio? unless that doesn't really matter? 

    Why the honk are you writing this short essay on the forum then?

    Firstly, I'd like to thank you for finishing that part of reading, here's what I'm thinking about:

    1) I'm looking for people who can give me feedbacks or recommendations on the linguistic of Canilunzt (and Neo-Russkiya later), I don't know if we have loremasters on the station or not that can clarify the language for me. But still, comment below or contact me on discord @Emilitia Ennehrt#3586 if you are willing to help! 

    2) If you want to help on instrumental part, since I only play the drums and I'm very sad at guitar, I do have all the guitar chords and references ready (it can also be piano, and tell me if you need fees for those-) (this will be very later I guess because I'm not near finishing yet).

    3) What do you think about stuff like this? I do a bunch of artsy stuff and I happened to be a part of ss13 now, so I'm thinking about doing those for this game too. Maybe I can do more projects like this etc.

    4) Just for the sake of xenolinguistic, I love fictional languages, Vyeshal from Tooth and Tail, etc., so it'd be a fun project to do while I endlessly listen to "Come Out ye Black and Tans" and "Es ziehen die Söhne los" on loop.

    In anycase, thank you for dropping by and reading this, feel free to contact me or whatever.


    - Emilitia Ennehrt



    now I only have 6 hours left to sleep

    Sorry for spelling mistakes

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