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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/14/2017 in Posts

  1. Hello, one and all, my name is Frosty and my ideas are good ones. Story time! As of recent, I have been playing a character, "Donny", a maintenance dwelling tourist who has become feral and lives off of the land. Seeing how there is little land to live off to, I resort to setting up my camp in the unused public garden, setting a bonfire and claiming my territory. I am rather partial to the whole "abandoned, tribal de-evolution" aspect of my character, as well as the liberties that it entails. I'm unsure whether or not anyone will back me up on this front, but I feel like the tribal area is rather lacking at the moment. Whether referring to the crafting menu, or the options for cooking rats, I have a couple ideas that can spice up the life of maint dwelling hobos, and I hope people hear me out. TLDR: I have good ideas and want to add more tribal gear, but I don't know jack fuck about Dream Maker. I'd like to add more items to the "Tribal" section of the crafting menu, as it currently only has 4 items on it, and two of them are useless/unobtainable without circumstantial methods. I understand that our crafting menu might just have these because we ported it from another server, but I think it can truly be expanded upon for an enhanced experience. Adding some of the following craftable items/mechanic modifications would be helpful: Tent/Shelter for lying in, reveals the the lower half of a human's sprite when laying down The traditional "stick and box" trap, that you use to trap small animals/pesky intruders Pile of leaves that can be used to cover up items/traps on the ground A "Wilson" knock-off (Reference to the film Cast Away), possibly named "Milson", made using a basketball/watermelon Some form of club/bludgeoning stick, possibly one that can be held in both hands to intimidate like the spear More craftable options with wood, like full walls, full length torches, or handheld torches Make meals that are cookable/craftable over bonfires, whether it be Rats on a Stick, a Mold Ball, or else a nice Grub Burger Use of herbs/mold to make medicinal items/functional utilities, including healing salve, disinfectant, or smoke bombs More viable methods of growing plants in maintenance, seeing as the only ways are to get your hands on grass and a shovel, or stealing a planter from Botany. Some form of fermenting to make a foul alcoholic beverage, kind of like how I assume you dry leaves to make weed with the new botany system. If Rats-On-A-Stick is going to be a viable recipe, there should be more prevalent vermin in maintenance, either by some random spawning process, or else a means or reproducing, seeing how I only see a maximum of 4 rats in maintenance per round, unless someone has a spawning toy. As of right now, these are the only changes I can think of that are reasonable, but I would love for people to brainstorm with me on the same level. I understand some of these things are harder to implement than others, but the only thing I'm capable of providing other than concepts at the moment are my fairly standard spriting skills. I would commend and actively work with anyone who is capable of taking me up on such a request, because I think that aside from typical "maint-dweller" RP, these additions can be utilized in other situations, such as an antag in maintenance needing medical attention/equipment, an intense round of Nations, or a manner of decorating a department.
    1 point
  2. My mistake. You altered the 'before' picture and slimmed that down a little bit as well for some reason. At which point yes, the part i highlighted /is/ the abdomen because you removed the hand entirely in the before sprite. Which .dmi are you editing anyways? is it the one located in icons > mobs > human_races> r_human.dmi ? I understand the points you're trying to make. You're approaching it from an artistic point of view and you're right that ss13 sprites in general do not make sense when it comes to realism or perspective but that isn't the point I am trying to make. While things may not be realistic and while ss13 might be a mishmash of weird perspective choices there are reasons those choices benefit the players as a whole. When nearly every player mob uses the same base-human shape it means that our player sprites are essentially compatible with any past and future content from any other server (since...most servers use the same human sprites.). Not everyone is an artist and not everyone wants to devote the time to change literally thousands of sprites. Vox are currently the most dramatically different bodyshape and they've been here for as long as the server has and yet hardly any of the numerous worn sprites that other player mobs can wear even fit vox. For a sprite to be altered so much from the standard base model you essentially have to edit and make new versions of everything located in belt.dmi/ears.dmi/eyes.dmi/hands.dmi/human_face.dmi/mask/suit.dmi/underwear.dmi/uniform.dmi. There are 330 items in uniform.dmi alone and four directions for every sprite. Even if we assume that most outfits are symmetrical and that you merely flip the east/west sprite and use the north sprite as the base for the south sprite that's still 165 sprites to make to cover that one .dmi and we're not even touching on how long that would take. There's a lot of unique outfits that are not just recolors and some outfits are terribly complicated. You have to stop and consider that currently when people add/port new clothing/hair/worn items it generally is for the standard human shape and those people are probably not going to make versions that fit an altered female model (this is what currently happens with vox). You're going to hit a point then where human females wont be able to wear new things. This isn't the same as a game adding new content to spice things up. This is a purely cosmetic change that essentially breaks existing content and increases the workload for anyone who wants to add in new worn sprites.
    1 point
  3. I get tazed on sight a lot for having my ID in my PDA on blue alert. Should really be something about it being compulsory to identify yourself on red but it's a bit of a non issue, if sec can't see your face 9/10 times you'll get a golden bolt chasing you anyway,
    1 point
  4. Tea in a mug! HoS Cecilia Fleming
    1 point
  5. A drawing of my favourite Detective Yes I have favourites. Here's the ever so anger driven Detective Jonah Bright. Time to head out and stop that cult.
    1 point
  6. Zeke Varloss' cute corgi Sax
    1 point
  7. Here's a fun comic of Jonah and Polly [spoilertext]And of course it was something that happened in game[/spoilertext] And sometimes you just gotta redo a drawing Here's the older one
    1 point
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