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  1. Yesterday
  2. Some original ss13 faction i made: Dominion of Ostra flag, Ostran Imperial Soldat. because space humans that is german soldats are cool.
  3. Last week
  4. Gigabrain thought for a sick new virus symptom: Amanitin. Once the virus is cured every victim becomes a ticking time bomb unless medical is properly equipped. Or maybe that's too strong and would require some more consideration.
  5. Name: Patrick Peterson Age: 39 Gender: Male Race: Human Blood Type: B+ General Occupational Role(s): Roboticist Security Officer Medical Doctor A conversation on the Cyberaid (Biography): Qualifications/Training: Employment Records: [Open to Crew Please ask your Local Head Of Personnel For Employees Records] Security Records: [SECURITY CLEARANCE REQUIRED TO VIEW] Medical Records: [MEDICAL CLEARANCE REQUIRED TO VIEW] Personnel Photo's: Selfie Of Patrick Peterson in his Roboticist Uniform About to be Transferred to the Cyberaid for a Roboticist Shift A note is scribbled on "Hehe R.O.B.B.I.E And H.E.A.L.S Didn't want me to go today But I had to work today So as compensation I took this picture with them! (September 2568)" The Note seems to be held up in his Hotel Room with a smiley face next to it...How did you even get in there anyway? An Old Photo Of Patrick's First time Wearing the TSMC Uniform with a worn-down note scribbled on: "Alright it's time to get deployed for the first time let's do this." The Picture seems to be hung on the wall in Patrick's hotel room in a nice frame it seems worn down from old age. Personal Relationships/Opinions: Other Notes: This took me a while to make I Hope you find it to be an interesting read :).
  6. All of them are amazing art, that cannot be understated. Like bagel said though I think number 2 needs some text or something along those lines to make it feel like a lobby welcome image, it feels like its missing something. Similarly, 4 is a nice continuation of the original poster, it just feels a lil empty. I think it could easily be fixed if the floating station was larger on it to give more emphasis and fill things out. Regardless they're all much better than I could probably do, and look great :P
  7. Earlier
  8. An average shift with the miners and Unashi folks
  9. Love em all, 2 seems a little less appropriate for a server banner, but its great ss13 art and I definitely double the endorsement of using all of them in rotation.
  10. I agree, I love them all. I really couldn't pick a favourite, nor my least favourite.
  11. Can we just have all of them in rotation? They are all great
  12. I like the detail that on #3 sign will point at OOC chat while in the lobby
  13. McRamon submitted his piece a little late but we will include it as well, so Submission 5: McRamon
  14. Perhaps as an assistant alt title.
  15. My tiny Medbay outside of Medbay The chemlab we had to reinforce the walls on because security kept breaking in My new mining record :) and the first of many maints SMs in my attempts to lean how it all works
  16. Lets bring barber back crew!
  17. Hi everyone recently the lobby art competition submission date come and gone, which means it's time to show off the submissions in game and begin the process to vote for the community's favorite of the bunch. The submissions are gonna be viewable in game for a few weeks and be shown off below. Voting for people's favorite will be open till October 1st, a period of about 3 weeks to get your vote in and see how they look in game. Please do excuse the different sizes in the submissions here it's due to receiving slightly different image sizes (I'm gonna blame discord for this.), I don't want to risk causing any artifacting due shrinking/enlarging to make them all the same size and detract from the pieces. Submission 1: Capnkitty Submission 2: Somniworld Submission 3: Drakeven Submission 4: Synthtee
  18. 8th September 2024: Promoted to Game Admin: @Vanilor @CodeLyoko @lewc @dearmochi @Crazyhair @Komrad822 @LetX @Englishformula @FunnyMan3595
  19. This spoofed up in my mind earlier this week, Crayons and the pink vulp that is very chaotic in medbay is hard to not draw.
  20. This is more of a Oversight then anything, but I noticed on my Time playing as a NTR, in the Office there are 2 Important Things Missing, that other Offices have. Sorry for using Webmap, I didn't have time to make a quick Server to show my Ideal way to do this. First and most Important one, a File Cabinet, which forces the NTR Player to store any Documents on Them, or in the Wardrobe. In my Opinion, said Cabinet should be placed in Top Right Corner, and in result moving the Plant a Tile to the Left, which results in not taking up much space in the Office. Second, a Door Button to the Office Door, which would fit the best with other two Exisitng Buttons to both Lights and Window Tints, either moving both of those Up and putting the Door Button under them (Perspective Wise), or Putting it above them (Perspective Wise). I would be more then Happy to see these Additions to the Office, so everything would be just Fine and Dandy for the other NTR Players.
  21. Some flavor text art of Lina Meskerin (my personal OC and SS13 character), Also just today she was interrogated by CC on why she had brutally beat a syndie to death.
  22. A while ago I tried out my first few games as an IA Agent. Not having dual monitors, it got pretty annoying to tab out and search for the relevant SOP entries in the wiki. Eventually, I got the idea to make a printable version of the most relevant wiki pages. This somehow ballooned into this oversized document, into which I've probably sunk more time into than I have playing IAA at this point. Because I want all this wasted time to at least have gone towards something, I (not so) proudly present to you: Standard Operating Procedure & Space Law The Internal Affairs Agent Handbook Compiled by Vince Hastings The handbook contains every departmental SOP from the wiki, Space Law, Crime Codes etc. Essentially, it has everything you need to put nice references to obscure SOP entries and laws that will inevitably be ignored by everyone you send your report too, because at the end of the day you are still playing IA, even with the nice swanky handbook you now find yourself in possession of. If you have any feedback, especially corrections to grammar and wording, let me know so I can fix it. Most entries are ripped straight from the wiki, which has a few spelling errors, and I really didn't have the energy to proof read the entire thing. Additionally, in the appendices there is a chapter detailing a few common SOP violations you could check for if you feel bored. But seeing as I haven't played IAA in like 3 months, I only have a single entry in there, so some suggestions would be appreciated. Finally, this isn't really a guide, seeing as all this information can be gleaned from the wiki, so I hope this is still the correct sub-forum to post this in. GOOGLE DOCS LINK: The IAA Handbook Paradise IAA Handbook V1.0 Public.pdf
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