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Some medbay suggestions


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Medbay is very quiet at the start of a shift, lest there is some antaggy shenanigans afoot.

I believe more workstations should idle well. You shouldn't have to sit dead quiet waiting for someone to need your services.


I have a couple of suggestions and I want to see if any of them get any traction.



  • Combine chemistry and chemical research. The chemist usually has little reason to stay after stocking up the fridge. Why has the map devs separated is on-demand work and his idling work into two separate jobs? The chemist can be formally under the RD (since the RD is likely to give up the geneticist). There should be a service desk and fridge accessible from medbay. Maybe we can even have a chemist that sticks around...

  • Put genetics and virology closer to make it possible to jump between the two. Both of these have little on-demand work a regular day, but both can suddenly become swamped. Together they have enough side projects to keep things interesting for longer than today. So, in a slow shift, a bored geneticist can be elevated to a "medical researcher" and swing a bit back and forth between the two functions.

Have some apparatus that can cause a specific injury/ medical condition. Medbay is slow at the beginning of the shift. This thing can make it possible to use humanized monkeys for training. The CMO can stage an exercise for a patient passed from paramedic to doctor to surgeon to nurse.



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SciChem is a tinkering job for chemists that don't want to make medicine.

Its for experimenting with the Chemistry System without having anyone depend on you to make stuff. It is not his idling job.



I have personally used SciChem to learn how to make chemical reagents, I sucked ass as a chemist previously because I didn't know how to make anything at all. In a relaxed environment, I had a nice, quiet place to learn. I will fight to the bitter end to keep the SciChem room as-is, it is not the place for a chemist to jack off after he's finished his work - He can mess with toxins and poisons by himself if he orders a monkey.


I don't care about any other of the suggestions either way, but SciChem will remain untouched.


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1. Right, firstly, I believe that MedChem and SciChem USED to be the exact same thing; the only chemists available were Medical Chemists. The change was made for a fairly obvious reason: SO PEOPLE IN MEDICINE WOULD STOP FUCKING BLOWING UP AND DYING. (Granted, that still happens.) Thus, SciChem has it's own testing chamber.


I'm against morphing the two together for the above issue to occur again. Science needs chemistry for sulf acid and other things, Medbay DEFINITELY needs chemistry for medicine. Morphing the two together would also cause another joint control issue like we currently have with genetics. We want to separate the meds from the booms.


Having chem under the CMO will blow up medbay again. Having chem strictly under the RD will doom medbay to die from no meds, as no one would be forcing them to make those meds in the first place.


The chemistry layout I believe IS being worked on (to the best of my knowledge). For now, bored Medchemists can simply get a medHUD from RnD and act as a receptionist/doctor/nurse thing. Hell, you MADE the meds, you better know how to use em.


2. Ehhhh... More layout things. I think that the issue here lies with problems with the Genetics and Viro jobs THEMSELVES, and I'd personally rather see a bridge fixed properly instead of hastily taped together. That being said, I wouldn't mind if this change was made.


3. I'm all for this. Granted, medbay could easily become swamped during these kinds of exercises, but the only way to learn surgery right now is to... do it on a living crewmember, which isn't exactly..."practical"


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To the first point: Having them separate is better, for the reasons Ping has stated. And there shouldn't be a joint control of the main pharmaceutical portion of Chemistry as we run into many issues with the Genetics department with the same setup of joint-control. Effectively, you can't be fired as a Geneticist unless both the CMO and RD both agree, and rarely does that happen, and most of the time if one or the other wants to, the other or a higher up won't revoke their access from the one who no longer wants them working, and if it does, it severely harms the capability of the job, as well as effectively makes a half-filled position counted as filled on the crew manifest.


That being said, I also don't believe the RD would just give up the genetics department to make chemistry more localized, and the problem we still have where genetics doesn't listen to the CMO half the time would become apparent with chemistry because people would argue as long as they are doing something for research, they don't have to make medicine to actually save people. This happens with genetics being 'too busy to be bothered' researching genetic mutations for powers for the RD's side rather than cloning those who come into medical, which is their job, just because 'oh, do it yourself. It's so easy'. Effectively, if the CMO asks the genetics department to do anything, they tend to ignore the CMO because 'research', meaning most doctors should just add 'Advanced Cloning Knowledge' to their certifications because most of them have to clone people anyway as genetics won't.


Second point: No. Genetics and Virology are two different jobs in regards to what they are studying: Genetics is the study DNA strands of organic lifeforms, and Virology is studying the effects of pathogens on lifeforms. While both have uses of mutation variants, effectively bridging them together also means Virology will no longer fall to merely medical science (and effectively give RD even more control over Medbay with having joint control of Virology), so if a virus is loose on the station, the virologist could just continue researching viruses and would effectively ignore the cries for a cure (which happens already on occasion, but they only need the CMO to say they are fired to be removed). If this also was bridged and made joint, then the RD would merely have to go 'I disagree with their termination because they were researching' and they keep their job, giving another middle finger to the CMO.


Honestly, because the station is a Research Station, the RD effectively has much more control over anything that involves medical expertise than the CMO in joint divisions, which is why I'd rather avoid giving more joint divisions to the RD vs CMO.


If they got their research done and backup, they still have the other responsibility of cloning. Or, they could go take a break for a bit because it's likely they already spent at least a hour and a half working on genetic mutation research to make a perfect Structural Enzyme.


Third Point: I see both good and bad in this, but in a good way. Having something like this for medical purposes inside the storage room would allow for real training to occur, and therefore increase the overall RP to teaching people how to do medical. Effectively, there would be a simple 'protection' on it that doesn't allow you to use the machine on people whom are registered to the station (DNA, Fingerprints, ID, however it needs to be coded so that it can't normally be used to just harm people), but emagging it would allow it to harm anyone put in, not just 'humanized' subjects.


It'd give both a new way to teach people and a new tool for traitors to use, since they could just break in through the back of medical near the psychologist and use it on their subject to remove a limb or so without leaving so much of a bloody trail. Of course, they'd be risking running into someone in medical/maintenance with their target, so it'd be a higher-risk, higher-reward as you could potentially leave behind less evidence.


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