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Restore AI control over Escape Airlocks


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We no longer have Bay's shuttle controllers, so it shouldn't be possible to break the shuttle by messing with the airlocks now.


There are no airlock controllers on either side. I'd like the AI to have the ability to open these airlocks at will when it's necessary to save someone or let someone go EVA in an emergency.


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I think it was more intended towards "so the AI can't easily bolt everyone in"


When the airlocks malfunction, you're just a couple windows and grilles away from the Escape shuttle. It surely isn't a problem in emergencies. It may slow people down a little bit if they aren't coordinated, but that's it - a mere delay.


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+1 to restore it, can't even begin to count the number of times I've been yelled at as a borg when the doors won't open and I have next to no control over it.


AI's bolting people from Escape shuttle seems like a non-issue, anytime delta goes down people rush the core anyways, unless they were a traitor AI who hadn't finished their objectives yet it seems kinda dorky, plus this would allow hacked AIs to assist in escape alone objectives if carded.


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  • 5 months later...

It is kind of ridiculous that the emergency shuttle dock can't handle an emergency. Another airlock, maybe placed in the southern maintenance tunnel, would greatly help EVA travel around that bend if the station.

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I see no problem that you shouldn't let the AI control it, considering that every head of staff, or at least the CMO and CE, can unbolt theses doors with their remote.

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I see no problem that you shouldn't let the AI control it, considering that every head of staff, or at least the CMO and CE, can unbolt theses doors with their remote.

HoP's one can bolt/unbolt pods and escape wing/shuttle.


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