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Swap around item name and vend buttons in Smart-Fridge

Professor Cupcake

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Relatively simple UI/UX suggestion. Just swap around the names and buttons on the Smart-Fridge interface. This will mean that all of the object names are properly aligned, making it much easier to scan-read through. Anyone that has been a chef with a decent hyrdroponics department knows that, after plenty of items get added, it can be a complete mess in that menu.


If possible, aligning them so that the vend buttons are all aligned right and the text all aligned left would be the ideal situation (kinda like a table format).


It may also be worth doing the same for all of the other vendors too, if only for consistency's sake, but wouldn't affect it too much as they don't suffer from the same problems with misalignment.


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I'm interested in the change, because I have played botanist before, and I get yelled at by the chef whenever I get lucky and get tons of stuff for the fridge. Never got good at chemistry, so I haven't seen that side of it, but I guess I can assume the same effect, with a much more grievous effect of people dying for trying to find medicine in that mess.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I've put the buttons on a new line, so that they don't make a mess with the titlle. PR here. Sorry, if I kind of silently accepted this one - or did that PR not do what it needed to?


And yes, Professor Cupcake, it is as easy as modifying that file, though I'm not sure if floating to the right will work nicely. But of course, you can download the repository and run it yourself to verify that your changes will work as planned - in fact, if you look in your Documents folder, under "BYOND", I think you can find the version of the file you're using while connected - you can modify that while on your test server for immediate results! That helped LOADS when doing the sleeper UI.


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