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More robustness!


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There is at least two dozen guns. How about the more conventional things to robust stuff up with? Here are some ideas:


Baseball Bat


- It is a baseball bat!


- It could have a wooden and a metal variant (possibly be able to craft it out of metal rods and/or wooden planks)!


- You could wield it (wielding it could possibly increase the K.O. chance if you land a hit on someone's unprotected/weakly armored head)!


- It could spawn with the Mafia Kit OR it could spawn at the holodeck and/or dorms!


- It could involve a baseball somehow!



Ice Hockey Stick


- Pretty much same things as for the baseball bat (except instead of a baseball, it could be somehow involved with a puck)!




- Maintenance Snakes rule!


- We're the Maintenance Snakes!


- And we rule (and have a switchblade spawn inside of maintenance)!


Wrist wraps


- Gauze wraps that boxers wear underneath of their gloves!


- It doesn't do anything, but makes you look more robust whilst robusting someone!


- Could be bought from the ClothesMat!


Tire Iron


- It could spawn with the mechanic or at the paramedic's (for ambulance maintenance)!


- Plain brute action!


Fiber Wire


- Traitor uplink item!


- If you attack someone from behind with it, it will start to strangulate them (faster than strangling with your hands)!


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you dont need this weapons.

1. building them as non antag is considerd powerplay and forbidden

2. Antags have acces to way better weapons

3. if antags dont have acces to better weapons it could unbalance the telecrystel system


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you dont need this weapons.

1. building them as non antag is considerd powerplay and forbidden

2. Antags have acces to way better weapons

3. if antags dont have acces to better weapons it could unbalance the telecrystel system



1. That's not true at all.

2. ... your point?

3. I think you are just contradicting yourself at this point


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It's going to become a very large issue ICly with the baseball bats.


Well, first off, nobody is going to ever make them to play baseball. Maybe one or two people.

Everyone else is going to use it as a weapon.

Security is going to want to take them away when they see it, as a result.

People are going to get pissed. "It's a baseball bat, not a spear!"

Riots ensue, likely with said baseball bats.


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It's going to become a very large issue ICly with the baseball bats.


Well, first off, nobody is going to ever make them to play baseball. Maybe one or two people.

Everyone else is going to use it as a weapon.

Security is going to want to take them away when they see it, as a result.

People are going to get pissed. "It's a baseball bat, not a spear!"

Riots ensue, likely with said baseball bats.

I agree with this. If anything the only items on here that sound good are the switchblade (Bay has a butterfly knife you can make), wrist wraps (maybe just apply gause to your hands for a little extra punch but that would require extra coding than item includes) and debatable on the fiber wire. That last one could make an interesting antag weapon and really bring in the fear of murder as well as feeling like a badass for strangulating someone


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It's going to become a very large issue ICly with the baseball bats.


Well, first off, nobody is going to ever make them to play baseball. Maybe one or two people.

Everyone else is going to use it as a weapon.

Security is going to want to take them away when they see it, as a result.

People are going to get pissed. "It's a baseball bat, not a spear!"

Riots ensue, likely with said baseball bats.


Sums up my thoughts on it, quite well.


Makeshift weapons should largely be that; makeshift weapons, not weapons masquerading as "legit" IC items.


There's legit IC reasons to take away a home-made crossbow, spear, stunprod, or air-cannon.


There's no IC justification to take away a baseball bat, at all--the reasons you want to take it away are purely "it has a high force rating".


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It's going to become a very large issue ICly with the baseball bats.


Well, first off, nobody is going to ever make them to play baseball. Maybe one or two people.

Everyone else is going to use it as a weapon.

Security is going to want to take them away when they see it, as a result.

People are going to get pissed. "It's a baseball bat, not a spear!"

Riots ensue, likely with said baseball bats.

I agree with this. If anything the only items on here that sound good are the switchblade (Bay has a butterfly knife you can make), wrist wraps (maybe just apply gause to your hands for a little extra punch but that would require extra coding than item includes) and debatable on the fiber wire. That last one could make an interesting antag weapon and really bring in the fear of murder as well as feeling like a badass for strangulating someone




I'd like to see Hitman-style fiber wire action (for traitors only), even if I'm always on the receiving end.


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I figure you'd be able to make a garotte EASILY out of a wire coil. That wire's industrial strength bro, wrap it around either hand and that's some damn lethal $#!%. I figure constructing it, to be fair, would entail 'braiding two cable coils together' and 'tying them off at the ends'.


Progression: Wire coil + wire coil = braided wire coil > tying off the ends via right-click > braided wire garotte


I figure equipping them for use'd trigger a message saying ' wraps the braided wire garotte around their hands!', which would then occupy them both (much like using a spear).


Attacking from any direction but behind' trigger a message saying ' struggles to get the braided wire garotte around !', doing whatever is balanced afterward.


Attacking with the garotte in only one hand (not prepared) and attacking'd trigger a message like ' whips with the braided wire garotte!'


If you successfully choke someone, depending on whether they resist or not, it'd cause them to either stammer, be mute, or 'make a loud noise' when speaking much like a mute person screaming would do in the current iteration of the code.


However, even if it's braided industrial-strength wire, there should still be a chance to break it by resisting. Breaking'd split it back into 2 separate wire coils.



But otherwise, I fear this'd be incredibly OP either way.


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3. if antags dont have acces to better weapons it could unbalance the telecrystel system


Not all antags are traitors. Circular logic like this is why cults and revolutions can't get rnd weapons.


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3. if antags dont have acces to better weapons it could unbalance the telecrystel system


Not all antags are traitors. Circular logic like this is why cults and revolutions can't get rnd weapons.

rev's out of the rotation and cult can fit three-hit kill weapon asspull tokens in their pocket


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3. if antags dont have acces to better weapons it could unbalance the telecrystel system


Not all antags are traitors. Circular logic like this is why cults and revolutions can't get rnd weapons.

rev's out of the rotation and cult can fit three-hit kill weapon asspull tokens in their pocket


Revs were out of rotation due to a bug, same reason MALF was out. One of the many reasons people dislike the mode is because they can't do anything regular crew can, and regular crew can't do much with more and more crap being hidden behind unbreakable objects that require emags. If there is one Antag who SHOULD have weapons, its Revs, and they are by far the most hindered by lockboxes and obnoxious access requirements from two separate departments.


Cult swords are good if you can get close, but a stun revolver or LasCannon is far more lethal, at range, and doesn't risk you in stun baton range or getting melee strikes blocked by a shield.


Cortial Borers still happen, they have no means to break open lockboxes unless they somehow infect one of the 4 people on the station with access.


Vampires would most certainly benefit from something like a stun revolver or decloner if they get exposed. But, it's never an option no matter who does their job because no HoP or Captain is going to just hand out Armory access to someone who asks nicely for it because they'll probably get job banned,unless they are antag and giving out all access.


Long story short, Traitors are not he only antag or game mode, stop trying to balance the entire game around them alone without consider how it affects other game modes.


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Revs were out of rotation due to a bug, same reason MALF was out. One of the many reasons people dislike the mode is because they can't do anything regular crew can, and regular crew can't do much with more and more crap being hidden behind unbreakable objects that require emags. If there is one Antag who SHOULD have weapons, its Revs, and they are by far the most hindered by lockboxes and obnoxious access requirements from two separate departments.


Cult swords are good if you can get close, but a stun revolver or LasCannon is far more lethal, at range, and doesn't risk you in stun baton range or getting melee strikes blocked by a shield.


Cortial Borers still happen, they have no means to break open lockboxes unless they somehow infect one of the 4 people on the station with access.


Vampires would most certainly benefit from something like a stun revolver or decloner if they get exposed. But, it's never an option no matter who does their job because no HoP or Captain is going to just hand out Armory access to someone who asks nicely for it because they'll probably get job banned,unless they are antag and giving out all access.


Long story short, Traitors are not he only antag or game mode, stop trying to balance the entire game around them alone without consider how it affects other game modes.


Actually, revolution has since been entirely removed from the rotation. It was just broken for a while, then removed.


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