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Level of security in bank account


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I would like to suggest that by default the security of bank accounts are the highest level, when a round starts and a user uses an ATM forget to logout, your account is exposed to theft, and I would like that whenever you need to use a teller ask the account number and pin

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Having to use the pin is annoying because you also need to enter the pin if you want to buy some food from a machine.


Just make the ATMs automagicly logout when you leave them or fix the logout button. Everytime you are on the default low security settings and hit logout it instantly logs you back in because you still have the window open.


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What good is the money anyways? I've never actually had any real opportunities to spend it...



  • Vendor use.

  • Cargo Merch. Use.


Paying for assholish bartenders.

Tipping good bartenders.

It's money. :3



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  • 3 weeks later...


No. I don't want to be forced to input my PIN everywhere at round start.


Bank security has never been an issue.



OH? Tell that to the last few people that I cleaned their bank of money :D


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The logout button does not log out when you are at security level 0, because security level 0 requires you to only stand at the ATM and click it to work.


Set security level to 1, or pocket your ID and click logout.


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