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Give the Detective a belt.


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As a Detective, you are given a lot of equipment as part of your standard kit. Your office contains a flash, a roll of police tape, and a pair of cuffs, and you start your round with a telescopic baton among three other items in your backpack, starting half full before you've even had a chance to do anything. On top of it all, what's the first thing you're likely to hear from the detective in a round?


"Could somebody give me a seclite, please?"


My suggestion is fairly simple: Add a security belt complete with flashlight to the Detective's locker so he or she has a place for all the security items given to them. No more waiting at the warden's office or tapping on glass trying to get a security officer to toss you equipment.


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The gear you get can all fit into your box, there's no real need for a belt.

Be cool to have though, but the reason detectives had their brig access reduced in the first place was so they didn't have any excuse to play like a normal sec officer, which they're not.

The only items that would make sense to put in a sec belt would be the telebaton cuffs and bullets, all which can go in your pockets/coat anyway.


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You say that like having to use a box isn't the most irritating thing there is. It basically requires you to put away any current task to do the next one, and in a game like SS13 I don't really think we need to be taking routes that make the game more unwieldly. I agree with the lack of brig access, that's a good thing - but I don't see how giving the detective storage space for items they're given in their office encourages them to play like a full fledged security officer.


Either way, the main component of this suggestion is the seclite, which is something I've seen the detective ask for pretty much every second shift. The belt is just an easy way of delivering on this with some extra ease of use for zero fuss.


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You say that like having to use a box isn't the most irritating thing there is. It basically requires you to put away any current task to do the next one, and in a game like SS13 I don't really think we need to be taking routes that make the game more unwieldly. I agree with the lack of brig access, that's a good thing - but I don't see how giving the detective storage space for items they're given in their office encourages them to play like a full fledged security officer.


Either way, the main component of this suggestion is the seclite, which is something I've seen the detective ask for pretty much every second shift. The belt is just an easy way of delivering on this with some extra ease of use for zero fuss.

Giving them a seclite is perfectly reasonable, but a secbelt, which is meant for storing tasers/batons/flashbangs is a bit much IMO.

Boxes aren't that unwieldy anyway if you ask me ;)


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Does it matter what the Secbelt CAN store? The detective is given a flash, handcuffs, police tape and a telebaton. That's four of the five slots of a belt in their office, which, combined with the light, gives them a full belt of items. What the secbelt is meant for storing is items that can fit on the secbelt, which the detective gets more than enough of to warrant it.

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Detective should have a seclite.

Why do they not already start with a seclite.

It's only one extra line of code!




title = "Detective"


department_flag = ENGSEC

total_positions = 1

spawn_positions = 1

supervisors = "the head of security"

selection_color = "#ffeeee"

alt_titles = list("Forensic Technician")

idtype = /obj/item/weapon/card/id/security

access = list(access_security, access_sec_doors, access_forensics_lockers, access_morgue, access_maint_tunnels, access_court, access_weapons)

minimal_access = list(access_sec_doors, access_forensics_lockers, access_morgue, access_maint_tunnels, access_court, access_weapons)

alt_titles = list("Forensic Technician")

minimal_player_age = 14


if(!H) return 0

H.equip_or_collect(new /obj/item/device/radio/headset/headset_sec/alt(H), slot_l_ear)


if(2) H.equip_or_collect(new /obj/item/weapon/storage/backpack(H), slot_back)

if(3) H.equip_or_collect(new /obj/item/weapon/storage/backpack/satchel_norm(H), slot_back)

if(4) H.equip_or_collect(new /obj/item/weapon/storage/backpack/satchel(H), slot_back)

H.equip_or_collect(new /obj/item/clothing/under/det(H), slot_w_uniform)

H.equip_or_collect(new /obj/item/clothing/shoes/brown(H), slot_shoes)

H.equip_or_collect(new /obj/item/device/pda/detective(H), slot_wear_pda)

H.equip_or_collect(new /obj/item/toy/crayon/white(H), slot_l_store)

/* var/obj/item/clothing/mask/cigarette/CIG = new /obj/item/clothing/mask/cigarette(H)


H.equip_or_collect(CIG, slot_wear_mask) */

H.equip_or_collect(new /obj/item/clothing/gloves/color/black(H), slot_gloves)

if(H.mind.role_alt_title && H.mind.role_alt_title == "Forensic Technician")

H.equip_or_collect(new /obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/forensics/blue(H), slot_wear_suit)


H.equip_or_collect(new /obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/det_suit(H), slot_wear_suit)

H.equip_or_collect(new /obj/item/clothing/head/det_hat(H), slot_head)

H.equip_or_collect(new /obj/item/weapon/lighter/zippo(H), slot_l_store)

H.equip_or_collect(new /obj/item/device/flashlight/seclite(H), slot_r_store)

if(H.backbag == 1)//Why cant some of these things spawn in his office?

H.equip_or_collect(new /obj/item/weapon/storage/box/survival(H), slot_r_hand)

H.equip_or_collect(new /obj/item/weapon/storage/box/evidence(H), slot_l_hand)

H.equip_or_collect(new /obj/item/device/detective_scanner(H), slot_r_store)


H.equip_or_collect(new /obj/item/weapon/storage/box/survival(H.back), slot_in_backpack)

H.equip_or_collect(new /obj/item/weapon/storage/box/evidence(H), slot_in_backpack)

H.equip_or_collect(new /obj/item/device/detective_scanner(H), slot_in_backpack)

H.equip_or_collect(new /obj/item/weapon/melee/classic_baton/telescopic(H.back), slot_in_backpack)

var/obj/item/weapon/implant/loyalty/L = new/obj/item/weapon/implant/loyalty(H)

L.imp_in = H

L.implanted = 1

var/obj/item/organ/external/affected = H.organs_by_name["head"]

affected.implants += L

L.part = affected


H.mutations += SOBER

H.check_mutations = 1

return 1



Watch as I get smacked in the face by the coders because I did it wrong.

It should be right.

I think.


Ctrl + f "Seclite" if you can't read code. Or look at this image.


Or this link.

https://github.com/Spacemanspark/Paradi ... ecurity.dm

[spoiler2]If someone beats me to it again I will be a sad man.[/spoiler2]

As for the rest... eh, I'm a little skeptical about a detective having a secbelt/ secHUDS/ whatever else detectives ask for at round start to make them security lite. It's not their job.


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My suggestion is fairly simple: Add a security belt complete with flashlight to the Detective's locker so he or she has a place for all the security items given to them. No more waiting at the warden's office or tapping on glass trying to get a security officer to toss you equipment.


You could, possibly, maybe, make it a renamed toolbelt (Detectives are all about noir, black sec-belt would look silly on a detective) with less slots + it would include a flashlight of a sorts.


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Spaceman, generally speaking, putting items ON people is to limit the availability of particular items to a particular class, so it can't be abused in some way (miner's with vouchers, officer's with hybrid tasers, etc.) For something like a seclite, it would be far more preferable to add it to either (A) His locker/closet (B)On the map, in his office.


I'd personally recommend his closet.


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Just use the damned briefcase for all the items you only need for investigations (police tape, flashlight, evidence, crayon, paper, etc.)

Use the jacket for food and your flask (with meds or tea against tox).


I honestly had no problems managing my items as the detective.


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