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Admin abuse+butthurtery= Ban a day after my unban.


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Yes, I did that.


From German Sieg ‎(“victory”) + Heil ‎(“hail”), meaning roughly "Hail Victory!"


So, I get banned because I say hi like that. Not even a week/month/something temporal ban, a permanent ban. Again.


I am honestly getting tired of this guy's bullshit. It's not my fault you had a shit day or something and you want to act edgy and all. This is just plain admin abuse, in my opinion.


I did not offend anyone (but that guy, apparently) by saying that. I mean, it's year 2500 something, do you think humans would still be triggered by a simple phrase?


Basically many admins on the server are trying-to-be-cool kind of people, that temp ban griefers, and permaban people talking.


Honestly, this is the only server I like to play in, because every other server is just awful. My thoughts on this is that the guy is so bored that he just looks for an excuse to ban anyone he sees doing *something*, because "it was offending/triggering/bad/meta/bigoted"


So, there's someone that can't handle a simple banter at round start (I was saluting the captain) in admin position. Basically you have the equivalent of a feminist on a men's rights forum.


I've seen bad cases of idiotic behavior in the whole internet, and this is maybe the worst of them all.


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I've seen bad cases of idiotic behavior in the whole internet, and this is maybe the worst of them all.

I can think of something more idiotic which will now follow


so in summary, you come on with a name that translates to violent penis, get banned for subverting the AI as a captain and later on releasing the sing as an AI. you then get permabanned because your previous ckey means "violent penis" and you named a gun faggot destroyer while having a conversation about shoving it up a guys as that you were interrogating as a detective.


You wait a few weeks and sucesfully appeal this and the FIRST thing you do when you come on is greet someone using a salute to nazi extremism.


Do you know how many red flags that raises






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In all seriousness you clearly did offend -someone- although I don't remember who but I distinctly remember being notified that you said this by someone.

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I like how you left out the most essential part of the definition on Wiktionary:


From German Sieg ‎(“victory”) + Heil ‎(“hail”),

a common chant at political rallies in Nazi Germany,

meaning roughly "Hail Victory!"


You say all other servers are awful and that you really want to play on Paradise, and yet this is the best complaint you can come up with? If you genuinely believe this'll get you unbanned or an admin punished, then I'm genuinely willing to believe that you don't know the actual meaning of "Sieg Heil".


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Despite this being quite obviously an attempt at trolling, allow me to humor you with a serious response.



2. Maintain a friendly and welcoming environment

Hate speech, bigoted language, discrimination or harassment will not be tolerated at all and may at admins discretion be considered grounds for immediate banning.

OOC Profanity should be kept to a minimum and must be stopped if directed to do so by a member of staff, or if it appears that it is upsetting other players.

Some people are going to be new to the game. If you teach them and make them feel welcome, then you’ll still have other people to game with down the line.

Terms like faggot, nigger, and the variations on them, are neither acceptable IC or OOC.

This does not apply to discrimination against non-existent species. Discrimination against non-existent species (or humans as a whole) is an IC matter.


2. Maintain a friendly and welcoming environment

Care to explain how you wish to do that for everyone. Everyone including Israelis and otherwise judaists who've had relatives succumb to conditions set in the holocaust, by saying "Sieg heil"?


Hate speech

This rule applies both ICly and OOCly. Whether the game is 500 years in the future is irrelevant.


Some people are going to be new to the game. If you teach them and make them feel welcome

Again, how are you going to make new players feel welcome by exposing them to a phrase with obvious negative connotations?


Terms like faggot, nigger, and the variations on them, are neither acceptable IC or OOC.



Not just that. This is literally what is says at the top of the rule list:

Most rules are common sense and it would therefore be impossible to list all the things you could do to get yourself banned. This page is not acting as a complete list of bannable offenses — it instead aims to clear up some confusion about those rules that may not be obvious. All moderators and admins have the power to ban players as they see fit (with reason, of course). If you do not know if an action will be permissible - ask via adminhelp.



Now here's the thing, okay? I personally think anyone should be able to say whatever they please. However, such behaviour is not appropriate here so I respect the rules and abide them regardless.


I think your biggest flaw is your utter disrespect for this community and the people who are part of it.


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Alright, I am going to write this response with the assumption that you are 14-16 years old, why? Because that's the impression you've given me.


First off, let's start with the obvious. Sieg Heil is known to be the nazi salute, you can try to give us a dictionary quote (and leave out the part where it says it was commonly used in chants at political rallies in Nazi Germany), but the fact is: We're not your 14 year old stupid friends who believes your bullshit.

Everyone who has ever had a history class knows that this is a direct reference to Nazi Germany, Hitler, all that.


Let me explain to you, why everything you've tried to justify using the phrase "Sieg Heil" is bullshit.

Go to germany, stand next to a police officer on in a public crowded area in Berlin, and shout out "SIEG HEIL" while doing the salute.

I can spoil it for you right now, you're going to get tackled to the ground by police officers who throw you in jail quicker than you can finish your capri sun.


Second part of this, mainly why it is an admin complaint I think.


You think that kluys is some feminist extremist (funny enough, feminazi) that uses his position to ban people who "speak"?

Do you REALLY think that's the case? Or are you just trying to find a reason to add your hate for feminism into everything because you laugh at all the feminism memes on Facebook.

I am not a fan of extreme feminism myself, being a white cis privileged male I apparently rape women by looking at them, but you got it all wrong.

Banning you for saying Sieg Heil is not part of any feministic values, or because kluys is overly sensitive and gets "triggered" because of it, no. It is because you were literally JUST unbanned and one of the first things you do is come up with this bullshit and try to talk your way out, good god you're a bad troll.


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Well, this isn't an appeal. Didn't come here to get unbanned. Nice server, but damn this is stupid.


It's pretty clear you won't be. Your actions, the title of this and attitude in it is a pretty good reason to leave you banned.


Kluys was completely right in banning you.


Complaint Resolved.


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