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Space Law


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I am probably going to get some flak for this, because I imagine space law to be a rather contentious issue, and I understand why the current sentences as they are were put in place.


For those unfamiliar with our station's current revision of space law you can find the entirety of it here, (http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Space_law), I won't make this suggestion needlessly wordy by making a meal out of it, so if you want the specifics you can check there.


I believe that our current revision of space law is counterproductive to achieving the right mix of roleplay and action that Paradise is aspiring to foster. As it currently stands security officers have often used the system as a framework, instead of a guideline, and as a result sentences for minor crimes can be found to carry ridiculous sentences. The end result is that security becomes choc-a-bloc with prisoners incarcerated for minor crimes like petty assault, vandalism, or minor trespass. Another by-product of this system, I have noted, is officers compounding sentences (e.g vandalism, and trespass) which under our current framework can carry a maximum penalty of ten minutes.


I suggest the following improvements to be discussed, and I hope that some can be taken on board, as I do believe they'd reduce the amount of grief usually associated with security.


[*] When somebody is arrested for a crime they're usually taken to the brig and searched/interrogated, this can sometimes take a long ass time and I have seen them go on for 5+ minutes in some cases. If a security officer arrests somebody they should turn on the timer for the crime they've charged them for before they search them/question them. This will mean that an individual will not have to sit through a five minute search and then serve time for a five minute crime.


[*] Under our current system crimes like petty theft, or breaking and entering, carry a suggested timer of ten minutes. I believe that petty crime moves a lot of the intrigue and drama in SS13, and as a result a lot of people end up getting charged for these crimes. It's stressful for security, and I find that after being locked up for ten minutes for stealing a medkit that players are more likely to dick around than if it were just a three or four minute sentence.


I'd like to hear everybody's opinion on whether or not they'd think that a change would be a good idea or not; but I do feel that the /TG/station space law framework, ( https://tgstation13.org/wiki/Space_law ) creates a faster turnaround for security, and minimises one of the main causes of grief in SS13 which is usually boredom brought on by staring at a cell door for ten minutes.


Thanks for reading, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts.


*tl;dr this came out a lot more wordier than I would have liked, reduce guidelined sentences for minor crimes, and make officers turn on a prisoners timer while searching them.


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Our space law is a requirement/ framework, and not a guidance. This is what sets us apart from /tg/.

And most regulars here tend to find the times short/ lacking in some manner, on the contrary.

Ten minutes... isn't really that long. Most just tend to complain because they come from a server where the norm is 2-3 minutes for most crimes.

If you don't want to do the time, don't do the crime.


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*cough* revisit old law/sop drafts? *cough*

*cough* total station wide SOP revamp? *cough*


Yeah, the new ones from a while ago seemed kind of lame, I could lawyer my way out of anything if I cared enough to, but as HOS, I was extremely limited, I felt. but I kind of haven't played here in 5ever, so . . . .


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Introduce a judge, lawyer and advocate. If people participate and like to roleplay they can do it to spice things up. Time used for the trials count as prison time in the end. If you are not guilty you had at least some roleplay.



- RP

- Detectives can show their evidence

- Bad Security can be compensated

- Misjudgement can be reduced because at least 4 Persons are involved

- executiv and legislativ power is not in one hand ( democracy)

- Criminals with small crimes could confess their crimes to avoid a trial

- Hos Captain can do their jobs and are no longer involved in sentencing

- Newspapers have something to report about



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I've been thinking about this, here's an idea:


  • Crimes are split into 4 categories; Petty, Minor, Major and Capital.

  • A minimum and maximum sentence are listed on the wiki. Security officers can apply the minimum sentence only, while the captain, magistrate, warden and HoS can apply up to the maximum.

Prisoners can only be charged with crimes from a single category. This means if you're charging someone with a major crime, you can't also throw on a few minor crimes to bump up their charges. I think this would reduce the "Oh, you also resisted arrest. Have five more minutes."

Include minor assault and neglect of duty as petty crimes, with the minimum charge being a warning.



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Personally, I'm a fan of our old laws. When enforced properly, they worked out much better in my honest opinion.
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