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Officer Buzzsky


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Take away his permastun, please. Like, a chance to move a single tile between his stuns would be enough, even. If you have no gun, it's nigh impossible to deal with him, and as an insta-die button, he's not very fun to deal with. If he hits you once, you just have to wait the two years for him to finish killing you while you're stuck in place, not even able to ghost without losing the ability to do anything for a while. If you could actually have a chance of getting away from him, it'd make strategies like luring him or fighting him without a gun actually viable. It's a tiny, petty thing, I know, but I'm someone who likes to spend a lot of time in space, and instant death scenarios just aren't fun most of the time. I want a chance to fight back. The way he is now just isn't fun to deal with, just frustrating.

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Thing is, making him permastun you slowly until you die means that if you have help, you can be saved.


But that's rarely the case. So making him stun you until you're close to crit (at which point he runs out of power and has to recharge) would be reasonable.


Making him a potentially deadly pest would make more sense than a slow-death instakill if you get hit.


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Step 1: Get a laser

Step 2: Stand outside buzzky's window (the ones into space, not inside the derelict.)

Step 3: Aggro buzzky

Step 4: Click on Buzzky 2-3 times

Step 5: Profit


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problem with your plan, get a laser. they are usually locked away and HOS and Captain are not willig to give them out so easly


Honky Spaceman: HOS give me a laser i want to explore space

Hitler Adolf: yea right, why would you need a laser for that?

Honky Spaceman: ((To shot Buzzzsky on derelic))




or to go another way

getting a laser befor oyu find any danger in space is powerplay/metagaming

sure space is dangerous but the danger comes from the leak of air, not from crazy securit robots


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You don't need to OOC in IC to state you want to kill Buzzsky, we're not Baystation.

Also, there is a laser gun on the abandoned ship somewhere.


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On the derelict, there is no gun. There is a gun on the abandoned medical frigate, perhaps that's what you're thinking of, but the same things don't always spawn in space, though the derelict always does. To get a gun, you'd have to not only have the right bits in space there for you to find, but to actually be able to find them as the Z levels randomly take you wherever when you reach the map edge. You shouldn't have to jump through so many hoops just to fight a single security bot.

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