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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. It would be nice to be able to choose tajaran, vox, and so on as a secondary language. It's rare for a human to learn tajaran successfully due to the lack of a tail and such, so maybe this should be a cheap (5kp or so) karma unlock. While some might resist this change due to the aforementioned "hard for humans to learn," it makes a lot of sense for experienced or ambitious crew to learn it given tajarans in the workplace. A sort of cultural awareness and exchange thing. Maybe it wouldn't be a perfect understanding, with occasional words being asterisked unless the karma unlock variant was purchased.
  2. I love this so much. A subtle way to detect intent would be great.
  3. When wearing various jumpsuits (confirmed suit: botany jumpsuit) leather shoes show a pixel or two of flesh when the sprite is facing either side. This issue is not present while wearing Classic Jeans. Haven't tested with any other clothing (but I'm fairly certain this occurs with all varieties of jumpsuits). Not sure if sprite issues are suggestions or bugs. Either way.
  4. Thing is, making him permastun you slowly until you die means that if you have help, you can be saved. But that's rarely the case. So making him stun you until you're close to crit (at which point he runs out of power and has to recharge) would be reasonable. Making him a potentially deadly pest would make more sense than a slow-death instakill if you get hit.
  5. Good idea. Either that or the janiborg. It'd make sense for either borg (or both) to get this as they're both maintenance-type borgs. It's like saying giving the security borg zipties infringes on the security officers' jobs. It doesn't because light replacing can get obnoxious during electrical storms.
  6. This is a pretty good idea. It either ought to be a device attached to a consoles, a console in departments you send the file to, or a new PDA function. Would make send to be able to save data to one's PDA.
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