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SS13 in-game card game?


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I've been putting some thought into the library's list of stuff, there are books and dice, and even poker cards, but what about a Nanotrasen collectible card game? Not with any defined rules, I think, because it would be better to have cards with something like HP/ATK or ATK/DEF, and the players make up rules as they go, and then could write the rules for whatever kind of game they make and put them into a book, increasing the library's usability.


For what I was thinking for cards, make it as simple as possible, so you could re-skin a poker deck with ease, description and all. Could even leave cards hidden all around the station, so that if someone wanted to find, say, rarer cards, they would have to ask around or something, though this may not be the best idea.


So if the cards were all Nanotrasen based, a card could look like:


Scientist. HP: 5 ATK: 2


And then maybe some cards could have little special abilities tagged onto them, nothing too specific, so that it's still easy to make up your own rules, like


Shitcurity HP:10 ATK: 4

Opponent must discard 1 card when this card is played.


Of course this may not be a card, if anyone is interested, feel free to leave feedback or make up cards, or even a generic stat block for cards.


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Something something trap card something seomthing children's card game


Maybe something like Top Trumps, but I highly doubt anyone would want to design a complicated CCG.


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Given we already have existing code for individual cards, hands, and decks, this is quite feasible.


The merchandise vendor in cargo (the one that sells flags and toddlers) could sell "starter deck" and "booster packs" boxes that contain preset or random cards, plus scatter hidden caches across the station, z-levels, and maybe give each away mission a card unique to each.


Spites and card ideas would be needed, but I see no reason this couldn't be done. Leaving the rules up to the players seems best, and we could have people upload their rules to the wiki or library for sharing.


More complex (but would be cool) would be to code interactivity with the holo deck to project the cards for epic showdowns.


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Name it Clash of Departments/Departmental Rift/Nanotrasen: The Battling

My version/ruleset: Celes Rules (Name not taken from anything, I assure you.)


Make Medical the status cards.

Make Security offensive.

Make Engineering your definite walls/defensive cards.

Make Science your special attacker.

Make Supply/Misc your unique cards--abilities/specials that none other have.

Make Command your walls with each having respective specials.

CMO has a potent poison, taking -2 off the opponents health for 2 turns.

HoS can remove an opponents turn once.

CE can boost his defense greatly (+3.)

RD can do a bomb which can remove a card once.

Head of Personnel may hit first.

Captain Ultra Rare! has a special to damage the opponent greatly.

Make Heads available in rarer packages.


Scientists have specials to do a small bomb, dealing mediocre damage, that kind of stuff.

Engineers can slightly boost their hp/def (+1 to either they choose).

Doctors can drain 2 HP for one turn.

Security can up their attack a bit (+1).



Cargo Techs can switch the opponent's card, but have to lose a turn.

Quartermasters can call in a Cargo Tech to take their place.




Clowns can slip themselves, lowering their opponents defense -2 since they're laughing, but upping their attack +2 because fuck clowns.

If Mimes hit first, they get a +1 attack advantage.

Janitors can slip others, removing their turn, at the cost of -2 attack and -2 defense. May only be done once.

Civilians are regular, mediocre cards.



Special cards:


Syndicate Officer Rare! - When this card is played, the opposing card automatically dies unless they are a head or security, in which case they are left with 2 hp.

Vampire - When this card is played, you can suck 2 HP from the opposing card and add it onto your card.

Wizard Really Rare!- Removed once used. Special attack choice of:

Forcewall- Greatly boost defense for the whole team.

Fireball - Like RD's explosion; removes the opposing card from the other player's deck.

Magic Missile - Stun the opposing card for one turn.

Disintegrating is the Syndicate card's job, so none of that.

Cloner Rare! Use the cloner on any dead card, and it will revive said card after 3 turns.



Attacking/Using specials would be simple.

Say 'Attack! [iNSERT YOUR CARDS ATTACK HERE]' to signal you are attacking.

Say 'I use [CARDS] [sPECIAL], [EXPLANATION OF SPECIAL] on [CARD] (if applicable).

Attack would be like this:

Engi has 4 defense, and Sec has 4 attack. Half the attack's damage to engi if the same or lower.

If attack is higher than defense, the full attack goes through and HP decreases by that amount.


Three cards in play at once, everybody has one action per turn. Special cards do not count towards the three total card limit.

Maximum deck size is 6 cards.


I think I might've gone overboard? Whatever the case, I love this rule set I thought up to death now. Might even update it later.


Edited by Guest
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Well this sure took off.


You could even make it so the syndicate has illegal cards, and if you emag vending machines they could spit out fake cards.


Could also do cards for mobs and enemies like the blob and monkey, and special rare cards like meteor shower and a fake Meaty-or shower.


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Well this sure took off.


You could even make it so the syndicate has illegal cards, and if you emag vending machines they could spit out fake cards.


Could also do cards for mobs and enemies like the blob and monkey, and special rare cards like meteor shower and a fake Meaty-or shower.

"admin i spent all my tc on illegal booster packs and only got syndiefoxes can i get a refund"


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>Start playing cardgame, used all TC on illegal cards.

>Pull out one of them and place it on the table, attempt to use it.

>Immediately lynched.


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