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BACK TO THE FU-...oh wait thats right... were on oldstation


do you think that the race abilities should be returned?  

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Recently I, have been coming under the impression that Paradise station is slowly slipping into the ranks of generic servers and is forever being altered away from the Beloved awesome sauce station we all knew and loved.


Things that alarm me:



    1. the reverting to old code.

    The area's of RnD and the arrivals hallway, and cargo have all been reverted back to the old code.

    frankly it was more aesthetically pleasing and closer to security making it more efficient the way it was before the revert than the old

    code was.


    2. The removal of active race abilities.

    Look Guys i know that there are some power games out there that kinda ruin ####...but come on!

    I remember when i first saw a vox leap through the air, or a slime vent crawl.

    and after i got the tajaran race unlocked i sat there saving up my karma for the big decision .... Do I..:

    Get the vox who extremely quirky and unique with their bird like bodies, who can leap throughout the air in powerful lunges,

    have the danger of a quick death if you lose you n2 tank?


    do i get the slime people, who are cool and slick with their organ-less bodies and, the ability to vent crawl, however they are vulnerable to attack after

    vent crawling due to having to be naked(how lewd ;))(and what evr other weakness they may have)


    it was a very special moment to decide...

    in the end i picked vox... and immediately was happy with my choice....

    however i cant help but think to myself .

    would it still have been a special moment with the current restriction in place?

    And i cant help but say no.




That's all i have at the moment. Anybody else that has old stuff they want back or re-reverted post a response or comment.

Together we CAN restore the allure of wanting be good Role-players in the hopes of receiving karma so that we can go get that race that you think is the next best thing since sliced bread!


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I like the map as is. However, I do dislike Vox Leaps and Slime Ventcrawls being removed. Fox wants to 'normalize', as his words are, the races, removing such things. While I disagree strongly, it's what's going to happen.

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Race abilities were OP as hell, slimes had a get of jail free card and Vox leap was just ridiculously unbalanced even when nerfed (stopping combat for 5 seconds counts for a lot), it just makes them a beacon for powergamers.

Little differences like having clawed hands, bursting into flames at 40 degrees and Grey telepathy is enough for "immersion", playing a different race is supposed to be a sidegrade/palette swap, not give you blatant advantages.


I like the new old map though, the updates a while ago were really aesthetically unpleasing IMO, and to areas that didn't really need it (the chapel/library area still needs a rework however, far too unsymmetrical).


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The map changes were due to being just "thrown" together and prepared for new stuff that was never added.

The race abilities were removed due to slimes instantly ventcrawling to the capts office and getting themselves a spare ID, vox was the strongest against sec and the strongest as sec, they could easily take out any traitor by lunging at them and taking their traitor shit


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I'm slightly unhappy about IPCs being buffed with their health. Part of my smugness when it came to my huge resistances to rads, poisons, changeling stings etc was counterbalanced by knowing that I had to suffer shitty health.


In addition, part of the humour of my constant IPC Supremacy bullshit was that though I was advanced in more ways, I still fell apart when someone brushed against me too hard.


Now I can wander around in depressurised areas without even realising it's depressurised until I see humans dying around me.


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I'm slightly unhappy about IPCs being buffed with their health. Part of my smugness when it came to my huge resistances to rads, poisons, changeling stings etc was counterbalanced by knowing that I had to suffer shitty health.


In addition, part of the humour of my constant IPC Supremacy bullshit was that though I was advanced in more ways, I still fell apart when someone brushed against me too hard.


Now I can wander around in depressurised areas without even realising it's depressurised until I see humans dying around me.

I still think IPC's need a lore change so they're actually made of space paper mache.


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What if? And this is a what if...slimes have to turn to gloop when they vent crawl. That means, like diona nymphs, they cannot take anything or interact with anything as they have no hands. Then it takes them at least a few minutes to return back to slime person form. However, they still have to be naked. And if they wish to ventcrawl out of the captain's office, they have to return to gloop form and that means ,leaving items ( and fingerprints ) behind. In the gloop form they would be vulnerable but this would balance the constant ventcrawling.


To stop the constant stealing of captain's spare ID, why not just place it at the safe at the very beginning?


Keep in mind, this isn't slime form as sliems are robust. It's just a new form that can ventcrawl at will but takes time to change into and time to change out of, as a balance.


I'm slightly unhappy about IPCs being buffed with their health. Part of my smugness when it came to my huge resistances to rads, poisons, changeling stings etc was counterbalanced by knowing that I had to suffer shitty health.


In addition, part of the humour of my constant IPC Supremacy bullshit was that though I was advanced in more ways, I still fell apart when someone brushed against me too hard.


Now I can wander around in depressurised areas without even realising it's depressurised until I see humans dying around me.


Wait, IPCs got buffed health? Starting to sound like a race to play since they are pretty anti-antag/ I can hardly ever die so I can enjoy the round.


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Slimes were forced to have no clothes, implants, or in hand items before they could crawl, but it was still rather OP. And unless the change was very recent, there was no IPC 'health buff'. They always took 50% as much brute when in fact this was a bug and it should of been 25% more from the very beginning. It was a simple bugfix.

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Slimes were forced to have no clothes, implants, or in hand items before they could crawl, but it was still rather OP. And unless the change was very recent, there was no IPC 'health buff'. They always took 50% as much brute when in fact this was a bug and it should of been 25% more from the very beginning. It was a simple bugfix.


That's why I suggested it take time to turn into gloop form and time to reform into a humanoid shape as a way to balance. I don't have slime unlocked by the way, just a simple suggestion.


And oh, they still sound pretty robust after the bugfix according to the way Streaky said it. The fact they are anti-antag is making me want to get them since I can pretty much live. It's too bad they can't synthesize chemicals, but with a welder and a wire in the backpack, they are pretty much, I can live forever. For other humanoid chemical synthesizing races, you need to carry all sorts of different chemicals. It's only going to get harder when we switch over to goonchem and the chemicals aren't as obvious or instant heals anymore.


If Fox is truly normalizing the races, I propose bug spray to be a killer to Kidan as weed killer is to Diona.


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