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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. Recently I, have been coming under the impression that Paradise station is slowly slipping into the ranks of generic servers and is forever being altered away from the Beloved awesome sauce station we all knew and loved. Things that alarm me: 1. the reverting to old code. The area's of RnD and the arrivals hallway, and cargo have all been reverted back to the old code. frankly it was more aesthetically pleasing and closer to security making it more efficient the way it was before the revert than the old code was. 2. The removal of active race abilities. Look Guys i know that there are some power games out there that kinda ruin ####...but come on! I remember when i first saw a vox leap through the air, or a slime vent crawl. and after i got the tajaran race unlocked i sat there saving up my karma for the big decision .... Do I..: Get the vox who extremely quirky and unique with their bird like bodies, who can leap throughout the air in powerful lunges, have the danger of a quick death if you lose you n2 tank? or do i get the slime people, who are cool and slick with their organ-less bodies and, the ability to vent crawl, however they are vulnerable to attack after vent crawling due to having to be naked(how lewd )(and what evr other weakness they may have) it was a very special moment to decide... in the end i picked vox... and immediately was happy with my choice.... however i cant help but think to myself . would it still have been a special moment with the current restriction in place? And i cant help but say no. That's all i have at the moment. Anybody else that has old stuff they want back or re-reverted post a response or comment. Together we CAN restore the allure of wanting be good Role-players in the hopes of receiving karma so that we can go get that race that you think is the next best thing since sliced bread!
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