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Restrict pointing


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Too many damn times have I been given away by my victim pointing at me whilst they're cuffed and gagged.

This is especially annoying when we're in pitch darkness.

People who are restrained shouldn't be able to spam point IMO.


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Generally agree; likewise, people who are silenced (via mute-toxin, changeling sting, cult talisman, etc) probably shouldn't be able to point either.


It's pretty lame when someone would otherwise completely ignore a target doesn't purely because the person is spamming "point" as fast as they can.


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I wish to point out that in handcuffs your fingers are not restrained, and that being muted does not freeze fingers. Pointing at someone should not be stopped, but the through walls and on AI view should be fixed.

Agreed with the former, but with the latter, an AI would be able to see a person pointing via the cameras. A nerf is due, but don't completely remove that.


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I wish to point out that in handcuffs your fingers are not restrained, and that being muted does not freeze fingers. Pointing at someone should not be stopped, but the through walls and on AI view should be fixed.

Agreed with the former, but with the latter, an AI would be able to see a person pointing via the cameras. A nerf is due, but don't completely remove that.

I referred to the fact someone mentioned AI can see the red error even off cam coverage. That needs fixed.


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I wish to point out that in handcuffs your fingers are not restrained, and that being muted does not freeze fingers. Pointing at someone should not be stopped, but the through walls and on AI view should be fixed.


Mute isn't just "mute" though; code-wise it disables anything that has to do with communication.


You can't emote at all, you can't make custom emotes, and you can't talk--don't really see why you should be able to point if you can't even emote.


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If you are in complete darkness, the pointing shouldn't work. Likewise, the AI shouldn't be able to see pointing through walls. Pointing should also have a delay to prevent spamming it. However, it seems silly to make cuffs/muzzles actually completely prevent pointing. It makes no logical sense, and it is removing one way to actually not be entirely fucked if you end up muzzled and cuffed. IMO, muzzle + cuffs should not be a win button that completely fucks the victim over.


EDIT: I would also like to point out one thing I missed- The way the human emote code is laid out accommodates to not fucking over muzzled people. If they use the scream emote, it should return "[Muzzled Person] makes a very loud noise." However, due to the way muzzles work, it is impossible to actually trigger the emote.


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Pointing already has a delay and making it longer would make it somewhat useless. Its great for showing what pipes to remove or what machines to move around, stuff like that wouldn't work with more of a delay.

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