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Terror Spider Changes and Additions


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I have a few suggestions regarding terror spiders as of late, in particular in light of the new crit system.

The first idea I'll get out of the way immediately: Allow Terror Spiders to wrap critically injured, fallen targets. This should be done for obvious reasons, but if it is not clear I will explain why: The new crit system allows people to survive being actively bitten repeatedly with their damages going well above 200. It takes way too long for them to die if hit-and-run is the tactic of choice for spiders that need to feed; greens in particular. This should not be hard to implement as revenants probably use a similar check condition for absorbing lifeforce from unconscious targets.

Now onto the fun stuff with the change to wrapping suggestion out of the way: Yellow and Blue Terror Spiders.

An ominous-looking spider, yellow in hue with jagged black markings. It spasms constantly, and a metallic-looking slurry drips from its jaws.

Yellow Terror Spiders could be a Tier 1 or possible Tier 2 specialist that injects Teslium on bite, causing victims to occasionally be stunned every so often once they are bitten. Yellows wouldn't have much HP or direct damage but would make up for it with the highly disruptive bites and decent speed.

Yellow Terror webbing could be done in several different ways: My thoughts would be to call them 'Static Webs' and have the webbing have a chance to electrocute those who try to melee the web without insulated gloves on.

An ominous-looking spider, blue in coloration. Its breath is foggy and its pale eyes stare coldly at its surroundings.

Blue Terrors could be another specialist: They themselves would not be very fast, about as slow or as slow as Reds, and their damage would also be low, but would make up for it with having a good amount of HP and the ability to inject Frost Oil into its bite victims, slowing them down to allow the likes of Reds to catch up. Blues could have a vulnerability to burn to make up for having a high HP.

Blue Terror webbing would be simple enough: 'frosted webbing' that applies Frost Oil to those who wander into the web. Perhaps lasers and other Burn sources could do extra damage to this kind of webbing while brute sources deal less damage.

There it is: The changes to wrapping bodies is my biggest concern, and the two new spiders are fun little ideas I had in my head that I thought I'd share.

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  • Making spiders able to wrap people in crit introduces several new problems. What if the person then pops OUT of crit later? There's no way currently to resist out of a spider cocoon except attacking it from inside - which they may not be able to do. Plus, they're trapped inside for however long, and ghosting gives up their ability to respawn in that scenario. I've been debating, on and off, just giving them the ability to kill targets in crit much more easily, but the main argument against that is that I don't want to snowflake them, and I think that more generally it should be easier to kill targets already in crit than it currently is.
  • Yellow spiders seem... I dunno. If spiders are going to slow people, a venom that does it makes more sense to me than using teslium.
  • Blue spiders seem like a decent idea. No real pressing need for them, but a cold-based spider seems neat in theory.
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It's simple, in my opinion, regarding your concerns about crit. Wrapping those in hard crit should kill them. It's as simple as that, seeing that their 'juices' are sucked out.

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You could also prevent getting eternally stuck in a cocoon by dealing constant oxygen damage to the victim, seeing as the web cuts off their air 

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