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Karma rebalance


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The karma system, in my opinion, needs an overhaul. Most items are way overpriced. The current full load of all karma jobs is 510 karma. A player would be lucky to get more than 5 karma in a whole week. I very seriously doubt any player has earned that much karma. To put it simply it takes too long to get karma. By the time you save up the absurd amount to get the job you want (which often takes months) the job is no longer relevant. It has been circumvented, nerfed, replaced, or otherwise altered to not be the job you initially wanted. Some other more expensive job is now what you were looking for in the first one, and you have to work for another month.


I understand the purpose of the Karma system, it is to reward good players, but it has changed. It isn't about that anymore. It has become a way to separate those who have been playing robustly for years, from the rest of us. Those are skilled in the combat system are the ones who get the karma. The ones who go out of their way to bust antags. Not good RPers. It has just become a way to separate the community and block off major game play elements from the majority of players.


It needs to be looked at again.


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Not to be a dick, but I unlocked Vox in two weeks of playing a few hours a day. Didn't even ask for a single one or hint at it. Wanna know what I did? I just generally helped people and tried not to be a dick.

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I totally get that, but for people who don't traditionally play jobs like that (i.e. medical) it is so much harder. Not all of us have time to play several rounds everyday playing as robust super surgeons fighting syndicates with one hand and saving cancer ridden orphans with another.

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In corporations it is not easy to put metrics on employees for incentive models for this exact reason. The strong the link between KPI and incentives, the less you will see of the desired behavior because at some point it will always be easier to game the system than to do the desired behavior intended by the person defining the KPI. Some jobs are better suited than others.

To stand out, it is easy to go towards the extremes (eg "silly things as chef", "here is some extra access for you"), but is that really the desirable backdrop of a good sci-fi narrative or gaming experience? Is it what you want 90+ people to strive for? Is it really what you originally intended to incentivise for?


And, when you have gained karma, do you find that people mostly spend it? Or are they holding out in the event that some über-cool job/species will appear. I suspect some people regretted purchasing the customs officer for a while.


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i dont agree i have 13 karma over 6 months but i only got 8 the other day from one match for being a good ce, they have a point, help others be friendly dont push in line give information and most importantly roleplay like you ARE the character. Karma aint hard to get but my only gripe is many people DONT KNOW how to reward karma, as an old player i always used to think that the end message meant "you have karma to spend" not "you have karma to award to others" which has lead to much confusion and i have seen others make that mistake aswell, a little clarification would be nice but thats just me.

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\To stand out, it is easy to go towards the extremes (eg "silly things as chef", "here is some extra access for you"), but is that really the desirable backdrop of a good sci-fi narrative or gaming experience? Is it what you want 90+ people to strive for? Is it really what you originally intended to incentivise for?

Yes! This is my biggest complaint. If you ask people the best way to get karma, the number one response is, "Robust some antags." This contributes to a lot of the bad behavior as people strive to be more robust. It contributes to clowns who think that dragging the captain over a banana peel for five minutes is funny. It contributes to chefs who think that their job is to create the most fried stuff instead of real food.


i dont agree i have 13 karma over 6 months but i only got 8 the other day from one match for being a good ce,


A good example of the system working as intended. So many players play a CE who does about 4.3 jackshits. So when a good one comes along he will get showered with karma, rewarding better CE players. However the point of over inflation still stands. You have been playing for six months and you have only 21 karma. Not even enough to play a customs officer.


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no i have 13 karma, i dont really mind honestly the other races add hindrance, the main problem is people dont know HOW to reward correctly they just play for the sake of playing, its a tough one but prove your worth, maybe some kind of end of match recommendation for those worthy? i dunno

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I give my karma points totally for good RP and good response to odd situations, not so much on the actual performance on their chosen job. A chemist can produce medicine with the force of the thousand suns for all I care, if the RP is not there, neither is my karma.


Build a character for yourself and keep the act together.


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I must admit Karma in my opinion is way to hard to get because the most common way of getting it is by other people giving it to you and people mostly give it to the Best RPer there or the Best fighter so if your not the best in your group then your probably not going to get karma.

For those people going "well I got 500Karma for playing 5 rounds so clearly its not hard to get." there is almost always an opposite where people play 500 rounds and only get 5 karma.


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I've noticed people get karma when one of four things happen:

1) Someone is really good at their job

2) Someone does/says something or is generally funny

3) Someone performs an amazing feat that stuns everybody watching

4) You roleplay and take an interest in another person's character. Even if you just drag them into the shuttle when it docks, and out of the shuttle when it lands.


My view on the karma thing is sorta: If you get lots of karma fast you're a good player and won't screw up with the jobs presented to you. If you get karma slowly, then by the time you get say 30 karma for kidan/blueshield/NT Rep you'll be familiar enough with the race lore or job role not to screw it up. Like you really don't want a clueless idiot for an NT Rep.


I know not getting karma is frustrating, and trust me, I really get excited about karma roles as well, but I think karma is more or less fine as it is.


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I think some people just give random karma.

I got karma when i was an ERT. I was just standing in the escape hallway and was AFK because i was getting something to eat. Why would yoy give karma to someone just standing there :?


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I think some people just give random karma.

I got karma when i was an ERT. I was just standing in the escape hallway and was AFK because i was getting something to eat. Why would yoy give karma to someone just standing there :?

I give my karma out at the end of the round to a random person if there is no one to really give it to, no reason to let the karma waste.


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Couldn't they put in some sort of challenge/achivement system for another way to gain karma, So like X amount of round played, X amount of rounds survived, X amount of sydies killed and maybe some job specific ones as well.

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A player would be lucky to get more than 5 karma in a whole week.


I suppose it depended on the player, but in my first three weeks of playing I had amassed 50 karma, all through ingame votes. I'd be interested in more figures like the average karma given per shift, and player's average karma gains per shift.


Couldn't they put in some sort of challenge/achivement system for another way to gain karma, So like X amount of round played, X amount of rounds survived, X amount of sydies killed and maybe some job specific ones as well.


I believe there should be other ways of gaining karma, but the current spriteing contests and wiki update rewards are a good incentive for now.


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Personally I feel the prices for unlockable races is just fine as it is. However I do think perhaps jobs that could be bought with KP should be relooked, jobs are the core of roleplay and well.. restricting jobs from people isn't the greatest.

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I think some people just give random karma.

I got karma when i was an ERT. I was just standing in the escape hallway and was AFK because i was getting something to eat. Why would yoy give karma to someone just standing there :?

I give my karma out at the end of the round to a random person if there is no one to really give it to, no reason to let the karma waste.


If I don't have someone to give karma to I try to give it to the AI


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I try my best to Rp, but I hate that this system requires you to play a job that will most impact another's play before you seem to get karma. I play mainly in Cargo and Science, unfortunately I get little contact with others. In six months of play I have gotten 29 karma. I spent 15 on machine people some time back. Now all I can do is pray someone feels kind to me for points as I can only reallt afford barber until I can double my points. At my current rate I will be able to buy a new job in September or October. That is my issue. Several anecdotal points of people getting a lot of karma and telling us to stop whining and play harder.

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Now all I can do is pray someone feels kind to me for points as I can only reallt afford barber until I can double my points. At my current rate I will be able to buy a new job in September or October. That is my issue. Several anecdotal points of people getting a lot of karma and telling us to stop whining and play harder.


Same boat


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