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Karma rebalance


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Being memorable, helping people, and making the round fun for everyone will get you karma. I've accrued ~50 karma in around two months of playtime doing just that.

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One thing that I've noticed is that a surprisingly large amount of people simply do not give out karma. No matter how many players there are, as long as its even, there's enough karma for every person to get karma. But instead, most people only get even a single karma point after dozens of rounds, meaning that most people don't distribute karma, period. Every round, I make a note to give Karma to someone, even if it is a random person, but a lot of people don't.


I feel like GIVING karma should reward a player in some way, to give more incentive. Like you recieve a fraction of a karma point for every point you give out. If I give a karma point, I receive 1/3rd of a point for example, so after every 3 karma points I've rewarded I gain one myself.


I also feel like there should be automatic channels to get Karma; like achievements. One method I'd suggest is after every some number of rounds, you automatically receive X amount of Karma. Like say after your 25th round you get 5 karma, then after your 50th you receive 15, and after your 100th you receive 30, then you gain like 2 karma after every 10 rounds following. Maybe on holidays like Christmas every player could receive 5 Karma.


If more people gave karma more often, the prices off the karma perks would go up to compensate.


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I'm a big fan of alternate ways to earn karma. Maybe helping admins with work on the forums, coding, donations, etc.


I know we want to stay away from paying-to-win since karma is supposed to encourage strong RP and actually doing a good job aboard the station. But, as someone who has earned a total of like 1 karma over 15+ shifts as a security officer or warden, I can't help but feel there is some kind of imbalance. The idea that you'll earn more karma being a loud and abrasive buffoon instead of a legitimate boon to the crew is a problem anyone can understand.


Ah, whatever. I probably haven't played enough rounds to say whether this is a regular problem or just a string of bad luck. All I can say for certain is that - as someone who really wants to unlock Slime People - playing jobs that rarely earn me any karma is not appealing, even if the station needs that role filled. And, I'm clearly not alone in thinking that.


somewhat unrelated: The stories about earning 50+ karma in one month (so the system must work!) make me laugh. "NEW PLAYERS HATE HER! Learn how this newly-arrived Botanist earns 74 karma/day with this ONE WEIRD TRICK!"


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I don't understand why people are so opposed to having different ways to get karma, it reminds me of when WoW gave mounts to level 40's and people were saying things like "End of WoW GG" and "Why should they get an easy way through? they should have to work like we did!". Then all it really meant was that it would be easier for players to explore everything the game has to offer and the players still had to work just as hard to get anything done(that is until the made WoW casual).


So having an achievement system that gives a small amount of karma for doing all types of things would let people explore everything the game has to offer and when I say small amounts of karma I mean like 1 karma for certain types of things like "kill your first blob!" or something. In order to stop people from just going after achievement after achievement simply make them hidden so they don't know what they are until they earn them.


I understand my idea what take LOADS of coding and I would be happy to help with the coding if this was ever chosen to put in the game buuut I don't know how to code, however I would be happy to help with any sprites that would be needed.


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