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Ambient Message


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This is a suggestion for an admin tool/general mechanic.

We have subtlemessage, yet we lack an ambient message.

The command would function similar to a regular say message in terms of range, but it would lack a speaker and would be solely for the purposes of noting something ambient or atmospheric.

It would print out like so (obviously the actual input would vary)

**A banging, sputtering sound emanates from the nearby vents.**

This would effectively allow administrators to ply their ideas beyond the scope of individual and highly specialized (subtle message being an inner voice) messages, allowing them to effectively emote on behalf of the environment or atmosphere of an area either as part of an event or simply to set the mood.

This system could also be mechanically incorporated into certain things, such as C4. The moment C4 detonates it could also have an associated emote for added effect such as...

**The wall abruptly blows inwards, sending debris and scrap metal through the air.**

You could also tie it into things for xenomorphs, IE: when they emerge from vents, when terror spiders drain corpses, when clones get ejected from cloning pods. It's more or less a tool to help establish atmosphere and the believably of the environment. I also think it would help raise the bar for roleplay, if only to provide some environmental precedent/incentive.


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This -somewhat- exists. There is a "play sound" or the like addition (can't check what it is exactly now), that will show whatever message you type to anyone who can "hear" whatever object you use it on.


It's kinda shit and could use a lot of improvement as above.

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