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Add more clothes / color options to existing clothes


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Just a thought. There are plenty of sprites already in use (leather jacket for instance) that could readily and easily I suspect be re-colored to the usual range we already have, in addition to expanding the clothing vendors a bit more, either by just outright adding them as normal listed and available, or hacked / coin purchased. Examples include but are not limited to: Variously colored jackets. (White, Purple, Red, and so on) using the Leather jacket sprite. More ties of various colors. (Purple, White, Zebra, Green (not that horrible ugly puke tie). Dress shoes of assorted colors. Perhaps even utilizing the washing machine and crayon mechanics and expanding them to include more items, and also including more colors of crayons in the crayon boxes which also work ( the white crayon the detective starts with being a good example) I'm not really sure how difficult it would be to adjust the code for the clothing / costume vendors or the washing machine / clothing mechanics. Even if it was just piecemeal adding additional clothing is a great way to create visual diversity and unique character dynamics. Also consider adding some of the more benign donation items for rare coins ( like plasma or gold) (I really love the Nanojackets and think they are the bees knees :P ) Thank you for taking the time to read my rambling incoherent mess of a suggestion! <3 

Edited by Malphystoh
wanted to specify to add crayons to the crayon boxes themselves
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1 hour ago, bryanayalalugo said:

More differently colored sandals and suit jackets would be nice.

Black sandals that aren't jacksandals and available in the public locker room.

Edited by ZN23X
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Why don't we orient our clothing like we do with sprites? I mean, that would make this suggestion moot - change it so parts of all basic clothing respond to specific dye values and then slap a clothing dye vendor in the clothing area. We could completely remove the jumpsuit and shoe vendors by doing this, and probably remove like 80% of our clothing (which is just recoloured duplicates of the same sprite).

Also this would make racial sprites easy for basic clothing types. You would no longer have to recreate the same uniform/outfit in 10 palettes for the new species, you would just make one.

Hell, it would also simplify the process of making male/female versions of outfits if we wanted to do that.

It would not only massively reduce the amount of files we have in our .dmm and have to handle in code, it would give us way more options to play with.

Edited by Shadeykins
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