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Remove the ability to dodge gunfire, by standing on a photocopier

Savinien Brassheart

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Pretty much what the title says. As a nuke ops piloting a dark gygax, I was thwarted by someone standing ontop of photocopier that I couldn't hit no matter what I tried. I would like think that something that costs 90TC should be able to raise it's gun high enough to hit someone standing on office equipment.

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Why not simply walk up to them and punch them? Mech punches hurt.

Not saying that they should be able to dodge bullets by standing on a copier (they shouldn't)... but at the same time, the situation doesn't seem impossible to work around.

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I can see how this could be an issue if the person had an Ion weapon and running up to them wasn't an option. However, here's a thought, just... walk away? I mean you aren't sent to the station to run around murder everything and anything anyway, you have a job to do, like just let captain office equipment stand on his photocopier and walk away.

Edited by DayZ Me Trolling
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